Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Destroy prejudice" says Miss Scurlock Wants to abolish racial hatred and prejudice.
2 A correction Survey detected ten rather than 110 heart murmurs.
3 Aeolians give annual dinner With Valentine's Day theme.
4 Annual Washington Ball tomorrow; Grant's Iowans play for ball Tradition of this dance began in 1924.
5 College Eye notice Election of College Eye staff coming up.
6 Faculty invited to B. H. colonial party Bartlett Hall will hold annual party with colonial theme.
7 Join glee club concert tonight Program for Euterpean and Troubadour concert.
8 Leadership necessary for successful life E. T. Hagerman speaks at CHIC.
9 Prof. Erbe speaks of permanent peace plan At the student assembly.
10 Six selected from dramatic tryouts Will move on to final competition; roster of winners.
11 T. C. H. S. enters second round of debate Will compete with Waverly and Vinton.
12 Tutors win debate from Upper Iowa by two to one vote; critical audience decision
13 Unique vesper service arranged for Sunday Will include reading and music.
14 Williamson lecture proves interesting and entertaining
Cable--Emmett J. (Science Faculty)
Description of device used by J. E. Williamson for his undersea photography.
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# Article Article Summary
15 English Club Students read original work.
16 L. S. A. news Enjoyed musical program.
17 Mrs. Schmidt's pupils give a very good recital
18 Scrib has another experience Promoting sale of Old Gold.
19 Student recital February 21, 1929, Auditorium, 4:00 Performers and their work.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Literary
Starr--Minnie E. (Education Faculty)
Stories and poems by T. C. students and faculty.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Editorially speaking Remembers George Washington; the Washington Ball is one of T. C.'s traditions; students ask for support in the College Eye elections.
22 Radio stations broadcasting news flashes Call letters for college radio stations.
23 Variations noted in the feminine world A look at customs at other colleges.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Alpha Delta Alpha Visitors, bridge tournament, serve as judge in high school debate.
25 Delphian Program from recent regular meeting; basketball teams wins.
26 Kappa Phi Entertained at Valentine Tea; formal initiation plans announced.
27 Men's Forum Report of regular meeting
28 Ossoli Debate team winner of the intersoroity debate.
29 Phi Omega Pi Winter dance well attended; pledging completed; basketball team loses first game.
30 Xanho Basketball team wins; member activities.
31 Y. W. C. A. notes Ella Hatch to host South American tea; national officers visit campus; visitors.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Betas win right to enter final round Alpha Theta Beta defeated Bates Hall.
33 Big championship game tomorrow; Parsons here in season's final Tutors defeat Penn.
34 Cedar Falls High gets sectional tournament Teachers College High will play in the state tournament at Cedar Falls High.
35 Dickinson issues first track call Roster of lettermen expected to return.
36 Football rules body now in session New rules decided upon by the intercollegiate football rules committee.
37 Four pedagogues remain undefeated Short profiles of Finn B. Eriksen, Gay Orr, Orville Orr, and Alfred Pedersen.
38 Intramural finals will soon be decided Xanho fraternity is the favorite to win the tournament.
39 Intramural swimming meet set for March 6 Alpha Chi Epsilon was the winner of last year's meet.
40 Little Tutors end season Saturday Teachers College High School will play Reinbeck.
41 State Teachers lead conf. basketball pack Tutors are competing with Luther for first place.
42 Teachers announce track meet dates
43 Tutor grapplers win highest honors possible; Wisconsin fourth team to fall Summary of the meet.
44 Two Tutor cagers sing swan song Howard "Tuffey" Flowers and Harold "Stix" Hopkins will play their final games for T. C.
45 Xanhos rally to win intramural thriller Defeat the Alpha Delta Alpha fraternity.
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# Article Article Summary
46 Women's sports review Women's intramural basketball tournament has started.
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# Article Article Summary
47 Alpha Beta Gamma Home visits; visitors.
48 Alpha Chi Epsilon Visitors; mumps and bruised knee take toll, member of debate team.
49 Chi Pi Theta Alumni expected to return; attend parties; return for home visits; members ill.
50 Delta Phi Delta Visitors; colds keep members from class; Lambda Gam dance deemed a success.
51 Kappa Theta Psi Host bridge party; pledges announced; alumni expected to return for dance.
52 Lambda Gamma Nu Alumni return for dance; members visit friends; members ill.
53 Phi Sigma Phi Members visit their homes; participate in intramurals; plan dance.
54 Pi Omega Pi Hold mid-winter initiation and banquet; meeting program; visitor.
55 Pi Tau Phi Hold winter formal and theatre party.
56 Pi Theta Pi Entertain rushees; visitors; members visit homes.
57 Tau Sigma Delta Members visit homes; attend bridge party; visitor.
58 V. O. V. Entertain at mid-winter formal dinner-dance; pledges announced; members visit their homes.