Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Iowa Social Science leaders meet here; annual meeting of the Iowa Association of Economists and sociologists Will be here April first and second; a look at the program.
2 June graduates Students need to order Commencement invitations.
3 Marionettes please large audience Performed "Jack and the Beanstalk".
4 N. E. I. T. A. meets at Waterloo this week; many Teachers College faculty members on program A look at the program.
5 Prospects for good season of baseball; more than sixty have scheduled for baseball Lengthy season preview.
6 Ralph Dennis to lecture tomorrow; will speak on "Bolshevism and America" Speaker preview.
7 Teachers College basketball team Team photo.
8 Y. M. C. A. elects officers Brief profiles of the winners.
9 Y. observes Holy Week Holding ten minute services every day this week.
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# Article Article Summary
10 Edgar J. Banks to speak here March 31 Will give illustrated lecture on his explorations.
11 The Juniors indulge Two points of view are given to a recent Junior event.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Are you healthy?; answer to questions will show Dr. Eva Blake will speak about being actively healthy.
13 Geneva Club Pledge toward Old Gold; next meeting held soon.
14 T. C. Club collecting unpaid bill Student caught sneaking into basketball games without paying was charged thirty-five cents.
15 Training School News In the Iowa championship, won against Monticello (18-17) and Springville (20-17), but lost in the semi-finals to Nevada (16-13).
16 Y. W. C. A. news; Turkish orphanage makes girls self-supporting; vocational classes give each one adequate training World YWCA news.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Editorially speaking; attendance at the "all school" party
Cline,Ida Marie (Classes of 1919 and 1921)
Cannot continue calling events "all school parties" when a large portion of the students are not in attendance, nor are they really parties.
18 Something for us to consider Need to stop stereotyping other cultures and get to know them.
19 Unfounded claims Columbia College of Dubuque was named Hawkeye Conference Champs in the Des Moines Register, but T. C. played and won more conference games.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Chas. Perrott accepts position in Arkansas Will be superintendent in Stuttgart, Arkansas.
21 Consolidated observation class studies transportation Students are studying population and transportation of local consolidated school districts.
22 Former T. C. man forced to give up school work Rheumatism is forcing Herbert Wheeler to change climates.
23 Joint meeting of Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. Spoke of how Bible reading should make an impact.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Art news Faculty members travel to Ft. Dodge.
25 Extension Division Only three study centers will be held this weekend.
26 First year Junior college Elected officers.
27 Irving Elected officers.
28 Read at the Homerian banquet; Black's tea room, Waterloo, March 19, 1921
Bailey--Laura Irene (Class of 1921)
Poem written by Laura Bailey.
29 Us kindergarten kidses party Had a party in the Training School gym.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Administration Club Professor Bailey addresses group on manual training.
31 Physical Science News notes.
32 Zeta Elected officers.
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# Article Article Summary
33 Achoth Apartments News of residents.
34 Al Faber Looking for teachers.
35 Clawson Hall echoes News of residents.
36 Evald Nielsen Teaching in Mankato.
37 Fern Smiley Teaching in Sioux Rapids.
38 Genevieve Van Orsdol Visiting mother in Cedar Falls.
39 Harmony Hall News of residents.
40 Harold Knickerbocker Visited Cedar Falls.
41 Lydia Wimmer Went home due to illness.
42 Mary Parkhouse Visited parents in Traer.
43 Maryeda Boyd Visited college friends.
44 Mildred Marlow Visited Marie Kline.
45 Miss Doris Palmer Teaching in Sioux Rapids.
46 Miss Mildred Boomer Visited Cedar Rapids with Joy Mahachek.
47 Miss Snyder Visiting Mary Haight.
48 Muriel Welstead Visited campus.
49 Noel Logan Giving private voice lessons.
50 Professor and Orville Abbott Father visited them.
51 R. Eernisse Teaching in Janesville.
52 Registrar Cory Went to Chicago.
53 Tammany Hall News of residents.