Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
11 Mathematics Club Will discuss imaginary numbers.
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# Article Article Summary
12 At the Theatres Short reviews of "Laugh, Clown, Laugh" and "Underworld".
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# Article Article Summary
13 The Wolff's Howl
Wolff--Margaret J. C. (Class of 1928)
Advocates adding Journalism as a class; encourages Juniors to keep tradition of Junior-Senior banquet.
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14 Cedar Falls A. A. U. W. branch hears report of delegates. American University Women meeting information.
15 Cliosophic Literary society meeting information.
16 Colors suggest moods. Explanations of colors and their meanings.
17 Miss Buxbaum publishes article in Christian Century. English department faculty member has articles published in magazines.
18 Neotrophian Literary society meeting information.
19 Ossoli Literary society happenings.
20 Y. M. and Y. W. notes Carl Strand elected president of Y. M. C. A.; election held last Thursday
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# Article Article Summary
21 Athletic schedule 1928 Spring sports schedule.
22 Baseball team off on three game trip; lay Thurs. Fri. and Sat. Three games on schedule; team hoping to win all three.
23 Candidates for 1928 football to work out Football coach Bender encourages football hopefuls to condition before tryouts to keep in shape.
24 Golf tourney starts soon Six teams have entered the golf tournament; two more might enter; planning is underway for tournament.
25 Help the band make more pep Encourages students to show their support for sporting events and support the band as well.
26 Intramural baseball schedule Dates, teams listed for intramural baseball.
27 Intramural baseball starts Wednesday; six teams enter tourney Six teams: Xanhos, Y. M. C. A., Alpha Theta Betas, A. D. A.s, L. G. N., Alpha Chi Epsilons; rules stated.
28 Luther wins from Teachers 5 to 4; Wilson strikes out twelve men Highlights of the baseball game; statistics given; both teams played well.
29 Quadrangular track meet Sat.; meet called at 2:00 p. m. Luther, Upper Iowa, and Columbia to participate in T. C. track meet; T. C. expected to perform well.
30 Start tennis intramurals Sat. Teams named; rules given; schedule posted.
31 Tutors down Central 9 to 1 In first game of conference baseball season, T. C. won; statistics given.
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# Article Article Summary
32 All College Community program of religious life for May 6 is announced
33 Bygone days Articles about baseball from older editions of the College Eye.
34 Inquiring Reporter; do you think T. C. should have a literary magazine published by the students? Many students favor the idea.
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# Article Article Summary
35 Alpha Beta Gamma Sorority happenings.
36 Alpha Delta Alpha Fraternity happenings.
37 Alpha Theta Beta Fraternity happenings.
38 Chi Pi Theta Fraternity happenings.
39 Delta Gamma Lambda Sorority happenings.
40 Kappa Theta Psi Sorority happenings.
41 Lambda Gamma Nu Fraternity happenings.
42 Phi Omega Pi Sorority happenings.
43 Phi Sigma Phi Sorority happenings; office roster.
44 Pi Gamma Mu to have banquet. Banquet information.
45 Pi Theta Pi Alice Redington attended military ball in Ames.
46 Sigma Tau Delta Sorority happenings; meeting information.
47 Tau Sigma Delta Sorority happenings; initiations; spring formal.
48 Theta Alpha Phi Sorority meeting information.
49 Theta Gamma Nu Sorority happenings.
50 Xanho Fraternity happenings.