Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Band does its part to win conf. championship Band itinerary for the Des Moines trip.
2 Co-eds frequent riding academy Women take riding lessons.
3 Count Von Luckner well received pleasing large crowd Excerpts from his address.
4 Dinner honoring graduates to be long remembered Review of toasts given at dinner.
5 Fifth glee club vesper concert held Sunday Performance program.
6 Football men hailed gloriously at convocation Fri. Convocation honors victorious football team.
7 Gordon String Quartet coming Wednesday, Dec. 12 Profile of the group.
8 Graduation held for 46 Tuesday Description of the ceremony; excepts from Lotus Coffman's address.
9 I. S. T. C. Symphony Orchestra to concert Thursday eve., Dec. 6 Performance program.
10 Interstate oratorical and extempore speaking contest announced Contest to be held on campus; review of prizes.
11 Iowa Women's Forensic League to hold contest To be held on campus.
12 Noted speaker on campus Oolooah Burner will speak.
13 Old clothes wanted For needy families.
14 To speak at national convention Professor Brindley will address speech conference.
15 Tutors win conference championship; end Iowa Conference season undefeated Teachers College defeats Des Moines University in football, 12-7.
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# Article Article Summary
16 E. C. Lewis College Hill barber is building a new shop.
17 Harry Jewell Alumni leaves for Harvard.
18 Miss Anna Wild Visits California.
19 Miss Elizabeth Burney Alumna teaches music in Des Moines.
20 Miss Hazel Strayer Alumna and Independence teacher attemded play.
21 Prof. Lynch and Prof. Barnes Acting judges of a debate at West Waterloo.
22 Professor D. Sands Wright Vacationed to California and attended the World's Fairs.
23 The Brooks-Bright Foundation announces topic for sixth annual interscholastic essay contest Topic concerns effects of maintenance of armed forces.
24 The following marriages of faculty Summer weddings.
25 Tune in folks Turkey listens to the radio.
26 We have as a student Miss Vera Hanks a relative of Abraham Lincoln.
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27 At the theatres Reviews of the movies "Wings" and "The Water Hole."
28 How to play football A humorous look at football fans.
29 Literary
Lighter--Elma (Class of 1929; Critic Teacher)
Stories and poems by T. C. students.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Editorially speaking President Latham believes students should pledge allegiance to their college; comments on the Commencement ceremony; congratulates football team.
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# Article Article Summary
31 A fine time Details on Phillip Shutt's trip to Chicago.
32 A heavy schedule Mr. Hayes and his familiy's vacation agenda.
33 Biology Club Club meeting information.
34 Delta Phi Delta Sorority happenings.
35 Hazel Hamilton Alumna visited campus.
36 Homerian Meeting information.
37 Irvings! Meeting program information.
38 Kappa Phi Sorority happenings.
39 Milo Bixler and Emerald Olson Visited the Olson home.
40 Miss Elna Junker Elna Junker will teach in Newton and Minnie Kimberley in Waterloo.
41 Miss Mary A. Short Recovery wishes.
42 Mrs. Ora Duffus Teaching in Newton.
43 Mrs. W. B. Fagan reports Professor Fagan is recovering.
44 Neo-Chresto Meeting program details; officer roster.
45 Reception for graduates Details of the reception at the President's home.
46 Wesley Foundation Upcoming events.
47 Westminster Foundation Foundation news and officer roster.
48 Word has been received that Leo Stewart Intends to return to college after illness.
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# Article Article Summary
49 14 T. C. H. S. football men win letters Roster of letter winners.
50 A coach's "paradise" in the Iowa Conference
51 Court squad in hard drills Roster of players.
52 Figures prove Tutors best grid team Compares Teachers College with other conference teams.
53 Frost to lead 1929 harrier squad Summary of the season.
54 Gridders honored by Pres. Latham President and Mrs. Latham held a dinner for the football team.
55 Intramural program being arranged All groups on campus are encouraged to form a team.
56 McCuskey to captain 1929 grid squad; twenty gridders awarded letters Roster of men awarded letters.
57 Points brought out by 1928 football Points by Sec Taylor, sports editor for the Des Moines Register.
58 T. C. H. S. basketball practice begins. Schedule of games.
59 Wrestling squad starts training today Roster of some men out for the team.
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# Article Article Summary
60 Contributor's Column; Sioux City
Speakman--Dorothea (Class of 1929)
61 Girls! Are you interested in camp life? Invites women to apply for positions at Lake Okoboji camp.
62 L. S. A. Held regular meeting.
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# Article Article Summary
63 Alpha Beta Gamma Dance held in Waterloo; members weekend activities.
64 Alpha Delta Alpha National meeting held locally. Members meet in Des Moines for Thanksgiving.
65 Alpha Theta Beta Fraternity happenings; officer roster; marriage announcement.
66 Chi Pi Theta Fall dance held; officers announced.
67 Kappa Theta Psi Sorority happenings.
68 Phi Omega Pi Thanksgiving memories and member activities.
69 Phi Sigma Phi Sorority happenings.
70 Pi Tau Phi Member activities; attend party at home of Alta Gregg.
71 Tau Sigma Delta Member activities; pledges entertain the actives.
72 Theta Gamma Nu Sorority hapenings.