Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 40th annual concert success; program was well-balanced Minnesingers present concert.
2 Announcement; official Old Gold notice Students who wish their names to be engraved on their yearbooks must order them this week.
3 Dresses made by Home Economics girls Women model dresses; photo.
4 Girls notice!; meeting in Women's Gym April 11 Encourages all women's organizations to enter teams in intramural baseball and tennis.
5 Last vespers of year Sunday; Easter worship to be climax of services; which have extended over seven months; vespers had much success during past year Will feature music.
6 Official announcements College women invited to talk by Dean of Women in auditorium.
7 Orchesis recital date set for April 24; Florence Reed and Margaret Datisman are returning to assist; draperies purchased by Dancing Club Last year's performance was well-received; will perform both original and classic routines.
8 Song recital Mon. in Gilchrist Hall; by Ruth Cavana with Virginia Gable and Ruth Shimp assisting Performance program.
9 Training School students chosen for honor societies Roster of those named to honor societies.
10 Training School to give "Serenade" A comic operetta in three acts to be performed by students.
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# Article Article Summary
11 The Pop-off Band proves to be good this year.
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12 Listen In The Easter parade on College Hill.
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13 Alpha Chi Epsilon Fraternity happenings.
14 Lambda Gamma Nu Fraternity happenings.
15 The Wolff's Howl
Wolff--Margaret J. C. (Class of 1928)
Explains that the editors put original writing in this column only when they have something important to say.
16 Xanho Fraternity happenings.
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# Article Article Summary
17 Bartlett Hall tea today. Event information.
18 Chresto Literary society news; rushing.
19 Delphian Literary society news; rushing.
20 Important meeting of Sophomore B. A.'s Meeting information.
21 Iowa Club has fire prevention meeting Meeting information; guest speakers.
22 Local dealer to give $40 Alder-Collegian suit Contest information.
23 Miss Dorothy Humiston Acquired colorful costumes for the Orchesis dance club recital on April 24th.
24 Playcraft Club. Club meeting information; cast roster.
25 Westminster Foundation. Information about foundation's upcoming events.
26 Y. W. C. A. notes. Association news.
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27 Eriksen loses to Thomas of Michigan In national wrestling preliminaries.
28 I. S. T. C. wrestling squad Wrestling team; photo.
29 Little Tutors banqueted by school and citizens; Coach Berry of Iowa talks Basketball team honored.
30 Time to start spring intramurals; let's push Encourages students to sign up for and support spring intramural sports.
31 Tutors lose track meet by half point; Flowers outstanding performer of meet Penn had 25 1/2 points; T. C. received 25 points; statistics.
32 Wilson to captain T. C. baseball team
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33 At the Theatres Short reviews of the movies "The Patsy" and "Dress Parade".
34 Mr. Fullerton tells of his trip to Florida Traveled with family to the South.
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# Article Article Summary
35 Alpha Beta Gamma Sorority happenings.
36 Alpha Delta Alpha Fraternity happenings.
37 Alpha Theta Beta Fraternity happenings.
38 Delta Phi Delta Sorority happenings.
39 Kappa Theta Psi Sorority happenings.
40 Phi Omega Pi Sorority happenings; office roster.
41 Phi Sigma Phi Sorority happenings.
42 Theta Gamma Nu Sorority happenings.
43 V. O. V. Sigma Phi Sorority happenings.