Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Annual music festival tomorrow The Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra set to play; proceeds to go to the Campanile Fund; photo.
2 Campanile drive to be launched Friday Drive to obtain remainder of funds needed to construct memorial Campanile; ten teams organized.
3 Campus is Mecca for Iowa scientists; R. I. Cratty of Ames is new president Iowa Academy of Science holds 39th annual meeting on T. C. campus.
4 Cedar Falls Band in concert Friday; is under direction of Prof. F. L. McCreary Program for performance provided.
5 Commencement play "Pharaoh's Daughter" to be staged 28-29; annual production to portray magnificence and splendor of ancient Egypt Preview of upcoming production directed by Professor Bertha Martin.
6 D. D. Murphy slated for Commencement address here June 2; is outstanding attorney and President of Iowa State Board of Education D. D. Murphy to deliver Commencement address.
7 Euterpeans will appear in recital next Tuesday Euterpean Glee Club to give annual recital; will include dance.
8 Helen McHugh walks away with May Queen honors by big margin; will preside over festivities of May Day which will be held Thursday, May 21 Helen McHugh elected 1925 May Queen.
9 Hockaday-Wilke give splendid recital Cora Mae Hockaday and Kathryn Wilke give recital in Gilchrist Chapel.
10 Lake Geneva meeting at 'Y' room tomorrow Meeting to be held for all students wishing to attend the Y. M. C. A. student conference at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.
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# Article Article Summary
11 'The Charm School' was great success; played by the senior class at the Training School Senior class of T. C. High puts on play.
12 Bel Cantos to give concert at Baptist church this Sunday; Clara Jobes is organist Program for performance provided.
13 Do not judge others, urges Dr. Kleven; St. Olaf pastor makes plea for life of "earnestness" The Reverend N. Kleven of St. Olaf College speaks at Sunday service.
14 Dorothy McKerral in song recital tonight Program provided.
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# Article Article Summary
15 College Orchestra makes decided hit in final concert; skillful interpretation of selections by Miss Ruegnitz adds to success Recap of program under direction of Edward Kurtz.
16 Hansen-Swain-Simmers in recital next Monday Performance program..
17 Musbach-Knittle in recital May 13 Recital to be given in Gilchrist Hall.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Ironical Ike says--; Cynical Sylvia says-- Jokes and commentary on campus life.
19 Isn't it wonderful? Speaks out against overuse of the word "wonderful."
20 Thank you Reminds students to pay their College Eye subscriptions.
21 The Commencement play Urges students to attend Commencement play, "The Pharaoh's Daughter."
22 To those who like to join Denounces students who join too many campus organizations and fail to contribute to any of them as a result.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Delphian formal dinner Formal dinner held.
24 Formal initiation Held by Sigma Tau Delta.
25 May Day breakfast Nu Omicron Nu Sigma Phi sorority entertained.
26 Phi Omega Pi notes Margaret Milversted hosted breakfast.
27 Phi Sigma Phi Held annual Spring Formal; details about the event and those who attended.
28 Pi Theta Pi dance Held Spring Formal; details about the event and those who attended.
29 Shake-Aristo banquet Program for banquet.
30 Sigma Tau Delta formal dance Thirty-six couples attended the Spring dance.
31 The Phi Omega Pi's Entertained rushees.
32 The Pi Theta Pi sorority Announces pledges.
33 Theta Alpha Phi Enjoyed a party and picnic supper.
34 V. O. V. Sigma Phi Held regular meeting at the home of Cornelia Woolverton and Helen Easley.
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# Article Article Summary
35 Dubuque 'U'-Pedagog clash today; Teachers' nine meet "Germans" in hardest battle on schedule Tutors to play baseball game against Dubuque University; championship Tutor basketball and wrestling squads to be honored prior to game.
36 Entries for Tutor tennis tournament must be in by May 7; state meet at Simpson on May 22 and 23 Home tournament to be held to determine entries in Iowa Conference tournament at Simpson College.
37 Tutors outhit Waterloo "Hawks" but unable to play errorless ball; drop second ragged contest Friday to veteran leaguers Tutors lose to Waterloo in baseball, 9-7.
38 Tutors will hold high school track meet here May 23; 500 athletes will compete High schools in the region to compete in Tutor interscholastic track meet.
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# Article Article Summary
39 Bender's stars cop tri-meet; easily smother Luther and Upper Iowa University in Decorah classic Tutor track team defeats Luther and Upper Iowa with a score of ninety points.
40 Coach Bender soon to issue call for spring grid work; many candidates are expected to receive training in early session work Preview of 1925 football squad.
41 Iowa Conference meet Saturday at Des Moines; fast Tutor squad entered Track squad to compete in Iowa Conference track meet in Des Moines.
# Article Article Summary
42 Summary of Luther tri-meet Results of track meet provided.
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# Article Article Summary
43 Buxton and Noah in charge of Morning Watch Will be held in Y. M. C. A. room.
44 Capt. C. S. Aldrich dies suddenly Husband of Bess Streeter Aldrich dies in Nebraska..
45 Gospel team speaks at Finchford Sunday Y. M. C. A. gospel team secured by Roy Brown, superintendent and T. C. graduate.
46 Ivan Fern Ivan Fern attended the Iowa Academy of Science meeting; Ivan Maxson visited Plainfield.
47 Miss Conlon at art convention in Tennessee Will return to Cedar Falls on Sunday.
48 Miss Stratton is elected to Omicron Nu Inducted into the University of Kansas at Manhattan chapter.
49 New instructors for summer term Fifty-seven new professors to join faculty for summer term.
50 Oklahoma educator here May 4 and 5 W. C. Herring visits campus to study rural education work.
51 Presbyterian field director to speak Sunday Ralph W. Owen to deliver sermon on "Greatness and Service."
52 Prof. Mach speaks to college Commercial Club Spoke on "Prospects in Commercial Education."
53 Seniors don caps and gowns Members of the senior class to wear caps and gowns and march as a body to chapel services.
54 William Conradi William Conradi visited Waverly.