Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Barnes says Yanks moved so fast he wanted no vacation; conditions as they are today in the war area also vividly described Describes his work with the YMCA in France.
2 Basketball tourney presents big problem Not enough room to accommodate the people who will be attending the event.
3 Cedar Falls college closes basketball season The scores of all the games played this season and some statistics.
4 Detailed summary of the Teachers-Coe game Friday Detailed play-by-play of the basketball game.
5 High school tournament staged Friday-Saturday; thirty-one schools and three hundred contestants entered. To be biggest and best in the state. Names the schools that will be at the tournament; thirty-one schools expected to be on campus.
6 President Seerley with fourteen of the faculty at Chicago National Education Association President Seerley reported on meeting at chapel.
7 Purple and Gold defeat Coe five in brilliant game; comeback is staged; Coe in lead once--final score 19-16 ISTC finally defeated Coe College after several years; every man played for the team.
8 Seven hundred girls in program; exhibition Thursday on big scale Physical training program begins with grand march; followed by folk dancing, gymnastics, and games.
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# Article Article Summary
9 Chart of educational work on display Displays chart of work done at Camp Funston.
10 Student critique; the answer to dancing
Kent--J. L. (Student--1919)
Believes dancing is unpatriotic and should be banned.
11 Welcome! Welcomes basketball tournament participants and spectators.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Alva Gaarder Visited home in Kensett over weekend.
13 Artist number of lecture program tonight at eight; Mabel Garrison Concert given by Mabel Garrison; photo.
14 Assistant Professor B. H. Van Oot Will return to work in Manual Training this fall.
15 Caryl Crawford accepted a position Will teach in Bristow, Iowa.
16 Died Emma L. Funk died March 1, 1919, following surgery.
17 Doris Rhines Teaching in the John Friske school, Waterloo.
18 Dr. Brock of Grinnell Father visits daughter; attended Physical Training demonstration.
19 Elizabeth Dew Went home to Reinbeck for weekend.
20 Eva McKee enjoyed a visit from her mother Mrs. James McKee from Columbus Junction watched daughter in the Physical Education Demonstration.
21 George S. Dick, 1887-1888 Former Nebraska college President resigned and joined military efforts to retrain returning disabled soldiers.
22 Jeannette Rosemond Was guest of her uncle in Independence last weekend.
23 Jessie Mechem Visited by mother from Clarion, Iowa.
24 Katherine Karsten Visited home in Marengo for weekend.
25 Letha Jones and Bernice Aves Spent the weekend at the Jones home in Coulter, Iowa.
26 Marian Burrows Returned from Iowa Falls visit.
27 Marjorie Crocker, a student of Coe College Visited Ella Sailor last weekend.
28 Marjorie Robinson Visited Clear Lake home last weekend.
29 Married Rose Marie Smith married Lieutenant H. B. Chambers.
30 McCreary speaks to the Young Men's Christian Association Spoke on Gideon; Professor Condit will speak next.
31 Miss Esther Ehmke Accepted positions as principal and teacher in Manning, Iowa.
32 Miss Marguerite Hardaway News of her chemistry work in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
33 Misses Eleanor Sweeney and Pearl Murphy Went to Iowa City to visit friends at the State University.
34 Mrs. Chas. Norris of Central City Mother visits daughters.
35 Mrs. Hope Graham Spoke to women of the college Wednesday night.
36 Mrs. Professor Hersey returned last week Visited brother J. S. Pooley in Grinnell.
37 Mrs. W. T. Huntting of Cresco Witnessed daughter in the Physical Education Demonstration.
38 Mrs. Zella Ahlstrand Former student visits friends.
39 Myrtle Chambers Guest of Elsie Barth in Nashua.
40 Nita Wehr Was guest of Ruth Fitzgerald along with Donald Ross.
41 Professor Davis Will address the Cedar Falls Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association.
42 Professor Harry L. Eells Y. M. C. A. Education Director going to France to work with soldiers.
43 Professor J. R. Slacks and family Moved from Cedar Heights to College Hill.
44 Professor John Barnes English teacher will return to work in the fall.
45 Professor Wright's daughter Daughter and baby visit.
46 Vesta Weaver Has enjoyed visit from mother and sister.
47 Zilpha Lundberg Visited friends in Clarksville over the weekend.
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# Article Article Summary
48 Doctor Edgar J. Banks lectures Friday night Will speak on Middle East.
49 Faculty defeated in volleyball game Close game between faculty men and the men's basketball team; the students won.
50 Our college orchestra makes first appearance Program for first performance of the season.
51 Teachers College High beaten by Cedar Falls High School The Training School boys' basketball team was defeated by the Cedar Falls High School team, 23-12.
52 Upper Iowa takes measure of Cedar Falls; our five in no condition to play basketball after the tilt with Coe. Score 26-6 Teachers College team was still tired from the game against Coe; Teachers College won the preliminary game against the Cyclones, 23-21.