Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 $6000 offered to stimulate interest in foreign affairs; Princeton to award three scholarships to June graduates
2 All college organizations Students reminded to report social affairs to Dean of Women prior to the event.
3 Announcement College Eye office hours.
4 Fourth annual folk festival Friday Sponsored by Professor Wild's dance class.
5 Mason City wins high school debate tournament; sponsored by Delta Sigma Rho and Hamilton Club Eighteen schools in Northeast Iowa invited; Mason City won.
6 Minnesingers start tour today; will give home concert March 28; eight concerts in itinerary Schedule of concerts; photo.
8 Notice! Announcement for winter graduates.
9 Official announcements Dean Walker will conduct meeting for rooming house managers.
10 Passion play presented Sunday Pre-Easter vespers service announced.
11 Second year junior college meeting Thurs.
12 Two students Two students have been suspended for false registration; names not given.
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7 National honor society elects officers Roster of officers.
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13 Inquiring reporter; what has been your favorite course at Iowa State Teachers College?
14 Joint recital Thursday evening Ruth Rosenberger and Frieda Wille will perform.
15 The Pop-off Student offers humorous revisions for the upcoming term.
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16 At the Theatres Short reviews of the movie "Freckles" and the play "The Way of All Flesh".
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17 The Wolff's Howl
Wolff--Margaret J. C. (Class of 1928)
Transformation from high school to college; a sarcastic look at education.
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18 Alpha Society news; office roster.
20 Irving Society meeting information; office roster.
21 Miss Katherine Farrell Spent weekend with former student.
22 Voice recital in Gilchrist Chapel Mon. Recital program information.
23 Women's life saving corps stages tableau in gym pool; nine new members added to life saving corps First water pageant given.
24 Y. M. C. A. notes. Association meeting information.
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19 Ellen Richards Club Office roster.
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25 1927 baseball schedule
26 All-state high school basketball teams Two players chosen for all-state.
28 Cooper placed on all-conference team Des Moines Register All Iowa Conference basketball team chosen; one from T. C. on team.
29 Fifty men report for varsity track
30 Martin leads in intramural scoring In basketball.
31 Reuter and Grochowski win honors at A. A. U.; wrestle in finals to win second Two students win second place, both eligible to enter Olympic tryouts.
32 T. C. high wins third in state meet; lose to Ottumwa score 29 to 28 Basketball team does well.
33 Xanho place three on intra-mural team First all intramural basketball team receives three players from one league team.
# Article Article Summary
27 Baseball prospects bright for 1928 Twelve men were picked out of fifty to be on baseball team; looks to be a successful year.
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34 Books Review of the book "America" by Hendrik Van Loon.
35 Positions open in civil service; for assistant home economics specialist and junior social economist
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# Article Article Summary
36 Alpha Beta Gamma Sorority happenings.
37 Alpha Chi Epsilon Fraternity happenings.
38 Alpha Delta Alpha Fraternity happenings.
39 Alpha Theta Beta Fraternity happenings.
40 Delta Phi Delta Sorority happenings.
41 Kappa Delta Pi National honor fraternity meeting information.
42 Lambda Gamma Nu Fraternity happenings.
43 Phi Omega Pi Sorority happenings.
44 Pi Theta Pi Sorority happenings; office roster.