Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Coubroin organist Sunday at 4:00 Charles M. Courboin will perform.
2 Dramatic Club initiates five Also stage "Little Red Riding Hood'.
3 Exercises for high school class held this week Hold January graduation exercises at TCHS.
4 Former T. C. student elected to West Point George Woods appointed.
5 Four numbers of lecture course this weekend Schedule of performances by Harold Bauer, marionettes, Charles Courboin, and Paul Goode.
6 Four staffs out for College Eye; two for Old Gold Roster of publication staff candidates.
7 Home declamatory contest held in Training School TCHS presents program.
8 J. Paul Goode here on Monday Will speak on economic geography.
9 Japanese tea February 10 Sponsored by World Friendship League.
10 Program for joint concert is announced Program for Euterpean and Troubadour performance.
11 Prom balance shows deficit Other attractions and bad weather hold down attendance.
12 Square and Compass to have banquet To celebrate Washington's Birthday.
13 Student recital, Gilchrist, Monday Roster of performers and their work.
14 Tso Yan Wang lists Chinese fears Excerpts from address by Chinese educator.
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15 Dramatic contest preliminaries held Roster of speakers and topics.
16 Recommendation Bureau begins work of year Gathering placement data.
17 Science Club Professor Rigdon will address group.
18 Theta Alpha Phi Meets for program.
19 W. A. A. Urges women to join and participate in WAA activities.
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20 Plans made for extension summer school Representatives meet to organize branch summer schools to be held in Albia, Burlington, Creston, Harlan, Ida Grove, and Spencer.
21 School service for week reported Schedule of assignments.
22 Winter debates begin this week Will debate farm bill.
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23 A lock policy Author complains about certain doors being locked at 5PM, for buildings heavily used by students all day and all night.
24 An intramural petting party Comments on the public displays of affection shown at the intramural basketball games held recently.
25 To the ladies Author is applauds women of I. S. T. C. for taking part in elections for College Eye editor. The author feels the change from male domination to women taking control is good.
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26 A. C. Fuller, Jr. Visited Pacific Junction for department business.
27 Absences from school among the faculty Roster of professors who missed classes.
28 C. C. Swain Vacationing in Long Beach, California; currently president of the North Dakota State Normal School.
29 College Club Business session and luncheon to be held on February 9th.
30 Coming Events Dates, places, and times of upcoming events.
31 Harold Thompson Teaching in Emmetsburg; director of the Palo Alto County Men's Glee Club; the club sang for the House of Representatives.
32 I. H. Hart Visited Ames to make arrangements for an extension summer school.
33 Important, Juniors All people intending to run for the Old Gold must give a written notice to the editor.
34 In a recent issue of the National Municipal Review There was a summary of the Iowa Primary of 1926 written by Warren L. Wallace.
35 Mathematics Club Meeting postponed until February 16th.
36 Miss Mary B. Hunter Attended the Seventh Annual Conference of History Teachers in Iowa City.
37 Miss Sara Riggs Hosted Chapter R of P. E. O; Professor Cable gave the address.
38 Mr. Piper of the University of Iowa Will read his own poems on campus.
39 Mrs. Glenn Orth Visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Larsen
40 Mrs. Julia Stanton Visited campus; Mrs. Madge McGlade visited as well.
41 Mrs. L. W. Whitford Entertained members of the Saturday Club.
42 Mrs. Mae B. Yarcho Missed work due to her illness.
43 Professor F. D. Cram Conducted extension work in Fort Madison; Ida Huglin was in Warren County; H. C. Moeller was in Taylor County; Lou Shepherd was in Lakeview.
44 Professor Homer C. Haddox Addressed the Lions Club.
45 Professor Walters Gave a lecture in the Y. M. C. A. room; Professors Charles and Getchell are also scheduled to speak.
46 Rev. Tom Fred Campbell Will speak in the Auditorium on February 13th.
47 Sister Mary Emmanuel and Sister Mary Fidelis Visited campus to study organization and methods of instruction; teaching in Lohrville, Iowa.
48 The Chemistry Department Invoicing equipment and chemicals.
49 There will be no moving pictures Lecture courses scheduled for the same time.
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50 Intramural cage winners loom Results of last week's intramural basketball games.
51 Overpower Iowa Wesleyan 24 to 19 I. S. T. C. defeated Iowa Wesleyan in basketball, 24-19; Howard Hughes helped win the game.
52 Parsons-Teachers clash here Fri.; invaders top Iowa Conference; Wildcats loose to Cornell 28 to 22 in furious battle I. S. T. C. will play Parsons College on Friday.
53 Tutor cagers break even in tilts held last week; lose to Central College 37 to 22; purple guards stop Hoogeveen but lose Beyers I. S. T. C. lost to Central College, 37-22. Howard Hughes was the high scorer.
54 Tutor grapplers meet with Wisconsin U. here February 14; Coach Bender holds 115 lb. and 125 lb. tryouts I. S. T. C. will face University of Wisconsin on February 14th.
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55 Board of Education given souvenirs of Campanile Given "artistic representations" of Campanile in winter.
56 New plan in college finance, let student pay National rate is now about 31%; would raise tuition gradually until students pay the whole bill.
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57 Alpha Beta Gamma News about members; members and guests enjoyed a dinner together; then attended a basketball game.
58 Alpha Delta Alpha News about members.
59 Alpha Theta Beta News about members.
60 Alpha-Shakespearean Program for recent joint meeting.
61 Edna Wolfe and Pauline Johnson ring chimes Received training from Irving Wolfe; now play Campanile chimes regularly.
62 Homerian Details about recent meeting.
63 Phi Sigma Phi Valentine party held at the Blackhawk Hotel.