Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 College entrance The college entrance system changed, allowing for any four-year high school graduate to be admitted to the State University, the State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, and the State Teachers College.
2 Consolidated school conference George S. Dick and J. L. McBrien are in charge of organizing and conducting the National Conference on Consolidated Schools, substituting the State Conference.
3 Des Moines alumni The Des Moines alumni held a banquet with 250 in attendance. Many were involved in planning and leading it.
4 Iowa State Teachers Association The Iowa State Teachers Association had its annual meeting at Des Moines in November. Many alumni and faculty were present and many topics were addressed.
5 Irene Beatty Irene Beatty, Industrial Secretary of the Y. W. C. A., addressed the College Association November 19, 1919.
6 Leila E. Partridge Leila E. Partridge of the Kentucky State Normal School visited and inspected the Teachers College in September/October 1919.
7 Official recognition An editorial by A. E. Winship commending the work of P. E. McClenahan was printed in the Boston "Journal of Education".
8 The 1919 Oratorical Declamatory Contest The 1919 Oratorical Declamatory Contest was held November 12, 1919.
9 The student teacher controversy Citizens protested the action of the school board to allow seniors to do training work in city schools.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Abbott C. Page Abbott C. Page and wife Mary L. Chapman Page are enjoying life in California.
11 Anna Gertrude Childs Anna Gertrude Childs and Nola K. Fromme spent holiday vacation in California.
12 Anna R. Wild Anna R. Wild took a three month leave of absence and will spend winter in California.
13 Anne Stuart Duncan Anne Stuart Duncan elected first vice president of the State Library Society.
14 Bartlett Hall dining room The Bartlett dining hall was opened and can accommodate 120 students.
15 Bishop L. H. Seager L. H. Seager gave an address at the Quadrennial General Conference.
16 Charles A. Frederick Charles A. Frederick and Mrs. Frederick (Ida M. Shaw) are enjoying health and prosperity in California.
17 Dr. O. M. Dickerson O. M. Dickerson has been elected President of State Normal School at Moorhead, Minnesota.
18 Effie Schuneman Effie Schuneman was granted a leave of absence for winter term. Substitute is Edna O'Bryan.
19 Hon. W. R. Boyd W. R. Boyd, Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Iowa State Board of Education, gave an address, " What is the matter in America", before the Faculty Club.
20 Ida Fesenbeck Ida Fesenbeck was given part time consultative service under Extension Division during winter term.
21 J. O. Perrine J.O. Perrine was elected Commander, American Legion Post No. 237.
22 Macy Campbell Macy Campbell will work with the Extension Service during the winter quarter to assist in consultative work.
23 Model home The model home for home economics graduates was opened. The young women will perform training for a month under supervision.
24 O. H. Benson O. H. Benson has resigned and taken a job as director of the "Boys' and Girls' Achievement Bureau".
25 Platinum stolen $1200 worth of metal was stolen from the chemical laboratory. A $200 reward is offered.
26 Rachel Ogle Rachel Ogle has resigned and accepted a position at Washington University Library at St. Louis, Missouri.
27 Thanksgiving Concert Members of the musical faculties gave a Thanksgiving service November 23, 1919 with many people present.
28 The Normal Training High School Conference The Normal Training High School Conference was given by the Department of Public Instruction. It was well attended, with many involved in addresses.
29 Vacation Winter vacation was changed to December 5 through December 30, instead of December 23 to January 7, because of coal shortage due to a miner's strike.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Allison E. Aitchison Allison E. Aitchison attended annual meeting of the National Geographers.
31 Charles H. Bailey Charles H. Bailey attended the National Manual Arts Association meeting.
32 Charles H. Meyerholz Charles H. Meyerholz will represent college at American Association for Labor Legislation meeting; on committee on American Citizenship to assist the superintendent of public instruction.
33 Craig Fullerton Craig Fullerton was born October 31, 1919, to Professor and Mrs. Fullerton.
34 Dr. W. W. Gist W. W. Gist was elected Colonel of the Black Hawk County Civil War Veteran's Association at meeting. Roger Leavitt and John Barnes were involved in the meeting.
35 Emmett J. Cable Emmett J. Cable attended annual meeting of National Geographers.
36 Ethel L. Arey Ethel L. Arey visited Cedar Falls. She is a clerk in the Subsistence Branch of the Quartermaster's Corps.
37 Frank Ivan Merchant Frank Ivan Merchant gave a chapel talk on "Americanism".
38 Geo. H. Mount George H. Mount was college delegate the Detroit National Y. M. C. A. convention.
39 Homer H. Seerley Homer H. Seerley was elected president of the College and University Department of the State Teachers Association.
40 Irving H. Hart Irving H. Hart was a delegate to the International Y. M. C. A. convention at Detroit.
41 John Ross Frampton John Ross Frampton plans to attend the National Music Teachers Convention.
42 Laura S. Seals Laura S. Seals wrote new book, Intermediate Arithmetic.
43 Leslie A. I. Chapman Leslie A. I. Chapman, Colonel in U. S. Army, is a distinguished teacher. He taught A. C. Page's class while A. C. was ill.
44 Major R.F. Seymour R. F. Seymour gave a lecture while in Cedar Falls. He is in charge of Russian prisons near Danzig.
45 Mary A. Faint Mary A. Faint accepted work as secretary of the Extension Division for Iowa State Teachers College.
46 Mary M. Kegley Mary M. Kegley married Arthur Livingston Hawkins November 3, 1918.
47 Men's Club A Men's Club was developed by the men of the faculty for study, recreation, and personal development.
48 Mollie Feil Mollie Feil is district home demonstration agent in Helena, Montana, but considers her permanent address Charles City.
49 Mrs. Linnie Downs Savage Linnie Downs Savage is a successful teacher of domestic art in California.
50 O. B. Chassell O. B. Chassell is director of a campaign to raise money for Wilbraham Academy.
51 R. W. Getchell R. W. Getchell is on leave of absence and will obtain a Doctor of Philosophy degree this year.
52 Romanzo C. Adams Romanzo C. Adams granted leave of absence from University of Nevada to go to college in Hawaii.
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53 A. C. Joy A. C. Joy turned down the job of county agent for Coos County to continue his ranch and business of shipping fruits, berries, and vegetables.
54 Alumni speakers and officers Alumni were listed as speakers and officers at the Iowa State Teachers Association.
55 Eagle Grove items Anna Gertrude Childs visited Eagle Grove and learned about former students.
56 Fred Danford Cram Fred Danford Cram was elected President of the Iowa State Teachers Association. In addition to being superintendent, he has edited and published a book.
57 George S. Dick George S. Dick spoke before the Consolidated School Round Table and consulted with educators on problems.
58 Grace E. Potwin Grace E. Potwin was secretary of Christian Endeavor work at a meeting of Women's Board of Missions of the Congregational Church.
59 Harriet A. Cunningham Harriet A. Cunningham is General Secretary of the Young Women's Christian Association at St. Paul, Minnesota.
60 Ida M. Wilson Ida M. Wilson attended the National Council of Safety.
61 Jacob Johnson Jacob Johnson accepted office of Deputy Sheriff and has taken charge of an orphan boy's development, welfare, and education at own expense.
62 John A. Wilson John A. Wilson has a successful real estate business in Spokane, Washington.
63 Kenneth W. Colegrove Kenneth W. Colegrove is associate professor of international law at Northwestern College. Job history given.
64 Lydia A. Trimble Lydia A. Trimble, president and founder of Foo Chow College for Women, is spending this year in Sioux City, Iowa.
65 M. R. Fayram M. R. Fayram spoke before the Normal Training in High School Section at the Iowa State Teachers Association.
66 Mabelle Agnes Payton Mabelle Agnes Payton is a teacher of English in New Traer Township High School at Illinois.
67 Mary J. Wilson-Fitzgerald Mary J. Wilson-Fitzgerald and James E. Fitzgerald were visitors in Cedar Falls. Their son, James, was in the U. S. Army.
68 May E. Francis May E. Francis spoke on "Standardization" at the Iowa State Teachers Association.
69 P. E. McClenahan P. E. McClenahan gave an annual address on "The Public School as the Chief Factor in Americanization" at the Iowa State Teachers Association.
70 Paul F. Voelker Paul F. Voelker is student at Teachers College, Columbia University, and expects to receive doctorate degree in June.
71 Robert I. Dick Robert I. Dick is employed as an engineer for Hartt-Parr Company.
72 W. H. Bender W. H. Bender filed a report, participated in symposium, and gave two addresses at the Iowa State Teachers Association.
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73 A. L. Heminger A. L. Heminger spoke at the meeting of the county superintendents at the Iowa State Teachers Association.
74 Allan Peterson Allan Peterson was elected President of the Iowa Association of Science Teachers.
75 Anna Elizabeth Merriam Anna Elizabeth Merriam is supervisor of primary work. Florence C. Merriam is keeping house for her father.
76 Bessie B. Buchanan Bessie B. Buchanan has been serving in the Home Service section of the American Red Cross.
77 Clara A. Boss Clara A. Boss is a mathematics instructor in the city high school of Los Angeles, California.
78 Dallas D. Johnson Dallas D. Johnson and Stella Merner-Johnson are now in Seattle where Mr. Johnson is a supervisor of vocational education.
79 Don T. Deal Don T. Deal gave an address before the commercial section at the Iowa State Teachers Association.
80 Dr. Edward E. Rall Edward E. Rall attended the Quadrennial General Conference of the Evangelical Association.
81 Dr. R. H. Sylvester R. H. Sylvester gave an address before the roundtable on atypical children at the Iowa State Teachers Association.
82 E. E. Watson E. E. Watson, president of the Iowa section of Mathematical Association of America, gave an address at the Iowa State Teachers Association.
83 Elma Tennis-Corning Elma Tennis-Corning and Duane Corning of the U. S. Aviation Corps visited Cedar Falls.
84 Forest C. Ensign Forest C. Ensign was president of the Iowa State Teachers Association and gave an address at their meeting.
85 Harold H. Maynard After being discharged from the army, Harold H. Maynard is now a faculty member in charge of business courses at Vanderbilt University.
86 Harry E. Blackmar Harry E. Blackmar was appointed second member of the Executive Committee at the Iowa State Teachers Association.
87 Laura J. Philbrick Laura J. Philbrick is home demonstration agent of the Extension Division of the University of Wyoming.
88 Lewis H. Minkel Lewis H. Minkel gave an address before the Music Round Table at the Iowa State Teachers Association.
89 Lillian L. Crosley Lillian L. Crosley was secretary of the Bible Study Round Table at the Iowa State Teachers Association.
90 Martha A. Roller Martha A. Roller published a number game to be used in schools.
91 Martha Hutchinson Martha Hutchinson, Secretary of the Iowa Society of Social Science Teachers, gave an address at the Iowa State Teachers Association.
92 Mary E. Caster Review of Mary E. Caster's activities in the war effort.
93 Maude Humphrey-Palmer Maude Humphrey-Palmer was secretary of the Parent-Teacher Association.
94 Ministerial appointments The Upper Iowa Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church announces appointments.
95 Minna M. Merriam Minna M. Merriam married George Willis Madill August 2.
96 Mrs. Iva Blank-Clayton Iva Blank-Clayton was elected president of the South Dakota grand chapter of the P. E. O. sisterhood for 1920. She held other offices in the past.
97 Mrs. Miriam Woolson Brooks Miriam Woolson Brooks gave an address before the Abigail Adams Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution.
98 Paul B. Samson Paul B. Samson accepted divisional superintendence of Boy Scout work under direction of the Toledo Council, Boy Scouts of America.
99 Paul G. James Paul G. James and Helen Hinkson James are in Massachusetts. Paul is in Harvard Law School with Sophus Jacobsen and Frank and Harry Jewell.
100 Percival E. Magee Percival E. Magee, Chairman of the Board of the Union National Bank, spent time in Cedar Falls visiting family and friends.
101 Thomas Teakle Thomas Teakle now teaching high school in Spokane, Washington.
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# Article Article Summary
102 Alice I. Cramer Alice I. Cramer is spending the winter in Massachusetts visiting sister and family.
103 Bertha Helen Wise Bertha Helen Wise is a teacher of Bible studies in the Jennings Seminary at Aurora, Illinois; brief job history given.
104 Carl H. Hanson Carl H. Hanson is the director of agriculture at Carrington, North Dakota.
105 Earl Hougland Earl Hougland is county superintendent of schools at Ferry County, Washington.
106 George H. Vinall George H. Vinall married Grace Archibald August 20, 1919.
107 James Herbert Kelley James Herbert Kelley is Director of University Extension, University of Pittsburgh, and is in charge of many activities. Plan of correspondence study described.
108 John H. Arends John H. Arends is a student at School of Commerce, Northwestern University.
109 L. L. Caldwell L. L. Caldwell, superintendent of Monmouth Illinois Schools, is conducting a plan on developing principles and service of Americanization.
110 Lawrence M. Jepson Lawrence M. Jepson is manager of the Foreign Credit Division, National Bank of Commerce in New York.
111 Leila Mitchell Leila Mitchell is an assistant manager of the Albany Abstract Company in Oregon.
112 Lorne F. Parker Lorne F. Parker is President of First National Bank at Newell, Iowa, and reports good business conditions.
113 Louise Moyer Louise Moyer was elected president of a new business women's club.
114 Mrs. Anna Showers-Stevens Anna Showers-Stevens has been teaching in Cedar Falls this past year, relieving teacher shortage.
115 Mrs. David W. Edwards Alice Edwards was in Waterloo with her son at her father's, A. J. Edwards. She does not anticipate returning to Waterloo because of the loss of her mother and sister.
116 Mrs. James R. Vaughan Bertha J. Edwards Vaughan lives in Des Moines where her husband is a financial officer of Des Moines College.
117 Mrs. John J. Auvane Minnie Jennings Auvane is a resident of Coon Rapids, Iowa, where her husband is engaged in banking.
118 Mrs. Thomas U. McManus May Loonan McManus was chairman of the Blue Triangle Campaign in Iowa to raise money for the Y. W. C. A.
119 Nellie Kennedy Nellie Kennedy is a cataloger in the War Department.
120 Olive M. Sutherland Olive M. Sutherland married Charles Francis Yeatman.
121 P. J. Hanson P. J. Hanson is at Chicago Theological Seminary. When in Cedar Falls, he was a leader in work for the Y. M. C. A.
122 Roy A. Jarnagin Roy A. Jarnagin purchased a part interest in the Storm Lake Register and is the editor of the paper.
123 W. O. Cummings W. O. Cummings is County Superintendent of Stevens County, Washington.
124 William C. Schluter William C. Schluter has received an appointment at Wharton School of Finance, Pennsylvania University. He married childhood sweetheart Lena Penningroth who is caring for her elderly parents.
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# Article Article Summary
125 Adella Rice Adella Rice married C. E. Fickes December 19, 1918.
126 Alice Jennings Alice Jennings married Arthur Bell November 27, 1919.
127 Amanda Rummells Amanda Rummells married Harry E. Shannon October 29, 1919.
128 Bernice Ethel Talcott Bernice Ethel Talcott married Hubert C. Davis October 2, 1919.
129 Bernice Laughlin Bernice Laughlin married L. D. Walter May 8, 1919.
130 Clara Baxter Clara Baxter married Duane Mason October 13, 1919.
131 Donna M. Potter Donna M. Potter married Bruce M. Snell September 3, 1919.
132 Edna Hale Edna Hale married G. W. Hawkins October 25, 1919.
133 Eliza J. Townsend Eliza J. Townsend married H. L. Davis March 19, 1919. Mr. Davis died June 28, 1919.
134 Elizabeth Cahalan Elizabeth Cahalan married Harry W. Melton May 10 ,1919.
135 Ellen Juhl Ellen Juhl married Jens Kersgaard September 3, 1919.
136 Emma C. Curtis Emma C. Curtis married John King.
137 Esther Anita Hurwich Esther Anita Hurwich married David M. Riff November 25, 1919.
138 Ethel E. Stevens Ethel E. Stevens married H. R. Armstrong June 28, 1919.
139 Evelyn Morton Evelyn Morton married William J. Miehe October 30, 1919.
140 Florence Weidenhammer Florence Weidenhammer married Claude R. Heiny June 24, 1919.
141 Frances Nailor Frances Nailor married Edwin W. Cordes September 17, 1919.
142 Georgia J. Lauritzen Georgia J. Lauritzen married Orville J. Trickel November 27, 1919.
143 Georgia M. Kabele Georgia M. Kabele married I. H. Chapman November 12, 1919.
144 Gladys Marie Severin Gladys Marie Severin married F. Raymond Allen December 27, 1919.
145 Grace Mae McKean Grace Mae McKean married M. G. Munn September 30, 1919.
146 Hazel V. Myers Hazel V. Myers married V. H. Peterson April 22, 1919.
147 Helen M. Bordewick Helen M. Bordewick married John W. Tobin April 26, 1919.
148 Helen Westfall Helen Westfall married James F. Fitzpatrick April 23, 1919.
149 Irene E. Parno Irene E. Parno married Leo F. Holliday November 5, 1919.
150 Iva S. Williams Iva S. Williams married R. E. Coverdale November 5, 1919.
151 Jessie Doris Klinefelter Jessie Doris Klinefelter married Harry Sherman Ward October 30, 1919.
152 Lena F. Gates Lena F. Gates married Hugh H. Miller February 1, 1919.
153 Lenore M. Meier Lenore M. Meier married E. F. Fellows December 24, 1918.
154 Lloyd C. Grover Lloyd C. Grover married Genevieve Conniff September 2, 1919.
155 Lora Miller Drake Lora Miller Drake married Harold B. Brown October 30, 1919.
156 M. Esther Hoyt Myrtle Esther Hoyt married Albert F. Jensen January 24, 1919.
157 Mamie Evalyn Newell Mamie Evalyn Newell married Frank M. Peterson May 20, 1919.
158 Margaret Philo Margaret Philo married Harry M. Rowell November 8, 1919.
159 Maude Jeffrey Maude Jeffrey married Glenn M. Rickhoff August 4, 1919.
160 Midge Shelley Midge Shelley married S. R. Vandenberg October 19, 1919.
161 Myrtle Waldo Myrtle Waldo married Bruce E. Derry June 11, 1919.
162 Nellie Bernice Frederick Nellie Bernice Frederick married Archie D. Vosburg August 6, 1919.
163 Nellie Claire Land Nellie Claire Land married James Osborn September 20, 1919.
164 Nita Shomler Nita Shomler married M. A. Maxwell August 14, 1919.
165 Olga Josephine Jensen Olga Josephine Jensen married Harold Hagester August 30, 1919.
166 Opal Whitney Robinson Opal Whitney Robinson married Malcom Edward Currie February 19, 1919.
167 Ora Belle Hicks Ora Belle Hicks married Earl A. Law August 27, 1919.
168 Orpha Elizabeth Milleson Orpha Elizabeth Milleson married Harold Buhlman December 1919.
169 Paul Farlow Paul Farlow married Catherine Lewis November 8, 1919.
170 Rhea Ford Rhea Ford married Wilbur A. Gardner September 9, 1919.
171 Robert C. Martin Robert C. Martin married Ruth M. Smith September 20, 1919.
172 Theresa Powers Theresa Powers married James O'Mara September 22, 1919.
173 Velma Fay Whitney Velma Fay Whitney married Roy Leslie Truesdell August 7, 1919.
174 Wilma Mae Freeland Wilma Mae Freeland married Jasper Ward Thompson November 27, 1919.
175 Zola Maude Hook Zola Maude Hook married Virgil C. Peterson June 25, 1919.
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176 Beth Chapin Beth Chapin died October 13, 1919.
177 Campanile fund A total of $36 was collected from nine people for the Campanile fund, making the total amount in the bank $1488.36.
178 Dorothy Bender Dorothy Bender, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Bender, died December 3, 1919, from malignant diphtheria at the home of her grandparents, Professor and Mrs. Wilbur H. Bender.
179 Elizabeth Maclean Elizabeth Maclean died October 16. She was an instructor at Kansas State College.
180 George H. Hilliard George H. Hilliard found his wife and child dead November 20, 1919, from fumes of gas escaping from the water heater.
181 Summer school 1919 All-school photo of students in summer school in 1919; enrollment was 2071.
182 Winifred Byrne Winifred Byrne died November 19, 1919, from pernicious anemia, a progressive illness. Educational history given.