Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
10 Mrs. Walker begins senior lectures; discusses women's place in the world today Summary of remarks.
11 The Flood
Clyman--Edna (Class of 1925; Extension Faculty)
First place essay about the Great Flood written using names from the recently published Student Directory.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Chicago U. astronomer describes coming eclipse Partial solar eclipse to occur January 24.
13 Final discussion on Ku Klux Klan tomorrow; meeting will be held in old "Y" room Will consider future of the group.
14 Old Gold submits crossword puzzle Old Gold staff institutes puzzle and series of games.
15 The Inquiring Reporter Students asked if military training should be implemented at I.S.T.C.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Hats off Basketball players and debaters praised for attending practices during Christmas break; students urged to attend all games and debates in support of the competitors.
17 Intramural basketball Institution of intramural basketball praised; students and faculty both urged to attend games.
18 Ironical Ike says--; Cynical Sylvia says-- Jokes and commentary on campus life.
19 Stay with us Students reminded of the grade point policy and consequent suspension for failing to maintain fifteen grade points per term; College Eye requests information on social events for publication.
20 The new year Readers urged to strike out and improve the school as one of the new goals that come along with a new year.
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# Article Article Summary
21 All college dance Sponsored by Student Council.
22 Alvin Freie Will be teaching in Bloomfield.
23 Cliosophic Program for recent meeting and upcoming meeting.
24 De Molay dance Members plan to hold a dance at Woodman Hall.
25 Delphian dinner Formal dinner to be held.
26 Faculty-senior tea First of seven teas held by the College Club and the Faculty Men's Club.
27 Harriet Hayes Married Raymond Bailey.
28 Kappa Delta Pi President Seerley spoke at recent meeting.
29 London on cruise round the world Earl London is a cadet on a steamship.
30 Miss Ferol Martin Is working in Cedar Falls.
31 Miss Frances Glenny Married Ray Fuller.
32 Miss Laura Nielsen Is teaching in Audubon.
33 S. Peter Kuan Spent his Christmas near Boston.
34 Second year primaries Roster of officers.
35 Student talks in New York Milton Methfessel spoke at a national meeting of the Modern Language Association.
36 Wesley Foundation Arthur Young spoke to students; the Reverend Frye returned from conference in Chicago; The Life Service Group met.
37 Word has been received Mr. and Mrs. Sandven welcomed their newborn son, Semon.
38 Y. W. cozy Sunday afternoon Held at home of Professor Charles.
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# Article Article Summary
39 Campbell speaks to Rotary Club of Waterloo Macy Campbell spoke on situation of American farmer.
40 Grid men have now received monograms; Capt. Galloway and Posegate are only two lettermen to be lost to squad Roster of letter winners and preview of next year's squad.
41 Little Tutors drop game to West High; locals show fight, but lose 21-10 T. C. High loses basketball game to Waterloo West, 21-10.
42 No captains to be elected Captains for athletic teams to be appointed by coaches rather than elected.
43 Purple quint wins opener be defeating Hamilton 29-14; Teachers show strength and power in first game by downing Mason City aggregation Tutors defeat Hamilton in basketball, 29-14.
44 Tutor grapplers drill for home meet January 22; Capt. Croy, Andrews, Sanders, and Orr look good Tutor wrestlers prepare for upcoming season.
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# Article Article Summary
45 Did you know that-- Brief history of college publications.
46 Intramural basketball contest to start Saturday Schedule of games provided.
47 Miss Alice White Alice White is high school principal in Oto; Paul Stewart is teaching in Redfield.
48 Student Center workers return from conference; Presbyterian and Methodist workers participate in Chicago conference Report on conferences.
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# Article Article Summary
49 "Bob" Patterson Unable to attend school due to an illness.
50 "Butch" Kaltenbach Referred a basketball game in Melbourne.
51 "Happy" Diesch Suffering from a relapse of pneumonia.
52 "Mory" Morrison Referred a basketball game in Reinbeck.
53 "Sticks" Hopkins Visited his parents in Melbourne.
55 Frances Theobald Teaching in Garner.
56 Glen Moon Studying law at Harvard; spent Christmas at his home in Cedar Falls.
57 Homer Chapman Recovering from an illness.
58 Hugh Logan Visited campus; superintendent of schools in Allison.
59 Judith Chase Spent vacation with her brother in Knoxville, Tennessee.
60 Margaret Barnum Suffering from the mumps.
61 Miss Aitchison speaks on "World Fellowship" Spoke at chapel.
62 Miss Florence Carnahan Teaching in Greenfield; visited Hugh Buffum on the way home from visiting her sisters.
63 Miss Josephine Nauman Married Elmer Higley on December 27.
64 Miss Lula Sweigard Reported to be improving from her sinus problems.
65 Miss Marjorie Hammer Accepted teaching position in Perry, Iowa.
66 Miss Mary Buffum Visited her brother during vacation.
67 Prof. S. A. Lynch Attended the Modern Language Association gathering in New York City during vacation.
68 R. R. Hollingsworth Granted leave of absence to continue graduate work at the University of Chicago.
69 Ruth Hanson Meet with members of the Cecilian glee club to make plans for out-of-town concerts.
70 Seniors to conduct chapel Wednesday It has been customary for seniors to conduct one chapel exercise during the year.
71 Student recital Tuesday afternoon Program for the recital.
72 W. A. A. planning public program Meeting to be held to plan for public stunt program.
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# Article Article Summary
54 Aristo Fred Curran elected president for winter term.