Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Boost for Homecoming; all units ready for big festival during weekend; class parade, game, and dance are features Schedule of activities.
2 Dates changed for annual fall play "Captain Applejack"; mystery , thrills and romance Preview of the play.
3 First Homecoming held at T.C in 1920 History of the first ISTC Homecoming celebration.
4 Hamilton Club Debates several questions.
5 I. S. T. C. is alma mater for large number of profs.; few department heads would go elsewhere for homecoming Faculty tell where they would like to attend Homecoming, at ISTC or their own alma mater; roster of faculty who graduated from ISTC.
6 Instructors who have graduated from I. S. T. C Roster of faculty who are ISTC alumni.
7 Y. W. pleads for reason and loyalty Still $1000 short of $2890 goal.
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# Article Article Summary
8 Alpha Chi Epsilon Several former members visited.
9 Alpha Theta Beta Held a smoker recently.
10 Fraternity news Fraternity pledges will be sprucing up their houses for Homecoming.
11 The inquiring reporter Asks students what will happen if it rains for Homecoming.
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# Article Article Summary
12 Homecoming in the past Brief history of Homecoming at ISTC.
13 Why students are stupid Suggests that the average student is not at college to learn.
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# Article Article Summary
14 A Bouquet of Eyelets Poems and quips submitted by campus members.
15 Homecoming--what makes it Suggests that Homecoming is made of the spirit around it, not the activities themselves.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Forensic League reorganizes Planning for intersociety debates.
17 Locals; weekly cabinet meeting YMCA plans to send twenty delegates to state meeting.
18 The Substitute Story of a substitute player's striving to play on the varsity team.
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# Article Article Summary
19 "Felix," College Eye's feature writer has glimpse of Grange Reporter sees Red Grange of Illinois in Iowa City.
20 Bigger enrollment this year in Tutor athletic sports Now about six hundred men enrolled; looking forward to the time when one thousand men enroll; athletics staff and staff players; photo.
21 Coach Posegate's theory squad to meet Wartburg College there Friday; big squad to make trip
22 Some of the faculty members Some faculty enjoy playing golf.
23 Teachers set for Luther; Coach Bender's men to clash with Norsemen as homecoming feature Anticipates Homecoming game and gives lineup.
24 Training School-La Porte city game Saturday morn; Little Tutors have scrappy team
25 Tutors drop important game to Simpson College--Score 23--0 Although the game was evenly matched in the first half, I. S. T. C. was unable to win.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Student Opinion
Slattery--R. J. (Student--1925)
Shares benefits of school spirit
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# Article Article Summary
27 Delta Phi Delta Entertains rushees.
28 Homecoming tea To be served at Home Economics Cottage.
29 Kappa Theta Psi Expect alumnae back for Homecoming.
30 Personnel of the Bel Canto Glee Club Roster of members.
31 Phi Omega Pi Pledged new members.
32 Phi Theta Pi sorority Held formal pledging ceremonies.