Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Homecoming will be success; expect large number of visitors Final arrangements are being made for Homecoming.
2 Junior P. T.'s have ceremonial Campfire Girls hold service outside.
3 Miss Childs gives novel song recital Review of folk song recital.
4 Music students give recital Roster of performers and their work.
5 Reduced rates to Iowa State Teachers Ass'n; Des Moines, Iowa, November 4, 5, 6, 1920 Railway reduced ticket prices for students attending conference.
6 T. C. team defeats Upper Iowa; beats Fayette team 21-0; many T. C. fans see victory over favorite enemy Game highlights.
7 Y. celebrates end of finance drive Did not meet goal; received pledges for $2500 out of $2800 needed.
8 Y. W. will entertain
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# Article Article Summary
9 Band is going fine! Professor McCreary believes he has a balanced band but is still seeking members.
10 Change in football schedule Ellsworth College game moved up to November 5; will play Columbia College on November 12.
11 Chas. A. Addington Is a salesman in Boston.
12 Commercial News Organization of Commercial Club planned.
13 Died at Chicago Richard Hughes died.
14 E. R. Nichols Recently sold a business.
15 Earl Stout Is superintendent of McCallsburg schools.
16 Helen Hull Orr Accompanied her husband to Cleveland, Ohio.
17 Mathematics Department R. H. Bretzke spoke to the Mathematics Club.
18 Mrs. James D. Woolfer Was in town and visited the campus.
19 Mrs. P. E. Ellis Died.
20 Philo Gave short program.
21 Republican Club Hold discussion following address by former Governor Brumbaugh.
22 Save the dates All-school parties to be sponsored by Student Council.
23 Tom Anderson Manages a garage in Douglas, Wyoming.
24 W. W. Patty Is a department director in Berkeley, California.
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# Article Article Summary
25 "Y" campaign celebrated About four hundred students enjoyed games and entertainment.
26 English department News notes on students and faculty.
27 Farran Hall News of residents.
28 Gamma Dinner party was held.
29 McHall items News of residents.
30 Physical Ed. Dept. News notes on physical education students.
31 Physical Science J. O. Perrine is enjoying his work at Cornell University.
32 Shake-Aristo Shakespeareans initiated thirty members.
33 Sidelights on consolidation
Campbell--Macy (Rural Education Faculty)
Professor Campbell offers news on school consolidation around the country.
34 Zeta Society Held meeting and initiation.
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# Article Article Summary
35 Editorially speaking; a protest vote Encourages students to consider voting for a less popular party, rather than for Harding or Cox.
36 Editorially speaking; I. S. T. A. Nov. 4-5-6 Wants students to attend the state teachers conference.
37 Editorially speaking; our neighboring colleges Updates from area colleges.
38 Poole's index and the Readers' Guide Indexes periodical articles to make them easier to find.
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# Article Article Summary
39 Advocates educational change; proposed re-organization of the State Educational Institutions urged by Clyde L. Herring Democratic gubernatorial candidate Clyde Herring backs education.
40 Christ the man address by Miss Rice to Y. M. C. A. Summary of Professor Rice's remarks.
41 Extension Division News notes on extension activities
42 Senior B. A. News notes on members of the class.
43 Study centers, Oct. 30 Placements of professors for the week.
44 Training School News Football team beat Independence, 28-0.
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# Article Article Summary
45 Christian Church Short business meeting held.
46 Hardest game this week Homecoming game will be against Parsons College, the toughest team of the season.
47 Mrs. Marie Moore Fredrickson addresses Cox-Roosevelt club Excerpts from her address.
48 Pep club gets nearly $100 Most raised for Pep Club at one time.
49 Victor Peterson at Stanford Now doing graduate work in chemistry there; enjoyed the drive to California.
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# Article Article Summary
50 Bartlett Hall News notes about residents.
51 Clio Initiated twenty new members; enjoyed program.
52 Miss Bessie Grace Keith takes Miss Hooper's place Professor Hooper will be music specialist with Silver Burdette; Professor Keith has taught during summer terms.
53 Primary news Had a fall festival.
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# Article Article Summary
54 Chapman Hall news News notes about residents.
55 Cornelia Norton Visited home in Marshalltown.
56 Gene Bower Visited Alice Brown.
57 Geneva Waters, Delinda Roggensack, and Jean Sauter Attended opera in Des Moines.
58 Harmony Hall echoes News notes on residents; will sell oranges to benefit Florida orphanage.
59 Kenneth Frisby Visited Maquoketa.
60 Mary Donly Visited brother at Drake.
61 Miss Eva McKee Parents are visiting.
62 Nellie Clease Visiting Mary Parkhouse.
63 Peg Allison Visited Mary Chambers.
64 Ruth Kellogg Visited Iowa City.