Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Famous pianist who gave concert last night Photo of Benno Moiseitsch, Russian concert pianist.
2 Final game lost by narrow margin; successful season ends by one of scrappiest games on local field; speedy bunch from Des Moines too fast for locals
3 Miss King wins declamatory; wins cash prize of $25 Delivered a speech on John Brown.
4 Miss Sibley forced to return home Went home due to illness.
5 Noted alumnus visits alma mater Washington State Normal School President Alexander C. Roberts graduated from I. S. N. S.
6 Obituary Olive Marie Cunningham McElroy died in Fresno, California, on November 4, 1920.
7 Piano and vocal recital given Sunday Ernest Zechiel accompanied John Conrad's vocal concert.
8 Training School wins city championship; T. C. High closed its most successful season Score was 28-0 against Cedar Falls High.
9 Untitled Professor Wild was at home sick last week.
10 Y. W. C. A.
Bailey--Laura Irene (Class of 1921)
Informal get together on Thanksgiving Day; book exchange to be held during winter break.
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# Article Article Summary
11 College Orchestra concert Final concert of year held; Professor Frampton accompanied on organ.
12 Students attend Y. convention State Y. M. C. A. convention being held in Des Moines.
13 The Iowa Club Had a picnic; Professor Slacks led singing.
14 Y. M. and Y. W. Hear address from Muriel Day.
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# Article Article Summary
15 Come and see! New services are offered through the Extension Service.
16 Extension Division News of the study centers.
17 First and second year junior college Almost eighty students attended the party.
18 Opportunities offered for extension study New classes are to be offered at study centers and through correspondence study.
19 Sidelights on consolidation
Campbell--Macy (Rural Education Faculty)
News of consolidated schools.
20 Sigma Tau Deltas Held a Puritan luncheon.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Editorially speaking; "Wherewith shall the earth be salted?" Roy Abbott led devotional exercises.
22 Editorially speaking; Thanksgiving Wants students to ponder what they are thankful for.
23 Editorially speaking; untitled Wants students to pay more attention to world affairs.
24 Our neighbors News of conference schools.
25 Rev. Donoven addresses Y. M. Spoke on leadership.
26 Untitled Former faculty member C. P. Colegrove has been ill and will go to California to rest.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Armistice Day 1920 Poetry about Armistice Day.
28 Frampton writes for leading musical magazine Professor Frampton wrote an article about confusing musical symbols; to be published in magazine.
29 Ries author of nature study bulletin Bulletin will be called "Fifty Interesting Things to Look For" and will start with a pamphlet on each of the seasons.
30 Robinson-Boyce Edna Morse Boyce married Robert Lindsey Robinson.
31 Student Council dealing with momentous problems Discussed conditions in cafeteria and remuneration among faculty.
32 Thankful time Poem about Thanksgiving.
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# Article Article Summary
33 "Sold" All angles of business were discussed in "salesmanship" class.
34 Commercial news Commercial teachers are being paid more; news of students.
35 English department English Club held regular meeting.
36 Physical Ed. Dept. News of students.
37 Primary news News of students.
38 Sunday School class party
39 Yea, Bo! Counted 103 women leaving the library while the Senior class president held the door.
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# Article Article Summary
40 Achoth Apartments News of residents.
41 Bartlett Hall News of residents.
42 Chapman Hall news News of residents.
43 Hiking season ends Many women have participated over the season.
44 Mathematics Dept. News of the department.
45 Music department News of the department.
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# Article Article Summary
46 Clawson Hall echoes News notes about residents.
47 F. E. Fuller Spoke on consolidation of schools.
48 Farran Hall items News of residents.
49 Harmony Hall echoes News of residents.
50 Harold Sheldon Visited friends.
51 Laura Loetscher Visited the Sage home.
52 Ley Hall News of residents.
53 Mac Hall news News of residents.
54 Marie Purdy Teaching in Independence.
55 Martha Johnson Visited Hudson.
56 Miss Alice Wilharn Visited cousin Verda Lauterbach.
57 Miss Greenly and Miss Yowell Visited campus.
58 Miss Mary Stone Went to Kansas City for association meeting.
59 Miss Ruth Uttley Visited Cedar Rapids.
60 Mrs. Bennett and Miss Alice Boomer Visited Waterloo.
61 Prof. Eells Sister has been ill.
62 Russell Dickinson Visited Cedar Falls.
63 Van Hall News of residents.
64 Wilbur Knepper Now superintendent in Cambria.