Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Classroom seats Comments on the variety of different types of students in a class.
2 I. S. T. C. Mfg. Co., Inc. Features people being shoveled, like coal, into ISTC, and coming out the other side, clean and refined.
3 Lecture by Mr. Frank Alva Parsons Spoke on art and life.
4 Mr. Colton speaks of conditions in Russia Speaks of relief efforts there.
5 Preliminaries held for declam contest Roster of winning speakers and their topics.
6 Tutors beat Ellsworth 20-3; Pedagogs win in last half rally At halftime, ISTC was losing, 3-0.
7 What will you do Oct. 31-Nov. 3 Urges students to contribute to YMCA and YWCA.
8 Zeta Kappa Psi convention National forensics sorority will meet on campus.
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# Article Article Summary
9 C. S. A. A. Heard about efforts of individual members.
10 Homerian Literary Society Roster of new officers.
11 Junior party Held Halloween party on the river.
12 Orio Held initial reorganization meeting; roster of officers.
13 Philo program Enjoyed Halloween program.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Inquisitive reporter
Robb--Kathryn (Student--1922)
Students answer the question: "What do you think of the junior class?"
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# Article Article Summary
15 A new system Suggests that class dues be paid at the time of registration.
16 Are you on the offensive? Encourages students to display their pride for ISTC.
17 Chapel period Criticizes those students who read or talk during chapel services.
18 Library laws and laxities Disagrees with the strict enforcement of the silence rule in the reading room.
19 Lost and found Believes that an official "lost and found" location should be established.
20 Will you leave a hole? Claims that there is more to a college education than classroom work.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Are you with us? Encourages students to pay their class dues.
22 Class history Describes the characteristics of the current junior class.
23 Echoes from our class sponsor--Mr. Buffum; "If I were a junior" Remembers his own junior days.
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# Article Article Summary
24 "Robin Hood" Brief review of the presentation.
25 Bonnie Murray Visited with friends from Sioux City.
26 Gertrude Reynolds Mother and sisters visited.
28 Miss Kathryn Beagley Visited her sister Ruth.
29 Ruth Pratt, Clara Witter, and Elizabeth Dale Visited Jo Starr in Osage.
30 The Inter-Sorority Tea Postponed.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Given before Teachers' institute
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# Article Article Summary
31 "Floating" arms Juniors held a party.
32 Anyhow Mr. Buffum Told ghost stories.
33 Bartlett Hall news News from Bartlett Hall.
34 Beginning in next week's issue Plans for a Music Department column to be reported by Elsie Byvank.
36 Harm Kramer Visited his home in Ackley.
37 It is reported Students canoed.
38 James Mueller Visiting his mother during a vacation.
39 Last Wed. afternoon Physical Education students gave physical tests to children at Cedar Heights School.
40 Miss Arey and her father Prof. Arey Drove to Muscatine to visit Rodney Arey and family; Florence Magowan accompanied them to Iowa City, where she spent the weekend.
41 Mr. and Mrs. John Glenn Visited friends on College Hill; John Glenn is superintendent at Mt. Auburn and Nora Glenn is teaching there.
42 Olivette Lodge Boarding house news.
43 Philosophically speaking Briefly comments on campus-related events.
44 SkyBo house Boarding house news.
45 There seemed to be a general exodus Many students went home the week after Homecoming.
46 White House Boarding house news.
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# Article Article Summary
35 Gladys Rudston Teaching in Des Moines; visited Maurine Boggs and other women from Fort Dodge in Bartlett Hall.