Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Columbia game a 14-14 tie; officials play star game; Dubuque team puts up splendid fight T. C. carried the ball well, but Columbia passed well.
2 Famous Russian pianist here next Tuesday; third lecture course number to be best music number of the year Benno Moiseitsch will perform; photo.
3 Hardest game this week Will play Des Moines College; they have a strong team.
4 T. C. graduates hold banquet Banquet held at Iowa State Teachers Association conference.
5 Training school plays C. F. High It has been five years since T. C. has won against C. F.
6 Y. W. C. A. tea
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# Article Article Summary
7 Bakkum makes hit at I. S. T. A. Spoke about ideas on public school agriculture education.
8 Director of Pratt Institute lectures Walter Scott Perry spoke about geography, history, and art.
9 Free ticket to theater Free tickets available from ad in paper.
10 Music Annie Pierce gave recital in Mount Vernon.
11 President of Swarthmore resigns Joseph Swain was also president of the National Education Association in 1914.
12 Prof. Samson to retire Has taught at the school since 1894; resignation effective June 1, 1921.
13 Tsukasaki tells solution of Jap problem; Archer, student volunteer, talks of life work Excerpts from address to Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. meetings.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Congratulations in order Professor Hanthorn's trunk was stolen en route to Cedar Falls in August; was recovered this month.
15 Indiana plans campaign for educational advance Wants to raise national education ranking.
16 Rev. McLeod addressed Y. on "Ideals" Used proverbs to address and challenge men.
17 Training School News Won against Grundy Center, 40-0; girls glee club organized.
18 Y. W. C. A. hikes Thirty to forty have attended each hike; deemed successful by the organizers.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Editorially speaking; the fate of private and denominational schools Concerned about smaller colleges consolidating due to lack of money and students.
20 News Wants students to bring their news to the College Eye office.
21 Student working conditions on the Hill Believes students should earn wages comparable to what non-students make.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Morningside has chosen triangular debates Morningside team rosters.
23 Our neighbor colleges News of nearby colleges.
24 State Teachers College allowed new service Will send lantern slides about rural education to superintendents of rural schools.
25 The noon-day lunch Spoke about what to serve students at noon.
26 War veterans organize Decided not to make their own chapter of the American Legion; hope that all veterans will join.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Bower-Wray Genevieve Bower married Arthur Wray in Chicago.
28 Last week's results in football; Illinois-Wisconsin score upsets all the dope Conference team results.
29 Old Goldlette Updates about the progress of the 1921 Old Gold.
30 Prof. Fromme to talk on Smith-Hughes home economics Will speak to consolidated school club.
31 Study Centers for November 20 Schedule of where professors will be this week.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Extension Division News about the study centers.
33 First and second year Junior college Students asked to dress like kids to come to the party.
34 Philo Met and enjoyed program.
35 Physical Education Dept. News notes from the department.
36 Primary notes News of students in that curriculum.
37 Report of the Mathematics Club meeting Hear reports of meeting in Des Moines.
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# Article Article Summary
38 Achoth apartments News of residents.
39 Bartlett Hall News of residents.
40 Clawson Hall echoes Topic of debate is League of Nations.
41 Dwight Kelly Visited Waverly.
42 Helen Senker Visited friends at ISTC.
43 Ley Hall News of residents.
44 Mabel Holaday Visited Iowa City.
45 Marguerite Fee Visited friends in Iowa City.
46 Martha Short Visited parents in Toledo.
47 Mr. Goetch's Sunday School class Over one hundred attended.
48 Naomi Severson Visited parents.
49 Remington Hall News of residents.
50 Veronica Rhody Visited sister Miriam.
51 Wayne Jewell Will teach in Alburnet.