Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Conferences for 1920-1921 Schedule for upcoming Normal Training Conference and Consolidated School Conference.
2 Extension Division report Reports for 1918-19 and 1919-20.
3 Progress of the College Enrollment counts for collegiate students, sub-collegiate students, graduates, and credit extension.
4 The Wall Paintings William de Leftwich Dodge hired to paint two paintings for Reading Room in library--"Education" and "In Memoriam"--for $5000.00.
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# Article Article Summary
5 Alumni Register It is impossible to publish the Alumni Register this year.
6 August graduating class Number of graduates in particular fields listed.
7 C. M. Parker Was delegate to Republican State Judicial Convention July 27.
8 Eva May Luse Studied and observed at Teachers College of Columbia University.
9 Expenditures--1919-20 Report of Teachers College expenditures.
10 Florence E. Ward Made survey of "The Farm Women's Problems" and distributed the information in pamphlet form.
11 Florence MacGowan Appointed General Secretary of college YWCA.
12 Grace Tear Grace Tear resigned in order to rest and study.
13 Grant C. Finch Now a professor at State Normal College at Dillon, Montana; visited Cedar Falls.
14 Harry L. Eells Spent part of summer at Iowa State College.
15 Hon. Laurence DeGraff Republican candidate for Supreme Cench of Iowa; gave the May Day Fete address in 1918.
16 Miss Sara M. Riggs Granted leave of absence.
17 Mrs. Theodore Gundry Mrs. Gundry will visit France.
18 Necrology John W. Woody, Hamline H. Freer, and James Wilson, three of Iowa's prominent educators, died in August; Edgar W. Stanton died in September.
19 Publicity Service Benjamin Boardman and Harold E. Christensen to direct Publicity Service.
20 Student Health Service F. N. Mead's duties as Health Director detailed.
21 Summer term enrollment 3142 enrolled in summer term.
22 Support funds President Seerley's estimates of increases in support funds.
23 The Carnegie Survey of Missouri Report is discredit to teacher training schools around the country.
24 Voluntary literary societies Literary society membership no longer required.
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25 Athletics Everyone ready for new year.
26 B. W. Merrill Professor Merrill and family spent summer in Maine.
27 Dr. Frank N. Mead Dr. Mead and his family vacationed in Minnesota.
28 Dr. W. W. Gist Professor Gist was absent for a month to attend National Encampment of G. A. R. C. Ray Aurner's son substituted.
29 Election for 1920-21 Faculty appointed for 1920-21.
30 Elizabeth P. Moulton Accepted work in State Normal School at Pittsburgh, Kansas.
31 George H. Mount Professor Mount was Chairman of Lecture and Entertainment Committee; made annual report, including financial statement.
32 Henry Bienke Appointed cello instructor.
33 Homer H. Seerley Attended N. E. A. in Salt Lake City and vacationed with family.
34 Ivan L. Pollock Resigned to move to State University of Iowa.
35 John L. Conrad Granted leave to continue professional studies.
36 L. H. Van Houton Vacationed with wife in Iowa; now head of Rural Education at State University, Laramee, Wyoming.
37 L. P. Ramenstein Elected assistant professor of physics.
38 Leave of absence Sara M. Riggs, Sara F. Rice, and Ida Huglin are on leave.
39 Lenora Doolittle Will assist in music department.
40 M. F. Arey Elected head of Black Hawk County Veterans Association, replacing W. W. Gist.
41 Mac. L. Donaldson Has become a professor of economics.
42 Macy Campbell Recognized in "The Country Gentleman "; has textbook in preparation.
43 Nola K. Fromme Will spend winter term in graduate school.
44 Politics this year Students organizing political party clubs so they are represented in elections. A Republican group organized first.
45 Resignations Alice Foster, Neva Swanson, Grace Tear, and Ivan Pollock resigned.
46 The Cedar Fall Band Band to give concert series.
47 The Extension Service Estimated costs for service.
48 Transferred to Extension Division for fall term C. A. Fullerton, Macy Campbell, and Effie Schuneman transferred to Extension Division.
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49 A. J. Wilbur Wilbur is foreman of chemical Laboratory in Minnesota. He recently visited Cedar Falls.
50 Adam M. Willson Serving as Principal at Rock Springs, Wyoming.
51 Alvin Tostlebe Tostlebe is instructor and graduate student in Wharton School of Finance at Pennsylvania University.
52 C. A. Fullerton Wrote pamphlet on teaching music.
53 Chas. H. Meyerholz Serving as chairman of committee which is to have course of study published.
54 Emery E. Watson Was elected to mathematics department.
55 Faculty Club Club opens New Year with dinner.
56 Father M. M. Ries Father Ries, faculty member of DePaul University, visited the Teachers College.
57 Fennerikus W. Bruins Bruins and wife Ruth Ballou Bruins are connected with Columbia College of Expressions.
58 George W. Satterthwait Is in charge of Division of Sorsogon, Philippine Islands.
59 James F. Treasure Treasure commended by Indiana Farmer's Guide.
60 Melville W. Sheffield Sheffield, Y. M. C. A. secretary in Kentucky, visited Cedar Falls.
61 Men's Faculty Club Mac H. Donaldson gave talk on war experience at luncheon.
62 Mrs. F. A. Ballard Adah Snedicor Ballard entertained Linnie Downs-Savage and Mintie Townsend-Ingham.
63 Raymond B. Leland Leland is Principal of high school in San Jose, California.
64 Resignation of Professor Myra E. Call Retiring to California; biographical profile.
65 Reunion Annual reunion and luncheon to take place November 5 in Des Moines during the Iowa State Teachers Association meeting.
66 S. A. Cohagan Makes report showing Waterloo's progress.
67 The Forum Women of faculty continue with informal programs in The Forum.
68 William C. Schluter William Schluter summered in Iowa and studied at State Teachers College Library.
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69 Adolph Kramer Spent summer in Cedar Falls and visited his former violin instructor.
70 Anna Funk Developing work in rural education field.
71 Arnold C. Halbfass Halbfass to teach high school at Hamakofolo, Hawaii. Dewey C. Butterfield in Hawaii to serve as member of Government Surveying Corps.
72 Asa L. Mathews Mathews thriving as a professor at University of Utah.
73 Avis C. Grawe Grawe is Superintendent of Marion County.
74 Dr. William E. Long Long owns and manages "The People Hospital" of Mason City.
75 E. Orlo Bangs Bangs, Director of Music at University of Idaho, visited Cedar Falls.
76 Edna Sheriff Appointed to Missionary Service.
77 George L. Martin Martin is a professor at Montana State College.
78 George S. Dick Dick appointed Inspector of Rural Schools in Wisconsin.
79 Grover H. Alderman Alderman is Superintendent of Schools for Newton, Iowa.
80 Harley E. Mitchell Elected Principal of Junior High School. Employment record detailed.
81 Iola B. Quigley Made welcome address at Opening Day Program of the American School of Wild Life Protection and Propagation on August 18.
82 Lieut. Col. P. M. Shaffer Shaffer took charge at Iowa State College in Ames, Iowa.
83 Mary E. Martin Martin is to enter New York State Library School.
84 Mrs. Lee Stickney Shedd Recovering from pneumonia.
85 Nelson Fay Cooledge Cooledge, Professor at State Normal School of Kansas, visited Teachers College.
86 Otis Rule Rule is Superintendent of State School for the Blind in South Dakota.
87 P. E. McClenahan Serving as member of nominating committee for N. E. A. session.
88 Paul F. Voelker Elected President of Olivet College, Michigan.
89 Rev. Earl A. Roadman Served as the pastor at a Minneapolis church during August.
90 Robert Lindsay Robinson Promoted to Captain, transferred to Washington D. C., and attached to War Risk Bureau.
91 Warren E. Proctor Gave concert in College Auditorium August 5.
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92 Agnes Allender Allender is kindergarten critic in State Normal School in Kansas.
93 Alumni at the State University Alumni at work at State University of Iowa.
94 Alvin Setzepfandt Setzepfandt is part-time teacher and part-time student.
95 Blaine T. Youel Youel visited Cedar Falls.
96 Chauncey R. Houstman Houstman is instructor of public speaking at University of Utah.
97 Dr. Harry E. Lambert Lambert practicing medicine in Minnesota.
98 Dr. Ira J. Magee Magee opens office in Waterloo.
99 Dr. Reuel H. Sylvester Sylvester resigned from State University of Iowa to direct child welfare station work in Des Moines.
100 E. G. Copeland Copeland entered insurance business.
101 Ebelene Iblings Iblings is teacher in Training School at Dillon, Montana.
102 Elizabeth J. Dew Dew appointed seventh grade critic at State Normal School in Michigan.
103 Ethel Warner Warner is primary teacher in New Mexico.
104 Glen Bakkum Bakkum is Smith Hughes Agricultural Teacher at Hudson and Orange Townships.
105 Guy S. Lowman Lowman took trip with wife (Lynne Barnum) and stopped in Cedar Falls.
106 Harry A. Hull Hull published religious pamphlet.
107 Harry W. Anderson Anderson is director of automobile school.
108 Henrietta Radell Radell is commercial teacher in Oklahoma.
109 Johanna Hansen Hansen promoted to Professor of Applied Art and Department Head at Iowa State College.
110 John H. Arnold Arnold working as writer of advertising.
111 Joseph O. Chassell Chassell is candidate for Rhodes Scholarship.
112 Laura Shoemaker Shoemaker is principal of school in North Dakota.
113 Lillian Hottman Hottman is critic at State Normal School, Dillon, Montana.
114 Luella M. Wright Wright accepted instructorship in English at State University of Iowa.
115 Mabel Heller Heller is teacher in Walsh County, Agricultural Training School.
116 Mervin Cowan Cowan is graduate student at Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.
117 Morton E. Weldy Weldy is oil company manager.
118 Mrs. L. J. Erickson Tillie Berger Erickson graduated from State Agricultural College in Oregon with home economics degree.
119 Mrs. Ora Krause-Sabin Krause-Sabin is Secretary of Montana Women's Voter League.
120 Paul Wartman Wartman spent summer as chemist and is returning to graduate study.
121 Pearl Tallman Tallman is intermediate critic at State Normal School in Ohio.
122 S. A. Potts Potts is Principal of Muscatine High School until new appointment is made.
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123 Agnes Horn Agnes Horn married Albert C. Buenneke June 2, 1920.
124 Alice Dean Alice Dean married Lee Litchfield September 2, 1920.
125 Anna Copley Anna Copley married Edward C. Jackson.
126 Births Daughter born to Roy A. Jarnagin and June Allison-Jarnagin on July 20.
127 Campanile Contributions made to Campanile fund totaling $2940.76.
128 Charlotte Eunice Langworthy Charlotte Eunice Langworthy born to Myron and Miriam Langworthy (Miriam E. Bender) on July 30, 1920.
129 Corrine Sadler Corrine Sadler married Walter Stoner September 1, 1920.
130 Eleanor Gray Eleanor Gray married Charles Herbert Richeson.
131 Elizabeth Burney Elizabeth Burney married Fred C. Schmidt August 11, 1920.
132 Elizabeth Draper Elizabeth Draper married Charles W. Biastock September 1, 1920.
133 George C. Cleveland George C. Cleveland married Mary Alice McAtee September 8, 1920.
134 George S. Dick Dick is inspector of rural schools for Wisconsin.
135 Hawley J. Whitacre Hawley J. Whitacre married Blanche Bartley September 18, 1920.
136 Helena Teresa Bakewell Helena Teresa Bakewell married Myron Webber Omlie September 23, 1920.
137 Ida V. Roberts Ida V. Roberts married Thomas W. Patterson July 26, 1920.
138 Ina J. Deal Ina J. Deal married George M. Derbyshire September 4, 1920.
139 Irma Katherine Good Irma Katherine Good married Worth Hillman July 23, 1920.
140 Irma VanderVeer Irma VanderVeer married Robert McAtee.
141 Leona Atkinson Leona Atkinson married Dale B. Jackson July 7, 1920.
142 M. Ina Salyers M. Ina Salyers married W. D. Slowthower December 20, 1919.
143 Margaret Lamberty Margaret Lamberty married Ralph Robbins September 1, 1920.
144 Mary Baker Mary Baker married Hugh Mullarky August 10.
145 Mildred Dewey Mildred Dewey married C. R. McDonell.
146 Mrs. Harry E. Thompson Mrs. Harry E. Thompson died during operation June 30, 1920.
147 Mrs. Mabel Gillette-Rummel Mabel Gillette-Rummel married Samuel L. Buell August 20, 1920.
148 Nan Masters Nan Masters married James A. Loop August 18, 1920.
149 Oleson Kirk Oleson, Jr., born to Kirk Oleson and Bessie C. Powell-Oleson.
150 Pauline Hamilton Pauline Hamilton married John E. Brown.
151 Pearl Kranse Pearl Kranse married D. C. Bessmer.
152 Sylvia Pedersen Sylvia Pederson married Charles R. Newkirk.
153 Thelma B. Paley Thelma B. Paley married Edward B. Kellogg.
154 Vera Dubois Vera Dubois married Harry Edwards.
155 Viola Ellingsworth Viola Ellingsworth married John W. Besch December 18, 1919.
156 Wilma Miller Wilma Miller married Jerome L. Kuhl August 9, 1920.
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157 Homer H. Seerley in his 35th year as President Homer H. Seerley, President, at his desk.
158 Vocational Building Vocational Building on campus.