Issue Contents
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1 | College entrance | The college entrance system changed, allowing for any four-year high school graduate to be admitted to the State University, the State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, and the State Teachers College. |
2 | Consolidated school conference | George S. Dick and J. L. McBrien are in charge of organizing and conducting the National Conference on Consolidated Schools, substituting the State Conference. |
3 | Des Moines alumni | The Des Moines alumni held a banquet with 250 in attendance. Many were involved in planning and leading it. |
4 | Iowa State Teachers Association | The Iowa State Teachers Association had its annual meeting at Des Moines in November. Many alumni and faculty were present and many topics were addressed. |
5 | Irene Beatty | Irene Beatty, Industrial Secretary of the Y. W. C. A., addressed the College Association November 19, 1919. |
6 | Leila E. Partridge | Leila E. Partridge of the Kentucky State Normal School visited and inspected the Teachers College in September/October 1919. |
7 | Official recognition | An editorial by A. E. Winship commending the work of P. E. McClenahan was printed in the Boston "Journal of Education". |
8 | The 1919 Oratorical Declamatory Contest | The 1919 Oratorical Declamatory Contest was held November 12, 1919. |
9 | The student teacher controversy | Citizens protested the action of the school board to allow seniors to do training work in city schools. |
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10 | Abbott C. Page | Abbott C. Page and wife Mary L. Chapman Page are enjoying life in California. |
11 | Anna Gertrude Childs | Anna Gertrude Childs and Nola K. Fromme spent holiday vacation in California. |
12 | Anna R. Wild | Anna R. Wild took a three month leave of absence and will spend winter in California. |
13 | Anne Stuart Duncan | Anne Stuart Duncan elected first vice president of the State Library Society. |
14 | Bartlett Hall dining room | The Bartlett dining hall was opened and can accommodate 120 students. |
15 | Bishop L. H. Seager | L. H. Seager gave an address at the Quadrennial General Conference. |
16 | Charles A. Frederick | Charles A. Frederick and Mrs. Frederick (Ida M. Shaw) are enjoying health and prosperity in California. |
17 | Dr. O. M. Dickerson | O. M. Dickerson has been elected President of State Normal School at Moorhead, Minnesota. |
18 | Effie Schuneman | Effie Schuneman was granted a leave of absence for winter term. Substitute is Edna O'Bryan. |
19 | Hon. W. R. Boyd | W. R. Boyd, Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Iowa State Board of Education, gave an address, " What is the matter in America", before the Faculty Club. |
20 | Ida Fesenbeck | Ida Fesenbeck was given part time consultative service under Extension Division during winter term. |
21 | J. O. Perrine | J.O. Perrine was elected Commander, American Legion Post No. 237. |
22 | Macy Campbell | Macy Campbell will work with the Extension Service during the winter quarter to assist in consultative work. |
23 | Model home | The model home for home economics graduates was opened. The young women will perform training for a month under supervision. |
24 | O. H. Benson | O. H. Benson has resigned and taken a job as director of the "Boys' and Girls' Achievement Bureau". |
25 | Platinum stolen | $1200 worth of metal was stolen from the chemical laboratory. A $200 reward is offered. |
26 | Rachel Ogle | Rachel Ogle has resigned and accepted a position at Washington University Library at St. Louis, Missouri. |
27 | Thanksgiving Concert | Members of the musical faculties gave a Thanksgiving service November 23, 1919 with many people present. |
28 | The Normal Training High School Conference | The Normal Training High School Conference was given by the Department of Public Instruction. It was well attended, with many involved in addresses. |
29 | Vacation | Winter vacation was changed to December 5 through December 30, instead of December 23 to January 7, because of coal shortage due to a miner's strike. |
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30 | Allison E. Aitchison | Allison E. Aitchison attended annual meeting of the National Geographers. |
31 | Charles H. Bailey | Charles H. Bailey attended the National Manual Arts Association meeting. |
32 | Charles H. Meyerholz | Charles H. Meyerholz will represent college at American Association for Labor Legislation meeting; on committee on American Citizenship to assist the superintendent of public instruction. |
33 | Craig Fullerton | Craig Fullerton was born October 31, 1919, to Professor and Mrs. Fullerton. |
34 | Dr. W. W. Gist | W. W. Gist was elected Colonel of the Black Hawk County Civil War Veteran's Association at meeting. Roger Leavitt and John Barnes were involved in the meeting. |
35 | Emmett J. Cable | Emmett J. Cable attended annual meeting of National Geographers. |
36 | Ethel L. Arey | Ethel L. Arey visited Cedar Falls. She is a clerk in the Subsistence Branch of the Quartermaster's Corps. |
37 | Frank Ivan Merchant | Frank Ivan Merchant gave a chapel talk on "Americanism". |
38 | Geo. H. Mount | George H. Mount was college delegate the Detroit National Y. M. C. A. convention. |
39 | Homer H. Seerley | Homer H. Seerley was elected president of the College and University Department of the State Teachers Association. |
40 | Irving H. Hart | Irving H. Hart was a delegate to the International Y. M. C. A. convention at Detroit. |
41 | John Ross Frampton | John Ross Frampton plans to attend the National Music Teachers Convention. |
42 | Laura S. Seals | Laura S. Seals wrote new book, Intermediate Arithmetic. |
43 | Leslie A. I. Chapman | Leslie A. I. Chapman, Colonel in U. S. Army, is a distinguished teacher. He taught A. C. Page's class while A. C. was ill. |
44 | Major R.F. Seymour | R. F. Seymour gave a lecture while in Cedar Falls. He is in charge of Russian prisons near Danzig. |
45 | Mary A. Faint | Mary A. Faint accepted work as secretary of the Extension Division for Iowa State Teachers College. |
46 | Mary M. Kegley | Mary M. Kegley married Arthur Livingston Hawkins November 3, 1918. |
47 | Men's Club | A Men's Club was developed by the men of the faculty for study, recreation, and personal development. |
48 | Mollie Feil | Mollie Feil is district home demonstration agent in Helena, Montana, but considers her permanent address Charles City. |
49 | Mrs. Linnie Downs Savage | Linnie Downs Savage is a successful teacher of domestic art in California. |
50 | O. B. Chassell | O. B. Chassell is director of a campaign to raise money for Wilbraham Academy. |
51 | R. W. Getchell | R. W. Getchell is on leave of absence and will obtain a Doctor of Philosophy degree this year. |
52 | Romanzo C. Adams | Romanzo C. Adams granted leave of absence from University of Nevada to go to college in Hawaii. |
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53 | A. C. Joy | A. C. Joy turned down the job of county agent for Coos County to continue his ranch and business of shipping fruits, berries, and vegetables. |
54 | Alumni speakers and officers | Alumni were listed as speakers and officers at the Iowa State Teachers Association. |
55 | Eagle Grove items | Anna Gertrude Childs visited Eagle Grove and learned about former students. |
56 | Fred Danford Cram | Fred Danford Cram was elected President of the Iowa State Teachers Association. In addition to being superintendent, he has edited and published a book. |
57 | George S. Dick | George S. Dick spoke before the Consolidated School Round Table and consulted with educators on problems. |
58 | Grace E. Potwin | Grace E. Potwin was secretary of Christian Endeavor work at a meeting of Women's Board of Missions of the Congregational Church. |
59 | Harriet A. Cunningham | Harriet A. Cunningham is General Secretary of the Young Women's Christian Association at St. Paul, Minnesota. |
60 | Ida M. Wilson | Ida M. Wilson attended the National Council of Safety. |
61 | Jacob Johnson | Jacob Johnson accepted office of Deputy Sheriff and has taken charge of an orphan boy's development, welfare, and education at own expense. |
62 | John A. Wilson | John A. Wilson has a successful real estate business in Spokane, Washington. |
63 | Kenneth W. Colegrove | Kenneth W. Colegrove is associate professor of international law at Northwestern College. Job history given. |
64 | Lydia A. Trimble | Lydia A. Trimble, president and founder of Foo Chow College for Women, is spending this year in Sioux City, Iowa. |
65 | M. R. Fayram | M. R. Fayram spoke before the Normal Training in High School Section at the Iowa State Teachers Association. |
66 | Mabelle Agnes Payton | Mabelle Agnes Payton is a teacher of English in New Traer Township High School at Illinois. |
67 | Mary J. Wilson-Fitzgerald | Mary J. Wilson-Fitzgerald and James E. Fitzgerald were visitors in Cedar Falls. Their son, James, was in the U. S. Army. |
68 | May E. Francis | May E. Francis spoke on "Standardization" at the Iowa State Teachers Association. |
69 | P. E. McClenahan | P. E. McClenahan gave an annual address on "The Public School as the Chief Factor in Americanization" at the Iowa State Teachers Association. |
70 | Paul F. Voelker | Paul F. Voelker is student at Teachers College, Columbia University, and expects to receive doctorate degree in June. |
71 | Robert I. Dick | Robert I. Dick is employed as an engineer for Hartt-Parr Company. |
72 | W. H. Bender | W. H. Bender filed a report, participated in symposium, and gave two addresses at the Iowa State Teachers Association. |
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73 | A. L. Heminger | A. L. Heminger spoke at the meeting of the county superintendents at the Iowa State Teachers Association. |
74 | Allan Peterson | Allan Peterson was elected President of the Iowa Association of Science Teachers. |
75 | Anna Elizabeth Merriam | Anna Elizabeth Merriam is supervisor of primary work. Florence C. Merriam is keeping house for her father. |
76 | Bessie B. Buchanan | Bessie B. Buchanan has been serving in the Home Service section of the American Red Cross. |
77 | Clara A. Boss | Clara A. Boss is a mathematics instructor in the city high school of Los Angeles, California. |
78 | Dallas D. Johnson | Dallas D. Johnson and Stella Merner-Johnson are now in Seattle where Mr. Johnson is a supervisor of vocational education. |
79 | Don T. Deal | Don T. Deal gave an address before the commercial section at the Iowa State Teachers Association. |
80 | Dr. Edward E. Rall | Edward E. Rall attended the Quadrennial General Conference of the Evangelical Association. |
81 | Dr. R. H. Sylvester | R. H. Sylvester gave an address before the roundtable on atypical children at the Iowa State Teachers Association. |
82 | E. E. Watson | E. E. Watson, president of the Iowa section of Mathematical Association of America, gave an address at the Iowa State Teachers Association. |
83 | Elma Tennis-Corning | Elma Tennis-Corning and Duane Corning of the U. S. Aviation Corps visited Cedar Falls. |
84 | Forest C. Ensign | Forest C. Ensign was president of the Iowa State Teachers Association and gave an address at their meeting. |
85 | Harold H. Maynard | After being discharged from the army, Harold H. Maynard is now a faculty member in charge of business courses at Vanderbilt University. |
86 | Harry E. Blackmar | Harry E. Blackmar was appointed second member of the Executive Committee at the Iowa State Teachers Association. |
87 | Laura J. Philbrick | Laura J. Philbrick is home demonstration agent of the Extension Division of the University of Wyoming. |
88 | Lewis H. Minkel | Lewis H. Minkel gave an address before the Music Round Table at the Iowa State Teachers Association. |
89 | Lillian L. Crosley | Lillian L. Crosley was secretary of the Bible Study Round Table at the Iowa State Teachers Association. |
90 | Martha A. Roller | Martha A. Roller published a number game to be used in schools. |
91 | Martha Hutchinson | Martha Hutchinson, Secretary of the Iowa Society of Social Science Teachers, gave an address at the Iowa State Teachers Association. |
92 | Mary E. Caster | Review of Mary E. Caster's activities in the war effort. |
93 | Maude Humphrey-Palmer | Maude Humphrey-Palmer was secretary of the Parent-Teacher Association. |
94 | Ministerial appointments | The Upper Iowa Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church announces appointments. |
95 | Minna M. Merriam | Minna M. Merriam married George Willis Madill August 2. |
96 | Mrs. Iva Blank-Clayton | Iva Blank-Clayton was elected president of the South Dakota grand chapter of the P. E. O. sisterhood for 1920. She held other offices in the past. |
97 | Mrs. Miriam Woolson Brooks | Miriam Woolson Brooks gave an address before the Abigail Adams Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. |
98 | Paul B. Samson | Paul B. Samson accepted divisional superintendence of Boy Scout work under direction of the Toledo Council, Boy Scouts of America. |
99 | Paul G. James | Paul G. James and Helen Hinkson James are in Massachusetts. Paul is in Harvard Law School with Sophus Jacobsen and Frank and Harry Jewell. |
100 | Percival E. Magee | Percival E. Magee, Chairman of the Board of the Union National Bank, spent time in Cedar Falls visiting family and friends. |
101 | Thomas Teakle | Thomas Teakle now teaching high school in Spokane, Washington. |
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102 | Alice I. Cramer | Alice I. Cramer is spending the winter in Massachusetts visiting sister and family. |
103 | Bertha Helen Wise | Bertha Helen Wise is a teacher of Bible studies in the Jennings Seminary at Aurora, Illinois; brief job history given. |
104 | Carl H. Hanson | Carl H. Hanson is the director of agriculture at Carrington, North Dakota. |
105 | Earl Hougland | Earl Hougland is county superintendent of schools at Ferry County, Washington. |
106 | George H. Vinall | George H. Vinall married Grace Archibald August 20, 1919. |
107 | James Herbert Kelley | James Herbert Kelley is Director of University Extension, University of Pittsburgh, and is in charge of many activities. Plan of correspondence study described. |
108 | John H. Arends | John H. Arends is a student at School of Commerce, Northwestern University. |
109 | L. L. Caldwell | L. L. Caldwell, superintendent of Monmouth Illinois Schools, is conducting a plan on developing principles and service of Americanization. |
110 | Lawrence M. Jepson | Lawrence M. Jepson is manager of the Foreign Credit Division, National Bank of Commerce in New York. |
111 | Leila Mitchell | Leila Mitchell is an assistant manager of the Albany Abstract Company in Oregon. |
112 | Lorne F. Parker | Lorne F. Parker is President of First National Bank at Newell, Iowa, and reports good business conditions. |
113 | Louise Moyer | Louise Moyer was elected president of a new business women's club. |
114 | Mrs. Anna Showers-Stevens | Anna Showers-Stevens has been teaching in Cedar Falls this past year, relieving teacher shortage. |
115 | Mrs. David W. Edwards | Alice Edwards was in Waterloo with her son at her father's, A. J. Edwards. She does not anticipate returning to Waterloo because of the loss of her mother and sister. |
116 | Mrs. James R. Vaughan | Bertha J. Edwards Vaughan lives in Des Moines where her husband is a financial officer of Des Moines College. |
117 | Mrs. John J. Auvane | Minnie Jennings Auvane is a resident of Coon Rapids, Iowa, where her husband is engaged in banking. |
118 | Mrs. Thomas U. McManus | May Loonan McManus was chairman of the Blue Triangle Campaign in Iowa to raise money for the Y. W. C. A. |
119 | Nellie Kennedy | Nellie Kennedy is a cataloger in the War Department. |
120 | Olive M. Sutherland | Olive M. Sutherland married Charles Francis Yeatman. |
121 | P. J. Hanson | P. J. Hanson is at Chicago Theological Seminary. When in Cedar Falls, he was a leader in work for the Y. M. C. A. |
122 | Roy A. Jarnagin | Roy A. Jarnagin purchased a part interest in the Storm Lake Register and is the editor of the paper. |
123 | W. O. Cummings | W. O. Cummings is County Superintendent of Stevens County, Washington. |
124 | William C. Schluter | William C. Schluter has received an appointment at Wharton School of Finance, Pennsylvania University. He married childhood sweetheart Lena Penningroth who is caring for her elderly parents. |
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125 | Adella Rice | Adella Rice married C. E. Fickes December 19, 1918. |
126 | Alice Jennings | Alice Jennings married Arthur Bell November 27, 1919. |
127 | Amanda Rummells | Amanda Rummells married Harry E. Shannon October 29, 1919. |
128 | Bernice Ethel Talcott | Bernice Ethel Talcott married Hubert C. Davis October 2, 1919. |
129 | Bernice Laughlin | Bernice Laughlin married L. D. Walter May 8, 1919. |
130 | Clara Baxter | Clara Baxter married Duane Mason October 13, 1919. |
131 | Donna M. Potter | Donna M. Potter married Bruce M. Snell September 3, 1919. |
132 | Edna Hale | Edna Hale married G. W. Hawkins October 25, 1919. |
133 | Eliza J. Townsend | Eliza J. Townsend married H. L. Davis March 19, 1919. Mr. Davis died June 28, 1919. |
134 | Elizabeth Cahalan | Elizabeth Cahalan married Harry W. Melton May 10 ,1919. |
135 | Ellen Juhl | Ellen Juhl married Jens Kersgaard September 3, 1919. |
136 | Emma C. Curtis | Emma C. Curtis married John King. |
137 | Esther Anita Hurwich | Esther Anita Hurwich married David M. Riff November 25, 1919. |
138 | Ethel E. Stevens | Ethel E. Stevens married H. R. Armstrong June 28, 1919. |
139 | Evelyn Morton | Evelyn Morton married William J. Miehe October 30, 1919. |
140 | Florence Weidenhammer | Florence Weidenhammer married Claude R. Heiny June 24, 1919. |
141 | Frances Nailor | Frances Nailor married Edwin W. Cordes September 17, 1919. |
142 | Georgia J. Lauritzen | Georgia J. Lauritzen married Orville J. Trickel November 27, 1919. |
143 | Georgia M. Kabele | Georgia M. Kabele married I. H. Chapman November 12, 1919. |
144 | Gladys Marie Severin | Gladys Marie Severin married F. Raymond Allen December 27, 1919. |
145 | Grace Mae McKean | Grace Mae McKean married M. G. Munn September 30, 1919. |
146 | Hazel V. Myers | Hazel V. Myers married V. H. Peterson April 22, 1919. |
147 | Helen M. Bordewick | Helen M. Bordewick married John W. Tobin April 26, 1919. |
148 | Helen Westfall | Helen Westfall married James F. Fitzpatrick April 23, 1919. |
149 | Irene E. Parno | Irene E. Parno married Leo F. Holliday November 5, 1919. |
150 | Iva S. Williams | Iva S. Williams married R. E. Coverdale November 5, 1919. |
151 | Jessie Doris Klinefelter | Jessie Doris Klinefelter married Harry Sherman Ward October 30, 1919. |
152 | Lena F. Gates | Lena F. Gates married Hugh H. Miller February 1, 1919. |
153 | Lenore M. Meier | Lenore M. Meier married E. F. Fellows December 24, 1918. |
154 | Lloyd C. Grover | Lloyd C. Grover married Genevieve Conniff September 2, 1919. |
155 | Lora Miller Drake | Lora Miller Drake married Harold B. Brown October 30, 1919. |
156 | M. Esther Hoyt | Myrtle Esther Hoyt married Albert F. Jensen January 24, 1919. |
157 | Mamie Evalyn Newell | Mamie Evalyn Newell married Frank M. Peterson May 20, 1919. |
158 | Margaret Philo | Margaret Philo married Harry M. Rowell November 8, 1919. |
159 | Maude Jeffrey | Maude Jeffrey married Glenn M. Rickhoff August 4, 1919. |
160 | Midge Shelley | Midge Shelley married S. R. Vandenberg October 19, 1919. |
161 | Myrtle Waldo | Myrtle Waldo married Bruce E. Derry June 11, 1919. |
162 | Nellie Bernice Frederick | Nellie Bernice Frederick married Archie D. Vosburg August 6, 1919. |
163 | Nellie Claire Land | Nellie Claire Land married James Osborn September 20, 1919. |
164 | Nita Shomler | Nita Shomler married M. A. Maxwell August 14, 1919. |
165 | Olga Josephine Jensen | Olga Josephine Jensen married Harold Hagester August 30, 1919. |
166 | Opal Whitney Robinson | Opal Whitney Robinson married Malcom Edward Currie February 19, 1919. |
167 | Ora Belle Hicks | Ora Belle Hicks married Earl A. Law August 27, 1919. |
168 | Orpha Elizabeth Milleson | Orpha Elizabeth Milleson married Harold Buhlman December 1919. |
169 | Paul Farlow | Paul Farlow married Catherine Lewis November 8, 1919. |
170 | Rhea Ford | Rhea Ford married Wilbur A. Gardner September 9, 1919. |
171 | Robert C. Martin | Robert C. Martin married Ruth M. Smith September 20, 1919. |
172 | Theresa Powers | Theresa Powers married James O'Mara September 22, 1919. |
173 | Velma Fay Whitney | Velma Fay Whitney married Roy Leslie Truesdell August 7, 1919. |
174 | Wilma Mae Freeland | Wilma Mae Freeland married Jasper Ward Thompson November 27, 1919. |
175 | Zola Maude Hook | Zola Maude Hook married Virgil C. Peterson June 25, 1919. |
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176 | Beth Chapin | Beth Chapin died October 13, 1919. |
177 | Campanile fund | A total of $36 was collected from nine people for the Campanile fund, making the total amount in the bank $1488.36. |
178 | Dorothy Bender | Dorothy Bender, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Bender, died December 3, 1919, from malignant diphtheria at the home of her grandparents, Professor and Mrs. Wilbur H. Bender. |
179 | Elizabeth Maclean | Elizabeth Maclean died October 16. She was an instructor at Kansas State College. |
180 | George H. Hilliard | George H. Hilliard found his wife and child dead November 20, 1919, from fumes of gas escaping from the water heater. |
181 | Summer school 1919 | All-school photo of students in summer school in 1919; enrollment was 2071. |
182 | Winifred Byrne | Winifred Byrne died November 19, 1919, from pernicious anemia, a progressive illness. Educational history given. |