Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "We shall soon see Germany a democracy" says W. C. Schluter; former I. S. T. C. student, member of Army of Occupation, describes conditions Outlines views of conditions in postwar Germany.
2 Advanced pupils have musical recital Roster of performers and their work.
3 Basket tossers rest during the past week Unable to schedule any game with an opposing school.
4 Coe College in action with Teachers Friday Basketball starting line-up.
5 Constitution adopted for Men's Glee Club Group organizes and elects officers; list of members.
6 Five artistic pictures arrive from France; "Crossroads" now an art gallery for likeness of four prominent war characters- also office of Foch Lee Shillinglaw presents portraits of war leaders.
7 Former student, a native Armenian, makes direct appeal; Rev. Apelian addresses letter to the late Miss Jennie Sanders, another T. C. student Excerpts from letter about conditions in Armenia.
8 Lecture by woman physician last week Dr. Eleanor Bertine spoke on social relationships.
9 Student "Y" aim now set at 100% YMCA hopes to get all men to join association.
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10 Agents Should the Iowa State Teachers College recruit high school graduates? Other schools are recruiting football players.
11 Men's intersociety debate The Orios should have a good debating team. The intersociety debate is coming up, so they should choose candidates soon.
12 Nicknames Nicknames are a popular "short cut" for Americans. Some people like them, some don't.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Advertising pamphlet proving very popular; four pages of "Opportunities at Iowa State Teachers College" being circulated Benjamin Boardman and Leslie Reed have designed a booklet that promotes ISTC.
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14 Bernice Hart Visited friends at the college over the weekend before returning to Magnolia, Iowa, where she teaches.
15 Corporal Arthur Connery of Waterloo Due to illness, has been transferred to a hospital in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
16 Dorothy Cummings Visited college friends last Thursday; plans to return to school in the spring.
17 Edna Mulhern, Primary Education '18 New Hartford teacher visited friends at the college Sunday.
18 Eleanor Kenyon Spent weekend in Waterloo with Katherine Gowans.
19 Elizabeth Bell Left for her hometown of Washington, Iowa, where she will teach.
20 Harriet Santee Left for Des Moines for a six month stay with her family; father is a legislative representative.
21 Jasper Thompson, ex '16 Will set sail with his Navy company January 27th.
22 Mabel Clauson Music advisor in Nora Springs visited college friends last weekend.
23 Marie Magroon of North English Friday night came to Bartlett Hall to visit Harriet Spring and Irene Holmes.
24 Maud Knoop Is home ill with influenza.
25 Miss Annie Teerink, critic in training Has returned to school after a bout with the "flu".
26 Miss Vivian Gerstenberger Spent weekend home in Hazelton.
27 Misses Mary Haight and Byrd Snyder Cedar Rapids residents visited college over the weekend.
28 Mrs. Walker entertained Hosted a tea for the Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, faculty women, and guest of honor Dr. Eleanor Bertine.
29 Naomi Mitchell Will return to campus after caring for ill mother for a term and a half.
30 One third of the teas Teas hosted by English faculty last Wednesday; good time had by all.
31 Professor Underwood For the past week has been in the hospital with the "flu".
32 Professors Meyerholz, Miss Fesenbeck, and Professor Fullerton Go to Washington, Iowa, next week to speak at a Study Center.
33 Rachel Patten Last weekend her mother visited her at the college.
34 Registrar Cory and Dr. Merchant Attended important meetings in Des Moines over the weekend.
35 Roger Wilson Last weekend was the house guest of Beryl Lorimer in Mt. Auburn.
36 Scrubs quintet plays Waterloo ISTC basketball second team will play Waterloo YMCA.
37 Sgt. Arthur Dickinson Has returned to home in Shellsburg after brief stay overseas.
38 The First Year Rurals met at Green's store An enjoyable evening of a movie and a party afterwards, sponsored by Professor Goetch.
39 Thelma Wickersheim This weekend visited friends in the country near Cedar Falls.
40 Tommy Ryan Navy man awaits discharge off the coast of Virginia.
41 Valeria Hines Left school Wednesday due to illness.
42 Velma Hiatt Has completed schooling and has accepted a position.
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43 B. A. sophomores enjoy "auto" party Saturday night Received parts of paper cars and tried to assemble them.
44 Freshman B. A.'s have mix Friday night in gym Enjoyed varied entertainment.
45 Soldier, sailor and marine enroll Clifford Archer is back in school.
46 The Lecture Course Committee Two faculty women, Professors Bertha Patt and Emma Lambert, have been added to the Lecture and Entertainment Course Committee.
47 Two war veterans plan reentering college Joseph P. Rude and Frank Piercy will be back in school.
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48 "Prof." Palmer back from training station; resumed work on Monday in extension service connected with nature study Returns from war service; begins extension work.
49 Field artillery band at Regent Theatre 126th Field Artillery Band will perform.
50 Greene falls before T.C. high players; college high school defeats up-the-state team 43-13; Orange defeats them 20-17 next evening Greene lost to the College High School basketball team. Greene lost to Orange Township the next night.
51 Triangular debate does not materialize Coe College will be unable to compete with ISTC and Upper Iowa.
52 Van Oot writes from France Benjamin Van Oot enjoyed reading the College Eye.