Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Annual May fete planned for May 22; Ann Perry to be crowned May queen Will feature dances and songs.
2 Big plans made for May Day dance
3 Cecilians given high ranking Appreciates performance in Milwaukee.
4 Class recital held tonight Roster of Professor Schmidt's students who will perform.
5 College Symphony Orchestra gives splendid program
Freeman--Alta (Music Faculty)
Review of their performance.
6 Compositions by Prof. Samson were excellent Performed at CHIC.
7 For seniors to remember Should be measured for caps and gowns.
8 Lois Roush places second in piano contest in Des Moines At State Federated Music Club competition.
9 Minneapolis minister to speak Sunday Lucius H. Bugbee will speak at CHIC.
10 Official Bulletin Schedule of events for upcoming week.
11 Ohio U. president to be speaker at Commencement E. B. Bryan will speak; description of the ceremonies.
12 Old Golds ready for distribution
13 Prize contest to be feature of campaign Encourages students to buy subscriptions to the College Eye.
14 Pulitzer Prize awarded to former T. C. prof. Fred A. Shannon wins Pulitzer Prize for "The Organization and Administration of the Union Army, 1861-1865".
15 Ray Latham awarded the high honor Son of President Latham will go to Scout jamboree in England.
16 Sigma Tau Delta to publish "The Purple Pen" Will publish literary magazine made up of best work done in classes; Ted Martens will edit it.
17 Student and minister appear in assembly Dr. Bootman spoke at regular assembly.
18 Two advanced voice students, Cavana and Evans will give recital soon Performance programs.
19 W. A. A. play day proves successful For high school women.
20 Y. W. weekend house party to be gala event All women invited to attend.
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# Article Article Summary
21 College Eye questionnaire to be prepared Students encouraged to watch for a questionnaire about advertisements and to fill it out.
22 Editorially speaking Praises "The Purple Pen" and those who participated in making it; appreciates President Latham and his wife for making good memories for seniors; gives a summary of the Iowa College Press Association convention.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Alpha Beta Gamma Enjoyed recent dance.
24 Alpha Theta Beta Upcoming events.
25 Delta Phi Delta Upcoming events.
26 Faculty men to stage big party Will invite all men's organizations; will feature original play by Professor Lillehei.
27 Kappa Phi Upcoming events.
28 Kappa Theta Psi Upcoming events.
29 Untitled Mrs. R. R. Hollingsworth will meet Professor Swalwell's classes.
30 V. O. V. Sigma Phi Upcoming events.
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# Article Article Summary
31 Baseball team at Iowa U. Sat.; Heintz slated to hurl for locals
32 Cinder stars point for conference meet; lose close dual to Coe, 74-57 Summary of track meet.
33 Diamond team on extended winning streak; take five tilts; Luther scheduled for game here decoration day T. C. will play Luther next game; T. C. won over Central Falls, 8-1; Luther lost, 17-10; Coe was defeated, 5-0; Drake lost twice, 5-0 and 20-4.
34 Frosh track team downs Cornell frosh Score was 74-57.
35 Frosh-varsity dual scheduled for Sat. Varsity looks for revenge on freshmen after succumbing to them, 65 1/2 - 64 1/2.
36 Little Tutors do well in Iowa-Cedar meet Finished sixth in meet.
37 Sport Shorts News briefs about ISTC athletics.
38 Spring intramurals now in full swing Several sports have started; standings of teams given.
39 Tennis squad drills for conference meet Tennis practice has started.
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# Article Article Summary
40 College Trio gives concert Guest Day of the Traer Women's Clubs hosted the College Trio. The trio performed many group numbers and solos.
41 Gretchen Henry's glee clubs win honors at Iowa City Gretchen Henry is teaching in Fairfield.
42 Miss Alta Freeman and Miss Anne Duncan had as house guests Miss Freeman's parents from Le Mars, Iowa visited.
43 Miss Gladys E. Lynch, daughter of Professor and Mrs. S. A. Lynch Doing graduate work in speech, gives recital.
44 Miss Selina M. Terry, Mrs. M. J. Nelson and Miss Alpha Corinne Mayfield entertained Miss Mildred Sharp Surprise shower for Mildred Sharp held at Alpha Mayfield's. The wedding will be in the early fall.
45 Neo-Chresto Formal banquet plans finalized.
46 Notice Shakespeareans!! Invited to formal banquet.
47 Pi Gamma Mu Hold formal initiation of ten new members.
48 Pi Omega Pi Heard reports from the Commercial Teachers meeting, enjoyed spring banquet, and initiated new members.
49 Sigma Tau Delta Banquet for new members included a toast and talks by representatives of the new members, old members, and advisors.
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# Article Article Summary
50 Alpha Delta Alpha Elect officers, attend luncheon, visitors, sign contracts, and entertain professors.
51 Chi Pi Theta Spring sport dance planned, visitors, attend Iowa College Press Convention, and home visits.
52 Phi Omega Pi Attend May breakfast, visits home, members attend dances in Iowa City, and members sign teaching contracts.
53 Phi Sigma Phi Alumni return for spring dance, teaching contract, and Beta seranade.
54 Pi Tau Phi Pledges entertain actives, visitors, teaching contract, and alumni.
55 Pi Theta Pi Sport dance, visits home, formal initiation, and alumni return.
56 Tau Sigma Delta Visits home, teaching position, plans finalized for formal dance, and member visits Charles City.
57 Theta Gamma Nu Formal initiation for three members, alumni honored at tea, and visits.
# Article Article Summary
58 Xanho Spring dance plans completed, golf, and member signs coaching contract.