Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Charles Zueblin to lecture here Profile of speaker who will talk about American life.
2 College Eye election All subscribers may vote.
3 Iowa College Press Convention to be held at Iowa City About two hundred will attend.
4 Little Tutors lose game to East High Summary of the basketball game.
5 Play given by faculty women great success; all seats were taken and many were standing; nearly 800 dollars raised
Scott--Winfield (Science Faculty)
Large audience appreciates show put on by faculty women for benefit of Student Loan Fund.
6 Prizes for best editorials were given in chapel; Campbell presses Trinidad close for honors; contest arouses interest Winners selected from nineteen submissions.
7 Shake-Aristo societies enjoy joint meeting
8 Social events at Gym much enjoyed Enjoy movies and then have party.
9 Teachers win in hot contest with Buena Vista five; this game was fifth consecutive victory for team; team loses to Upper Iowa Summary of the game; ISTC won basketball game, 26-17.
10 Triangular contest in declamatory held between high schools East Waterloo, West Waterloo, and Cedar Falls will compete.
11 Vote Thursday Will select YWCA delegates to national convention; roster of candidates.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Second year junior college Enjoy banquet at Black Hawk Hotel.
13 Training School News News from the Training School.
14 Y. W. C. A. cabinet and advisory board entertained By Mrs. Seerley.
15 Y. W. C. A. cozy Bring friends and have a good time.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Freshman's letter to his mother Humorous letter home.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Inquiring Reporter Students answer the question, "There is some discussion as to whether we should have May Day this year, or whether it would be better to put the money in the Student Loan Fund. What is your opinion?"
18 Meeting new demands
Trinidad--Venancio (Class of 1922)
Discusses the role of college students in national and international affairs.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Progress in mathematics
Condit--Ira S. (Mathematics Faculty)
Professor Condit addresses the Faculty Men's Club.
20 Report for English Department Professor Falkler has been sick; Professor Gist has written an article on the battle of Franklin in the Civil War.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Shake-Aristo Societies enjoy joint meeting Enjoy presentations by Francis Eighmey and others.
22 The soul of music
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# Article Article Summary
23 Achoth House Boarding house news.
24 Barn(y)ard Hall News Boarding house news.
25 Clawson Hall Boarding house news.
26 Miss Carol Stone Visited her sister Ruby.
27 Miss Ruth Fabrick Visited her sister Rachel.
28 Mr. Frank Gorman Annamae Gorman entertained her brother during his visit.
29 Mr. Warren Dickenson Visited friends.
30 President Seerley Attended a meeting in Des Moines.
31 Robb Hall Boarding house news.
32 Skybo House Boarding house news.
33 The Y. W. cozy Leila Woolverton entertained the Y.W. cozy.