Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Asking total $680,000 for 1929-31 biennium Seeking capital appropriation for new Power Plant.
2 Audience appreciated vesper program Professor Samson and Howland Hanson present program.
3 Bureau of Recommendations reports more appointments Roster of those who have found jobs.
4 F. L. McCreary acted as guest conductor At Excelsior Springs.
5 First lecture course number held Oct. 5 Major John L. Griffith will speak.
6 Free instrumental class work offered For string, woodwind, and brass players.
7 Girls' notice! Must call for gym uniforms.
8 Hoover proves lucky man at T. C.; students favor Hoover by 470 majority vote Defeats Al Smith, 675-205.
9 Intramural sports for women Sign up now.
10 Men's glee club personnel reported unusually good Roster of Minnesingers and Troubadours members.
11 Official announcements Physical training classes for women will begin; College Club will hold tea for freshmen women.
12 Pres. Latham presents policies to faculty; Training School, a measure of efficiency Outlines views on the mission of ISTC and the Training School.
13 President and Mrs. Latham honored at dinner Given by College Club and Faculty Men's Club; photo.
14 Rabbi Mannheimer will preach Sunday Schedule of CHIC programs.
15 Sorority rushing begins September 28 Follows literary society rush.
16 Student Council to function under new organization Changes include make-up of council membership, popular elections, and council authority.
17 Students directory sale begins Monday
18 Varsity Band will add pep to games; Ladies' Band organizing for new year
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# Article Article Summary
19 Alpha Literary Society First meeting of the fall term; program; old Alphas encouraged to bring rushees to the next meeting.
20 Catholic Student Association Met in Professor Fullerton's room.
21 lutherans Lutheran Student Association will meet in the Lutheran Student Center. All students invited.
22 Neo-Chresto joint meeting Joint meeting of the Neotrophians and Chrestomathians; program.
23 Neotrophian Meeting announcement.
24 Ossoli Meeting notice.
25 Shakespearean Regular meeting place and time announced.
26 Wesley Foundation News Professor Goetch led discussion; planning social evenings on Friday. Officers announced.
27 Westminster Foundation Meetings well attended; three classes on Sunday morning; Sunday evening worship meets at Westminister House.
28 Women's Athletic Association Field hockey game played; intramural meeting held; start of gym classes announced.
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29 Accompanies band Kirk Oleson will play in Sioux City.
30 Literary
Rickard--Ruth (Class of 1929)
Stories and poems by T. C. students.
31 Miss Haight entertains for Bartlett girls Mary Haight holds get acquainted session.
32 Y. cabinet makes plans for the year Results of weekend retreat.
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# Article Article Summary
33 Editorially speaking Encourages students to attend pep meetings; summarizes President Latham's speech to freshmen.
34 President's Column
Latham--Orval Ray (President of ISTC)
Asks any students who are able to play an instrument to join the band.
35 Senior class organize Roster of officers.
36 Wanta' hike? YWCA will take Saturday morning hike.
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# Article Article Summary
37 Elizabeth Williamson marries Elizabeth Williamson marries Emory Cashner. They will be at home on a farm near Independence.
38 Irving Wolfe suffers attack of the flu Unable to teach classes for several days due to the flu.
40 Max Miller working in Chicago Working at the United Foundries Co. helping with advertising.
41 Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Archer A son, Ernest Franklin, has been born to the Archer family.
42 Mrs. Albright returns from vacation Secretary to the dean of women returns to her duties.
44 President Latham to speak to college men In YMCA program.
45 Professor and Mrs. Condit Report the birth of a granddaughter.
46 Professor and Mrs. McCreary Professor Frank McCreary and his wife have been patients at Excelsior Springs.
47 Professor Fagan will speak to Waterloo Women's Club Social and historical background of the Pre-Victorian age is the topic of Professor Fagan's talk.
48 Professor Hugh Buffum Attends nominating committee meeting of Westminister Foundation in Iowa City.
49 Reports Enjoyable Vacation Ethyl Albright returns to work October 1 following a month's vacation touring Wisconsin, Chicago, and Niagara Falls.
50 Rose Smith married Marries Edward Bunn of Dunkerton.
51 W. B. Fagan Will speak to the literary department of the Waterloo Women's Club.
52 Westminister Foundation of Iowa meeting Hugh S. Buffum attends nominating meeting.
# Article Article Summary
39 Iva Musbach working in California Named head piano teacher at Los Angeles high school.
43 Mrs. Shutt Mrs. Shutt studied placement procedures at University of Iowa and Iowa State University.
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# Article Article Summary
53 Frosh look good against varsity; they lived up to expectations Roster of freshmen on the team.
54 Iowa Conference opens grid season Upcoming conference games.
55 Little Tutors open local card Saturday Little Tutors will face Traer.
56 Spectators allowed at varsity sessions Coach hopes that spectators will encourage the players to work harder.
57 T. C. banquet to be held tonight Iowa State Teachers College Letter Club will meet.
58 This might prevent lots of razzing Coach Murray of Marquette University developed a plan to teach spectators the rules of football.
59 Varsity prepare for Coe; first eleven in need of polish Preview of the game.
60 We need student cooperation--Cooper
Cooper--Stewart Austin (Class of 1931)
Student support is important for a successful season.
61 Where Coe-Tutors battle October 6 Stadium and football field will be used for the first time.
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# Article Article Summary
62 At the theatres; Colleen Moore in new type of picture. Review of the movie "Happiness Ahead."
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# Article Article Summary
63 Alpha Delta Alpha news Alumni visit, visits home, smoker, and political discussions.
64 Alpha Theta Beta Smoker, theatre party, and vacation kept brothers busy.
65 Delta Gamma Lambda Visits, visitors, pledge service.
66 Delta Phi Delta Visits home, visitors, illness, and family.
67 Lambda Gamma Nu Illness, football injuries, visits home, and visitors.
68 Phi Omega Pi Visitors, communication from alumni, and visits home highlight the weekend.
69 Pi Omega Pi Officers announced.
70 Pi Tau Phi Entertain and attend Y. W. C. A. house party.
71 Tau Sigma Delta Officers announced and visitors.