Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 An evening with the stars; B. R. Baumgard to give illustrated lecture on the wonders of the heavens Preview of the presentation.
2 Another opportunity; Y. study classes begin this week Wilson study classes to resume.
3 Iowa sociologists meet; S. L. Chandler of Cornell elected president President Seerley addressed group.
4 May Day fete on May 13; plans for May Day announced Will have parade with float contest and May Queen contest, followed by a dance and dinner for each class on campus.
5 Upperclassmen frolic at gym Juniors and Seniors played games in the gym for April Fool's Day.
6 Y. M. officers installed Enjoy program and look at accomplishments.
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# Article Article Summary
7 Bartlett Hall girl surprises friends Lillian Casey married before informing friends of event.
8 Commencement committees Committee members announced.
9 Professor Frampton admitted to membership in mountain club Climbed difficult mountains over 14,000 feet to achieve honor.
10 Visitors to all-school party must secure permission from Mr. Reed April all-school party will be accompanied by Peavey's Orchestra from Waterloo.
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# Article Article Summary
11 Hudson wins in cattle judging Won first in dairy judging at state.
12 Music Department News notes about department faculty.
13 Prof. Meyerholz elected vice-president Among others elected to Iowa Association of Sociologists and Economists.
14 Training School News Will go to semi-finals in Ames and Iowa City.
15 Vote for May Queen Students graduating this year are eligible to vote.
16 Y. W. C. A. news; women's hotel opens in Philadelphia; Miss Ruth Roche to visit I. S. T. C. National news; prominent speaker to visit college.
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# Article Article Summary
17 A reply Alumnus encourages students to offer remedies when criticizing the Student Council.
18 Editorially speaking; concerning grades
Abbott--Roy Linn (Class of 1915; Science Faculty)
Grades depend on both faculty and students.
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# Article Article Summary
19 A leader's training course in scouting Encourages volunteering as a Boy Scout leader.
20 Doing in other colleges Happenings in other college campuses.
21 Official Changes in administration of colleges.
22 Sidelights on Consolidation
Campbell--Macy (Rural Education Faculty)
Progress on consolidation of small schools.
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# Article Article Summary
23 A new duty for men teachers Encourages men teachers to be Boy Scout leaders as well.
24 Extension Division News notes about the faculty.
25 First year musics give demonstration Gave presentation for Consolidated School Administration class.
26 First year primary Elected officers.
27 Men notice Men needed to work for the Y. M. C. A.
28 School superintendent's class spends busy week Finished study of heating plants.
29 Study centers April 9 Placements of professors for the week.
30 Teachers certificates issued in Iowa from July 1, 1919, to June 30, 1920, by the Board of Educational Examiners Divides into classifications.
31 The White House and those who lived in it
Vought--Edna Ellen (Class of 1922)
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# Article Article Summary
32 Achoth Apartments News of residents.
33 Bernice Palmer Visiting Cedar Falls.
34 Carl Buchwald Visited ISTC friends.
35 Catherine Carson Visited Marie Cline.
36 Chresto society Held regular meeting.
37 Clawson Hall echoes News of residents.
38 Dan Wyatt Visited friends.
39 Harmony Hall News of residents.
40 Henry Immerzeel Will be superintendent at Rippey.
41 Isabelle Montgomery Teaching at Independence.
42 Marian Thomas Back in school.
43 Marie Cline Will go to India to serve as a missionary.
44 Miss Elizabeth Weaver Visited sister Vesta.
45 Miss Grace Hawley Visited ISTC friends.
46 Miss Rainney Visited Bess Smith.
47 Mr. Weller Visited ISTC friends.
48 Pat McNally Visited Gladys Ravenscroft.
49 Prof. H. L. Eells Has been sick.
50 Rebecca Kelly Visited friends.
51 Russell Dickinson Attended Xanho dance.
52 Social Science News notes on department activities.
53 Supt. Harold Sheldon Visited ISTC friends.
54 Tammany Hall News from the boarding house.