Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Applications for loans from loan fund now; the committee expects to make loans during the spring; fund to be started No money in fund just yet, but some is expected soon.
2 Bible Study ISTA Bible study chair Professor Wright sends out syllabus of course of study.
3 Editorial prize contest arouses many contestants; more students are deciding to write each day; gold prizes to be given Seeking entries for the College Eye editorial contest.
4 Final election at Crossroads next Thursday; this election will decide on the nine students that will constitute T. C.'s senate Will determine ISTC's most popular student from each district of the state.
5 Fire! Alarm in Huber Hall turns out to be small doll left on top of furnace.
6 Ibsen's plays were in favor with audience; good crowds attended both plays; elegant presentation Review of performances of "Ghosts" and "The Master Builder".
7 National student movement opens in New York Calls for armament limitation.
8 Ossolis Held regular program.
9 Prof. McCreary presents eight pupils in recital; each pupil played different kind of instrument Performance program with roster of performers.
10 Prof. Scott weds Married former faculty member Elizabeth P. Moulton.
11 Teachers turn table in last half on Luther; this was first home game of basketball; play Simpson Friday Teachers College wins the first game of the season, 22-18.
12 Wrestling is here Paul Bender has thirty-five men out for the team.
13 Y. W. C. A. "cozies" YWCA offers quiet get-togethers for women.
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# Article Article Summary
14 English Department News about English faculty; Professor Gist is candidate for commander of Iowa GAR.
15 Sidelights on consolidation
Campbell--Macy (Rural Education Faculty)
Report on progress in Iowa consolidation.
16 The Y. M. meeting Subject of discussion was student honor.
17 Training School News News from the Training School.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Inquiring Reporter Students answer the question, "What did you think of Madame Borgny Hammer and her plays?"
19 Student Loan Fund soon to be in operation Encourages students to support the Student Loan Fund; students need to respect class traditions; asks student to do a better job of keeping the sidewalks on College Hill free of snow and ice.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Prize on theory of consumption Cites prize-winning essay on American consumers.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Committee of Fundamental Studies
Seerley--Homer Horatio (President of ISNS and ISTC)
Committee should report for work.
22 Dawn
Dawson--Mildred A. (Class of 1922; Critic Teacher)
Poetic tribute.
23 Schools for public health service men Educating doctors on diagnosing tuberculosis.
24 Sioux Club Enjoyed theater party.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Announcements of the marriage Professor Scott married Elizabeth Moulton.
26 Barn(y)ard Hall News Boarding house news.
27 Bartlett Hall News News about residents.
28 Clawson Hall Boarding house news.
29 Miss Doris Rice Returned to South Dakota.
30 Miss Gladys Evans Visited friends.
31 Miss Vesta Rugg Teaching in Floyd; visited parents.
32 Mr. Warren Dickenson Visited friends.
33 Robb Hall Boarding house news.
34 Van Hall coasting party Boarding house news.