Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Bands and floats to enter parade for Homecoming Description of competition and prizes.
2 Boardman explains origin of loan fund to reporter Fund began with money found in lost purses and wallets.
3 Booklet on athletics to accompany ticket at Homecoming game Bud Sabin will produce game program.
4 Campanile chimes are important as campus teachers Description of the Campanile and how the chime is played.
5 Chandler speaks at Church and Vesper Henry P. Chandler speaks on enthusiasm and outside interests.
6 Coe-T. C. bands unite at first grid game in Cedar Rapids Band will travel to Cedar Rapids by car, then march from downtown to Coe for game.
7 College golf course shows improvement Property was gift of C. A. Rownd in 1926; Jack Francis takes care of it.
8 College taxidermist receives collection from former student Harold Zickefoose donates bones and pottery.
9 Director announces membership list for Minnesingers and Troubadours Roster of members.
10 Freshie pepsters to conduct yells for prep rooters Students attend pep rally; enjoy blanket toss and style show.
11 Freshman girls will wear new headgear Freshmen women will wear purple and gold hats.
12 Large membership of faculty attends student assembly Elizabeth Coder speaks on extracurricular activities.
13 Negro quartet will present program in auditorium Oct. 14 The Hallelujah Quartet will perform.
14 New Speech Clinic will cooperate with English department Will assist in the diagnosis and treatment of vocal problems.
15 Official Bulletin Schedule of campus events.
16 Pictures will be features of Sunday vesper services Will view stereopticon views of Glacier National Park.
17 Women's Band will appear in uniform Homecoming Day Will play at game and possibly march as well.
18 Women's Glee Clubs begin rehearsals Roster of Cecilians and Euterpeans.
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19 Lifesavers Will take canoe trip on river.
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20 The Line Campus gossip.
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21 Asked about the campus Students give opinions on weekly assemblies.
22 Climbing Tutors touch the top, says student
Fish--Evelyn (Student--1930)
Students get good exercise going to and from class; a look at the travel routes.
23 The Editor's Column Urges students to enjoy Homecoming and chapel exercises.
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24 Alpha Literary Society Entertained at Mary Read's home.
25 Delphian Hosted a dinner for the rushees at Dry Run Creek.
26 Ellen H. Richards Held initiation for new members.
27 Friday, September 27 "Hello Day."
28 Irving Society Program for recent meeting.
29 L. S. A. Details about recent meeting.
30 Men's Forum Held regular business meeting; new members voted in.
31 Miss Freeman's piano class recital to be tonight
32 Miss Hazel Strayer Visiting her parents in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
33 Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Rownseville Visited campus on their way to California; gave demonstrations and lessons to members of the Physical Training Department.
34 Ossoli Held business meeting; dinner for rushees will be held October 3.
36 The College Club Will hold a tea.
37 Violin student gives recital at Clarksville Richard Merrill performed at the First Presbyterian Church; assisted by Milton Moore; accompanied by Mrs. Harry Fields.
38 Wahle-Cornelius Wedding Rhea Wahle married Arch B. Cornelius on October 5, 1929.
39 Wesley Foundation Will hold an open house; reminder of the Epworth League meeting; details about fall pledge service for Kappa Phi.
40 Westminster Foundation The men will hold a dinner together; Juel Colburn will lead Christian Endeavor; Miss Hatch will lead the next Fellowship Guild meeting.
41 Y. to have weekend party Details about fall house party to be held at Riverview Park.
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35 Phi Sigma Phi Held a rushing dinner; news about members.
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42 As I See It Freshmen working hard.
43 Basketball practice to begin Nov. 1st Coach Dickinson stated that men interested in basketball should start getting into shape, so they will be ready on November 1.
44 Bender's men make good showing against Coe The Tutor football team kept it close but were unable to score as they lost, 7-0, to Coe.
45 Cross-country team meets Simpson on Homecoming Coach Dickinson is optimistic for a victory as Noecker, Hardington, and Gasser look very strong in practice.
46 Iowa Conference teams are strong The Iowa Conference looks strong in football, especially Simpson and Penn.
47 Little Tutors lose to Traer The Little Tutors took a beating; poor blocking was to blame; lose, 47-0, to Traer.
48 Teachers and Coe freshmen battle Oct. 25 Coach Whitford is optimistic about a victory; will work his freshmen hard to prepare for the game.
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49 Chi Pi Theta News about members and visitors.
50 Delta Phi Delta Lillian Peterson hosted a tea in honor of the rushees; Mildred Taylor elected pledge captain.
51 Delta Phi Delta Roster of officers; details about rushee parties.
52 Kappa Phi Dorothy Freeburg marries Glen Enloe; roster of new officers.
53 Pi Omega Pi Julia M. Myers spoke at regular meeting.
54 Pi Tau Phi News about members.
55 Pi Theta Pi Formal dinner held for the rushees.
56 Theta Gamma Nu Word has been received from Jeanne Anderson.
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57 Old Gold staff and solicitors begin annual sales contest
58 Speakers to appear soon in contest Will hold first preliminary oratory contest.