Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Cast selection for mid-winter play completed; the play is Booth Tarkington latest comedy; to be given in January Cast members and brief summary.
2 Christmas concert TCHS will present show.
3 Christmas vespers Under auspices of YMCA and YWCA.
4 Concert given by orchestra great success Review of a concert given by the College Orchestra.
5 Consolidated school conference brought nearly three hundred Brief summary of addresses at the convention.
6 Eulalians win trophy for best debating team; it was presented in chapel last Friday Debate now in second year of organization.
7 Faculty women will make fun for everybody; proceeds will go to Student Loan Fund Will present evening of short plays and stunts.
8 Florence Carnahan heads senior class during winter term Roster of officers.
9 Liberal reward For return of lost ring.
10 String quartet pleases audience with fine music Review of a concert given by the Flonzaley Quartette.
11 University man wins scholarship in this state; Leo Friis was one of the thirteen to be called to Iowa City for interview; Rhode Scholar chosen Charles Bowie wins scholarship.
12 We'ens can lick un's YMCA promoting wrestling and boxing competition.
13 Winter sale of college annual encouraging; editor plans strong athletic and activity sections Plans for the yearbook.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Faculty loss Student caught stealing money from pocket; dismissed from school.
15 Personal impressions on the Lake Geneva Conference; every student should plan to go
Trinidad--Venancio (Class of 1922)
Venancio Trinidad talks about his experiences.
16 Training School News News from the Training School.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Alpha Society Roster of officers.
18 Methodist mention Methodist students have party.
19 More pep! Junior College class meets; elects officers.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Stealing Speaks out against stealing.
21 What think ye Announcements should not be made during chapel.
22 What will constitute success at the Washington Conference
Lucas--John (Classes of 1922 and 1924)
Representatives at the Washington Conference need to work together to try to prevent future wars.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Another letter Prof. Getchell used in his chapel talk Receives note from President's secretary.
24 Inquiring Reporter Students answer the question, "Do you think that a course in journalism here at I. S. T. C. would be a good addition to the present course of study?"
25 Kansas visitors Twelve came to study Iowa consolidated schools.
26 Y. W. C. A. tea today For students and faculty women.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Christmas Eve Vesper service Under YWCA auspices.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Achoth House Boarding house news.
29 Barrigar Hall briefs Boarding house news.
30 Delphian news Enjoy Christmas program.
31 Ode to Dr. Mead's bantam rooster
32 Ossolis Officers announced.
33 The Y. meeting Professor Merchant gave presentation.
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# Article Article Summary
34 Adolf Kaltenbach Attended Y. M. C. A. convention in Chicago.
35 Barn(y)ard Hall news Boarding house news.
36 Claude Dickey Teaching in Holland; visited friends.
37 Dry Den Boarding house news.
38 Eleanor Hard Visited friends in Waterloo.
39 Junior B. A. Winter term officers
40 Robb Hall Boarding house news.
41 Skybo House Boarding house news.
42 Warren Dickenson Teaching in Jesup; visited friends.