Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Athletics Hawkeye Conference reorganized. Committee members and teams listed.
2 Fall Term Graduates Students received diplomas.
3 Homecoming day First Homecoming day is October 30, 1920. Activities listed.
4 Lecture Committee Committee members, responsibilities listed, as well as upcoming events.
5 The Football Team, 1920 Photo of the 1920 football team.
6 The National Education Association The National Education Association meeting is to be held in Des Moines.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Athletic coach F. E. Powers to assist in coaching football.
8 Consolidated School Boards Board of Ideal Consolidated School District created with Charles E. Hearst as President.
9 Debating ISTC takes second in debate against Coe and Morningside College.
10 Detached service Finance Committee approved retirement plan that will allow retired or partly retired faculty to be paid for their work at college.
11 Football Complimentary Dinner Cedar Falls Commercial Club gave banquet to football squad for their successful season. Harold Christianson to be captain next year.
12 Prizes for Typewritten Proficiency by the Remington Typewriter Co. Students received certificates for proficiency in typing.
13 Student Volunteers Students undertaking missionary work listed for this year.
14 The Cedar Falls Playground Association Playground Association now manages city playground. Board members listed.
15 The Consolidated School Iowa Consolidated School Conference occurred at Cedar Falls.
16 The football team Football team had a 5-2-1 record.
17 The Iowa State School Board Association School Boards of Iowa held first annual meeting.
18 The Normal Training Conference Normal training conference held October 11 and 12. Those involved listed.
19 Y.M. and Y.W.C.A. budget Student and faculty provided annual Y.W./Y.M.C.A. budget. Distributions listed.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Americanism Series First edition of first number of "Elementary Americanism,The Short Constitution" issued.
21 Athletic contest Annual high school basketball tournament to be held.
22 Galdys E. Hooper Hooper resigned to accept work with publishing company as music specialist.
23 George W. Samson Samson is withdrawing from ISTC faculty.
24 Henry J. Peterson Peterson elected head of a department at University of Wyoming.
25 Home Oratorical Contest Students participated in Home Oratorical Contest December 16, 1920.
26 Iowa State Teachers Association Annual Meeting for Iowa State Teachers Association held in Des Moines.
27 J. O. Perrine Perrine is now with the Physics Department of Cornell University.
28 Laura A. Benedict Benedict granted temporary leave of absence for recovery from illness.
29 Miss Bessie Grace Keith Keith employed by Department of Music.
30 Prof. John Ross Frampton Frampton presented his student Esther Bley in piano and organ recital.
31 Registrar C. S. Cory Cory granted leave of absence for vacationing.
32 The Christmas Concert Chorus and solo numbers appeared in Christmas Concert on December 19, 1920.
33 The Pageant Pupils of the teaching department gave pageant "In Commemoration of the Landing of the Pilgrims."
34 Two magazine articles John Ross Frampton published two articles.
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35 Alumni Reunion Annual reunion occurred in Des Moines on November 5, 1920. Details listed.
36 Dr. C. P. Colegrove Colegrove vacationing with family in California.
37 E. Lawrence Palmer Palmer published pamphlet for assistance in nature instruction.
38 General George H. McManus McManus's life from war onward detailed.
39 Hilda G. Lundin Lundin published monograph related to social sciences.
40 John R. Slacks Slacks assigned to consultative service in Extension Division.
41 Lula Sweigard Sweigard is National Historian of National Women's Forensic society, Zeta Kappa Psi.
42 Macy Campbell Campbell associated with Division of Extension and article published in Country Gentleman Magazine.
43 Myra E. Call Call and George W. Samson retained on faculty in detached service work.
44 Prof. A. C. Page Page writes of happiness in California.
45 Professor Emmet J. Cable Cable elected Worshipful Master of the Masonic Lodge.
46 Professor Ira S. Condit Condit was Worshipful Master of Masonic Lodge over last year.
47 Recital Ernest Zechiel and John L. Conrad gave joint recital on November 21, 1920.
48 Roy F. Seymour Seymour offered supervisorship of Physical Education in Pennsylvania, but declined.
49 The St. Paul Conference National Bureau of Education held regional conference at St. Paul.
50 Warren L. Wallace Wallace accepted professorship of government.
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51 Bessie B. Buchanan Buchanan is "Interviewer" in Home Service Section of American Red Cross.
52 C. B. McDonald McDonald remaining in employment of Otis and Co.
53 Chas H. Kamphoefner Kamphoefner is in charge of Ida Grove District of Methodist Episcopal Church and Superintendent in Iowa Northwest Conference.
54 Dr. Clem C. Seerley Clem Seerley closed year as Worshipful Master in Bozeman, Montana, Masonic Lodge.
55 Dr. Paul C. Colegrove Colegrove visited Cedar Falls.
56 Earl A. Roadman Roadman granted honorary degree, Doctor of Divinity, from Upper Iowa University.
57 Ella Genevieve Knight-Bixler Knight-Bixler is special teacher under James Law in Michigan.
58 Ernest Reuben Nichols Nichols sold interests in Thurston Teachers Agency to C. M. McDaniel. H. E. Kratz sold his school and college bureau.
59 F. M. Phillips Phillip is in public health service after receiving Ph. D.
60 Franklin E. Willard Willard now lives on peach orchard in California.
61 Grace Vincent Vincent teaching at girl's boarding school in Hawaii.
62 Greetings, Home Coming Day Asa L. Mathews and Thomas E. Jones reminisced about 1920 football team.
63 Hawley J. Whitacre Whitacre is editor of The Seward Daily Tribune in Nebraska.
64 Hellen N. Hull-Orr Hull-Orr and husband spent day at ISTC.
65 J. H. Seymour Seymour is advisory editor of The Normal School Budget in Valley City, North Dakota.
66 J. R. Wilson Wilson is cashier of Corn Belt National Bank.
67 John W.. Boyle Boyle is clerk and buying steward of U. S. Penitentiary at Atlanta, Georgia.
68 Lorne F. Parker Parker is Vice President of First National Bank in Cherokee, Iowa.
69 Mary D. McDonald McDonald reports from missionary station in Japan.
70 Mrs. A. H. Ferris (Gertrude Iona Magoon) Ferris is teaching on schools of North English, Iowa.
71 Mrs. James Wolfer (Susan M. Riley) Susie M. Riley Wolfer visited college with daughter.
72 The Alumni Faculty Many faculty and alumni participated at Iowa State Teachers Association Convention.
73 Twin City Teachers College Alumni Association Twin City list of graduates and students to be established.
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74 Albert L. Comstock Comstock holding position as Officer of Hotel Troyman in Atlantic City.
75 Alexander C. Roberts Roberts toured U. S. visiting Normal Schools.
76 Charles F. Perrott Perrott accepted educational position at Almyra, Arkansas.
77 Chas. A. Frederick Frederick and wife Ida Shaw-Frederick is now living in South Pasadena, California.
78 Clara L. Hancock Hancock is teacher of math in Pipestone, Minnesota.
79 Clarke Funston Funston is president of Des Moines Chapter of National Council of Administrative Women in Education.
80 Clifford S. Beall Beall is owner and manager of Raymond Herald in Raymond, Washington.
81 Col. L. A. I. Chapman Chapman is officer at Fort Riley, Kansas, and a lecturer.
82 Dr. Clarence Ray Aurner Aurner published fifth volume of History of Education in Iowa.
83 Edna C. Battin Battin resides in Colton, California.
84 H. E. Blackmar Blackmar is chairman of Executive Committee this year of Iowa State Teachers Association.
85 H. H. Maynard Maynard is Professor of Business Administration in Washington State College.
86 Judge Frank R. Willis Willis selected as trial judge for prosecution of alleged murderer, Louise Peete.
87 Linnie Downs-Savage Downs- Savage is teaching in public junior high in California.
88 Mary E. Martin Martin is student in New York State Library School.
89 Minnie Moore-Gray Moore-Gray and husband vacationed in California this year.
90 Mrs. Cora A. Garreh Garreh teaching in Los Angeles schools.
91 Mrs. Joseph Pipal (Julia A. Piersol) Julia Piersol Pipal sends greetings from Prague, Czechoslovakia.
92 Mrs. Peter M. Fulton (Lissa Jeffers) Lissa Jeffers Fulton has three children at University at Tucson and three others still at home.
93 O. H. L. Mason Mason has returned to U. S. and is visiting in California.
94 Oscar O. Mueller Mueller is City Attorney to Lewiston, Montana.
95 P. E. McClenahan McClenahan gave address before Iowa State Teachers Association.
96 R. F. Clough Clough visited ISTC while passing through on business.
97 Rev. W. P. Pflaum Pflaum called on ISTC. He's now in Chile and is president of Iquique English College.
98 S. A. Cohagan Cohagan recognized as promising and effective in work with YMCA.
99 Vie Ufford Ufford is Head of Department of Commerce, Polytechnic Institute, Billings, Montana.
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100 Alberta Woodring Alberta Woodring wed Giles C. Rima December 22.
101 Alice Whitney Alice Whitney wed Henry E. Rohrssen December 15, 1920.
102 Anna Margaret Tiedens Anna Margaret Tiedens wed Fred W. Miller November 1920.
103 Belle Horrigan Belle Horrigan wed Frank Nichols October 10, 1920.
104 Charles Levi Lewis Charles Levi Lewis wed Hanna Margratte Sandvik October 6, 1920.
105 Clara E. Bennett Clara E Bennett wed Berchmans Auger August 6, 1919.
106 Dr. John D. Lyon Lyon chosen president of executive branch of Council of Parents and Teachers Association of Minneapolis.
107 Dr. Robert Lindsay Robinson Robert Lindsay Robinson wed Edna Boyce, November 13, 1920.
108 Edith Kyhl Edith Kyhl wed Kirk Fox October 9, 1920.
109 Edith M. Moxwell Edith M. Moxwell wed John S. McBride October 30, 1920.
110 Edith Schunemann Edith Schunemann wed John Berg October 6, 1920.
111 Enoch D. Sylvester Sylvester is agricultural director in high school at Annandale, Minnesota.
112 George D. Eaton Eaton is field secretary of National Committee for Prevention of Blindness.
113 Gertrude Tyrrell Gertrude Tyrrell wed Joseph Lynch December 7, 1920.
114 Hazel Bouder Hazel Bouder wed Jackson Eslinger October 23, 1920.
115 Hele Marr Smith Hele Marr Smith wed Russell Reeves Van Tuyl.
116 Helen Packard Helen Packard wed James W. Sumner October 26, 1920.
117 Hester Julia Jacob Hester Julia Jacob wed Henry A. Dessel November 25, 1920.
118 Hulda Klein Klein prepares for missionary service by attending Moody Institute in Chicago.
119 Iowa Lea Chase Iowa Lea Chase wed Walter Edward Coburn November 25, 1920.
120 Jane Ruth Egbert Jane Ruth Egbert wed Thomas G. Donovan August 29, 1920.
121 Jessie Shillinglaw Shillinglaw on music staff at El Paso, Texas.
122 Lela Belle Reed Lela Belle Reed wed Ora L. Frederick November 25, 1920.
123 Leonora Arent Arent published three poems in booklet.
124 Mable Clausen Mable Clausen wed James Millard Bailey October 14, 1920.
125 Marguerite Uttley Uttley was run down by automobile, but recovering quickly.
126 Marion Magdaline Cooley Marion Magdaline Cooley wed Giovanni Volpe-Serra di Parr October 26, 1920.
127 Mary B. Head Mary B. Head wed John A. Lane July 8, 1920.
128 Mrs. A. C. Barrett (Pearl Bills) Barrett and daughter will join her husband in South America.
129 Mrs. Harry W. Melton (Elizabeth Cahalan) Melton is resident of Walsenberg, Colorado.
130 Nellie E. Jones Nellie E. Jones wed Charles J. Rutenbeck November 30, 1920.
131 Olive Cooledge Olive Coolidge married to Milton Tostlebe December 29, 1920.
132 Pauline Rose Pauline rose wed Marion D. Lamb.
133 William G. Morehead Morehead appointed State Supervisor of Physical Education for Pennsylvania.
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# Article Article Summary
134 Campanile Contributions made totaling $182.50 for Campanile Fund.
135 Catherine Goodell Farlow Daughter born to Paul R. Farlow and wife.
136 Constance Smith Constance Smith died of typhoid fever in October 1920.
137 Edwin Grant Copeland Copeland died at Fairfield, Iowa, December 9, 1920.
138 Hon. Roger Leavitt Leavitt delivered address before College & University Department of Iowa State Teachers Association.
139 Jack Llewelln Hoats Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hoats.
140 James Charles Knoepfler Son born to Karl J. Knoepfler and Corinne Record-Knoepfler.
141 John Galen Dixon John Galen Dixon died of typhoid fever in October, 1920.
142 Maude L. Ferguson Ferguson was struck by an automobile and died November 30, 1920.
143 Mrs. C. A. Malone (Ella Florence Williams) Ella Florence Williams Malone died after several months of illness on February 4, 1920.
144 Mrs. Carrie Woodward-Brenton Woodward-Brenton died of a stroke November 12, 1920. Her husband Charles is a member of State Board of Education.
145 Mrs. P. E. Ellis (Clara E. Williamson) Clara Williamson Ellis died of sudden illness October 10, 1920.
146 Patricia Jane Salter Daughter born to Professor and Mrs. R. C. Salter.
147 Sadie Ruberta Culp Sadie Ruberta Culp died of pneumonia October 24, 1918.
148 Untitled Hazel Lambert wed Milton G. Gage December 18, 1920.
149 Ward Son, Loyd, born to Harry S. Ward and Doris Klinefelter-Ward.