Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Bird Man" speaks to students at assembly Wed. Charles Rowman Hutchins spoke at regular assembly.
2 "True religion is need" says Dr. Hanson Sermon highlights.
3 Annual life saving pageant draws crowd
4 Beauty lovers look forward to April 4 Description of program; photo.
5 College Club will entertain honor students Will honor women graduates.
6 Concert to climax successful tour; Minnesingers to give annual treat tonight in Aud. Return from performing in several Iowa towns.
7 Cyrena Van Gordon to appear April 11; prima donna mezzo-contralto possesses rare talent Performer profile.
8 Helen Swedberg wins first in dramatic contest Nyra Gaskell was second; Stan Wood was third.
9 Joint concert pleases audience; Miss Hardeman's interpretations excellent
Possner--Helene Catharine (Music Faculty)
Review of performances by Florence Hardeman and Kathryn Witwer.
10 Let's get set for the circus
11 Mrs. Schmidt will appear as soloist At vespers service; performance program.
12 Passion Play pictures were very impressive Howland Hanson saw the Passion Play in Oberammergau.
13 Play to be presented under auspices of legion American Legion will present "The First Year".
14 Special Easter service planned for Sunday At CHIC.
15 Y. W. C. A. enjoys retreat at Willard Hall Begin planning for next year.
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# Article Article Summary
16 A thought along the way
Slacks--Melvin J. (Class of 1929)
Comments on the new edition of the T. C. handbook; finds it hard to read.
17 Alpha Delta Alpha Roster of initiates.
18 Extra--Scrib Promoting the Old Gold.
19 Holy Week services YWCA sponsoring series of services.
20 Miss Balzer proves talent Review of recent performance.
21 Phi Omega Pi Held dinner to honor Isabel Fillmore, national inspector.
22 The educational meeting at Cleveland, Ohio, February 21st to February 28th
Goetch--Edward W. (Education Faculty)
Professor Goetch gives his impression of the NEA meeting.
23 Untitled Several attended the Minnesingers performance in Ackley.
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# Article Article Summary
24 Convention notes
Nelson--Martin Johan (Dean of the Faculty)
Professor Nelson gives his impressions of the NEA meeting.
25 Literary
Richard--Jean (Class of 1929)
Stories and poems by T. C. students.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Editorially speaking Wonders if glee clubs should make tours; describes the fun of a retreat; characteristics of senators; discusses the history of Easter.
27 Fraternal? Critical of some of the actions of fraternities.
28 Music students will give recital this P. M. Performers and their programs.
29 Spring hobbies Faculty and students tell what they like to do in the spring.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Alpha Unusual program followed business meeting. Plans made for changes in the constitution and for rush.
31 Chi Pi Theta Pledges announced; members return from Minnesinger tour, mumps, formal initiation.
32 Delta Phi Delta Visit relatives, hold bridge party, mumps strikes members.
33 Echo Club Elect officers.
34 Ellen Richards Club Set date for first social function of the spring term.
35 Kappa Phi Visit relatives, Lorraine Jakway has successful recital, Vera Rigdon's boat marooned on an iceberg for ten hours.
36 L. S. A. news Notice of upcoming Easter sunrise breakfast and program.
37 Lambda Gamma Nu Visit family, visitors expected, two members on Minnesinger trip.
38 Neo-Chresto Entertain rushees; committee chosen to make picnic supper plans.
39 Phi Sigma Phi Visit family, injured in fall, visitors.
40 Shakespearean Program from recent meeting. Rushees attend meeting.
41 Theta Gamma Nu Annabelle Pollock attended North Central Teachers meeting, members visit family, entertain rushees at dinner, visitors, informal initiation is upcoming.
42 V. O. V. Sigma Phi Alumna dies, member in hospital with scarlet fever, Wilma Hay elected as one of top ten women students of the year, initiaition of pledges, visitors.
# Article Article Summary
43 Westminster Foundation, attention Foundation workers Members urged to sign up to attend Easter Communion Service and breakfast, Sunday evening discussion topic announced, special music planned.
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# Article Article Summary
44 Baseball men taste sunshine in workout Tutors are beginning to get into shape for the season.
45 Full Tutor team in indoor classic; ten conf. teams vie for honors Preview of the Teachers College chances at the indoor conference meet.
46 Intramural baseball managers to meet Mon.
47 Many Tutor matmen enter A. A. U. tourney; Eriksen and G. Orr to captain 1930 squad List of men signed up to participate in the tournament.
48 Men! What do the above records mean to you? Men should consider going out for the track team.
49 Nine cagers win basketball awards Letter winners.
50 Sport Shorts Students should attend the indoor track meet if possible.
51 Tennis squad starts daily practice soon Professor Homer C. Haddox will coach the team.
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# Article Article Summary
52 Alpha Beta Gamma Initiation held, visits.
53 Alpha Chi Epsilon Visitors, illness, formal initiation.
54 Alpha Theta Beta Home visits and member activities.
55 Pi Beta Alpha New members and meeting programs in place.
56 Pi Theta Pi Entertain rushees, successful recital, Easter plans, visitors.
57 Tau Sigma Delta Visitors, pledges placed on probation, visit family, install officers.
58 Xanho Alumni visit, member activities, and spring dance.