Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Good Medicine" for Playcraft Club Presented one-act play.
2 "Old Gold" goes to press Saturday Most work already in hands of printer.
3 A. A. U. W. meets at T. C. this week Will host state meeting.
4 Advanced pupils of Alta Freeman in class recital Roster of performers.
5 Bel Canto Club very good in concert Professor Kurtz played as well.
6 Folk dancing festival March 25 Everyone is invited to demonstration.
7 Kappa Delta Pi offers scholarship For nine months' tuition.
8 Men's glee club on tour Minnesingers; photo.
9 Minnesingers Club home concert here Thursday
Heyer--Clair B. (Student--1928)
Will be returning from their Iowa tour.
10 Miss Iva Smith honored by friends Will study at University of Chicago.
11 Mr. Carino meets with league for World Friendship Spoke on problems of Philippine Islands.
12 Naturalist again en route to Gobi Roy Chapman Andrews will explore desert.
13 Pauline Johnson does good work in musical contest But did not win prize.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Seats for concert by Galli Curci at minimum price Orders coming in fast.
15 Student glee in Des Moines University Faculty members there fail French class.
16 There will be a meeting Mathematics Club will meet.
17 Westminster Foundation Seeking to raise $1000.
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# Article Article Summary
20 "Better than thou?" Editorial tried to calculate the percentage of students who cheat in school.
21 In defense again Suggests that roller towels are better than paper towels in the restrooms.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Alpha Beta Gamma Erna Webb pledged.
23 Coming Events Dates, time, and places of upcoming events.
24 Miss Kathryn Holland Visited her sister in Gladbrook.
25 Miss Lucille Culver Visited her parents in St. Ansgar.
26 Miss Luse Went to Ames for a P. E. O. convention in connection with Child Welfare Work.
27 Miss Marjorie Hill Visited her home in Orchard, accompanied by her mother.
28 Miss Marna Peterson Receiving medical aid in Rochester, Minnesota.
29 Miss Smith and Miss Arey Attending a national A. A. U. W. meeting in Washington, D. C.
30 Miss Sorensen Returned to Grand Forks, North Dakota, due to the death of her brother.
31 Miss Wheeler Underwent surgery for appendicitis.
32 Mr. Gemmill Attended his mother's funeral in South English.
33 Mrs. Leggett, Mr. Bailey, and Miss Luse Will attend the N. E. I. T. A. meeting in Mason City.
34 Phi Sigma Phi Doris Creswell initiated.
35 The Science Club Professor Finkenbinder will speak at next meeting.
36 Xanho News about members.
37 Zetalethean Elected officers.
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# Article Article Summary
38 Art League Elected officers.
39 Baseball squad narrowed down to 28 men; Coach Whitford drops unnecessaries Names of those who made the first cut.
40 Swedish star beaten in mile run; loses by a few yards Lloyd Hahn defeated Edwin Wide
41 T. C. loses to Cornell; Grochowski defeated in feature match; first defeat in 3 years of wrestling In the last wrestling meet of the season, I. S. T. C. lost to Cornell College, 18-7.
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# Article Article Summary
42 Alpha Chi Epsilon Elected officers.
43 Some new books; "Elmer Gantry" by Sinclair Lewis Book review.
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# Article Article Summary
44 Alpha Delta Alpha News about members.
45 Alpha Theta Beta News about members.
46 Cliosophic Roster of officers.
47 English Club Program for recent meeting.
48 Ossoli Entertained rushees at a St. Patrick's Day party.
49 Phi Omega Pi Roster of recently installed members; initiation banquet was held.
50 Pi Tau Phi Announces pledges.
51 Pi Theta Pi Roster of officers; news about members.
52 Tau Sigma Delta Roster of officers; Ethel Alexander visited.
53 V. O. V. Sigma Phi Enjoyed a dinner together; Florence Walpole visited.