Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Adrian Newens next lecture number Will read from "To Him That Hath".
2 Greek play to be given "Iphigenia in Aules" by Euripides will be staged.
3 Ivan Doseff resigns Had the job of reorganizing athletics after the end of World War I; labored under difficult financial circumstances.
4 Operetta tomorrow night Performing "Yokohama Maid".
5 Pay day Directions for paying dues.
6 T. C. wins S. U. I. meet; women's swimming team wins state championship; Gladys Rudston wins individual honors Scores: T. C., 28; State University of Iowa, 27; Coe, 17.
7 Tag day tomorrow; get rid of all your debts tomorrow Buy a tag to raise money for May Day festivities.
8 Team drops game to Dubuque; Whitford pitches excellent ball--allows but three hits Lost, 8-0.
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# Article Article Summary
9 At chapel Sweater presented to Hank Harmon; swimming cup and medal awarded.
10 Audience pleased by lecture on stars Mr. Baumgard gave illustrated lecture on astronomy.
11 T. C. club asks for equipment for every man Wants equipment for the whole football team, not just the first team.
12 Teachers wages are much higher than last year Iowa salaries are rising.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Many records broken in Drake Relays T. C. students did not place.
14 Training School News Doris Clough will represent T. C. H. S. for a declamatory contest in Independence.
15 Y. M. and Y. W. Sunday evenings The Reverend Scott spoke on love for each other and for nature.
16 Y. W. C. A. cabinet training conference Will be weekend event with Dubuque, Upper Iowa, and Lennox; will start with a banquet.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Editorially speaking; help others to recognize an opportunity Encourages alumni to recruit prospective students.
18 Editorially speaking; the relation of the Y. M. C. A. to the students of I. S. T. C. Purposes are to reach out to students, encourage school spirit, and promote higher social standards.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Anatomical sidelights
Abbott--Roy Linn (Class of 1915; Science Faculty)
Explains whiskers.
20 Students help the Chinese famine victims U. S. students raise money for foreign students.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Achoth Apartments News of residents.
22 Geneva Encourages students to attend conference in Geneva for a summer vacation.
23 Study centers for rest of year Placements of professors.
24 Y. W. C. A. advisory board entertains Both old and new council invited to dinner.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Harmony Hall echoes
Heddens--Gladys (Student--1920)
News of residents.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Albert Searle Serving as principal at Grand Junction.
27 Carol Payne Visited home.
28 Clawson Hall notes News of residents.
29 Ethel Martin Visited home.
30 Genevieve Johnson Visited home in Dumont.
31 Grace Potter Has been sick.
32 John Glenn Visited College Hill.
33 Leota Adams, Mabel Holiday, and Mildrose Anderson Will teach in McCallsburg.
34 Mabel Jessen Visited Toledo.
35 Marion Spencer Has been in the hospital.
36 Miss Lou Shepherd Has been working in Des Moines.
37 Pat McNally, Edith Locke, Flora Stebbins, Gladys Rudston and Beatrice Johnk Too part in swimming tournament.
38 Supt. Al Faber Will continue at Allison.
39 Supt. Earl Stout Will continue at McCallsburg.
40 Tammany Hall News from the boarding house.