Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Don't send any more" says frosh as he pays Freshman gets note with laundry; pays first class postage.
2 Bobby Boysen will play for matinee hop Preview of the dance.
3 Business men provide band transportation Arrange for transportation to Grinnell game.
4 College and city unite to observe Armistice Day; special Sunday vespers and Monday assembly program will feature observance of the day Schedule of programs.
5 College office sends out 700 "D" letters One third of the women and one half of the men received the letters.
6 Dads will become familiar with campus First Dad's Day set for November 16.
7 Earlys Haahr, former student, relates experiences abroad Tells about trip to Hawaii.
8 Graduates of fall term will hear S. U. I. educator Frederic Butterfield Knight will speak.
9 Honorary scholastic fraternity to modify present constitution Will lower criteria for membership in Kappa Delta Pi.
10 National Education Association Administration Building Washington D.C. The National Education Association Administration Building in Washington, D. C., will look like this when it is complete; photo.
11 New Minnesingers appear in tuxedos Give preview at Crossroads.
12 Plans under way for Bertha Martin Memorial Theater; Theta Alpha Phi fraternity and Playcraft Club cooperate to support program and raise funds Program launched last Saturday with fifty people from around Iowa in attendance; will be tribute to Professor Martin's strong influence.
13 Prof. smokes in church while citizens gasp Demonstrates deleterious effects of smoking.
14 Professors begin early observance of education week Fourteen will attend ISTA meeting.
15 Statistics show authors of books and articles here Professor Nelson finds that sixty-one faculty have written 172 books or articles since 1912; Professors Begeman and Fullerton have written the most.
16 The Home Economics Department Home Economics Department will hold style show.
17 Workmen smooth gym floor Refinished floor should be ready for basketball season.
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18 Alumni banquet includes notables A look at the reunion banquet program.
19 Characters in "Single Standard" life drawn Movie preview.
20 Players characterize human situations in recent play Review of "Mrs. Partridge Presents".
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21 Literary Poems and essays.
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22 Official Bulletin Schedule of campus events.
23 Second graders share information with other pupils Tell third graders what they learned.
24 The Editor's Column Urges student organizations to be leaders; asks students to invite fathers for Dad's Day; asks Greek organizations to attend Armistice Day services together.
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25 Alpha Program for recent meeting.
26 Alpha Beta Gamma News about members.
27 Alpha Delta Alpha News about members.
28 Bartlett Hall Plans for the masquerade party made at the House Council meeting; reminder about Dad's Day.
29 C. S. A. Held meeting November 3; announcement of meeting times.
30 Chi Pi Theta Held a house party; Eldon Ravlin was the representative at the Lambda Gamma Nu dance;
31 Delta Phi Delta Harvest Dance to be held on November 9.
32 G. R. and Hi-Y Halloween party Held a potluck and Halloween party.
33 Irving Held formal initiation.
34 Kappa Delta Pi Roster of people who will take examinations for admittance into the Kappa Delta Pi national honorary scholastic fraternity.
35 Kappa Theta Psi News about members.
36 L. S. A. News and updates about recent and upcoming events.
37 Mathematics Club Will hold a picnic on November 12 at Tourist Park.
38 Men's Faculty Club meeting Sixty professors attended the recent luncheon.
39 Men's Forum Program from recent meeting.
40 Miss Cecelia Dostal Married Wayne Weinberg.
41 Miss Marlys Schwarck Performed with the Cincinnati Conservatory Orchestra under the direction of Vladimir Bakaleinikoff.
42 Mrs. A. H. Aldrich Will drive to California to visit her daughter, Hazel; Lottie Mack will fill in for her while she is gone.
43 Neo-Chresto Literary Society Held formal initiation; members entertained at a formal dinner.
44 Phi Sigma Phi News about members and activities.
45 Pi Beta Alpha Mary Lewis spoke at recent gathering.
46 Pi Tau Phi Theater Party held and Mary Wiler hosted a party afterwards; news about members.
47 Pi Theta Pi News about members.
48 The Eulalian Society Program for recent meeting.
49 Theta Gamma Nu Pledges entertained at a luncheon-bridge; Florence Meir was the representative at the Phi Omega Pi dance.
50 V. O. V. News about members.
51 Y. M. C. A. Held weekly meeting; Lowell Carver's talk was postponed.
52 Y. W. C. A. Helen Curtis appointed member of the Lake Geneva conference planning committee.
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53 As I See It Preview of Grinnell game.
55 Frosh meet Dodgers in only home game The Freshmen Tutors will have their work cut out for them; Dodgers are defending state champs and are still undefeated this year.
56 Iowa Conference standings
57 Little Tutors lose close decision to Reinbeck The Teachers College High School football team fumbled near the goal line and lost to Reinbeck, 7-0.
58 Tutor cross-country team defeats Penn Shoemaker placed second as the Tutors rolled to a 22-33 victory.
59 Versatile John Murrel is the star running back for Army and is also a basketball and track star; photo.
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54 Bender's men travel to Grinnell today Last year's game ended in a 0-0 tie; Tutors travel to Grinnell looking for a victory this year.
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60 Chinese gift shop will open Tuesday YWCA will sell items from China.
61 College Life
62 College String Quartet gives concert at Waverly Will also play in Orange.
63 Employed women at T. C. number 268 Women working as housekeepers, in restaurants, in the library, in dormitories, and in offices.
64 Largest symphony in history of school poses for picture Sixty-four members in orchestra.
65 Pi Gamma Mu Hold initiation and present papers.
66 Senior receives award for most representative girl Myrtle Wiese wins 4-H award.
67 Tau Sigma Delta Hold Halloween breakfast.
68 The pop off
69 Tony Sarg discovers method of making efficient performers Marionettes perform.
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70 Columbia prof. tells of thrills in teaching Excerpts from address by Sarah Sturtevant.
71 Dean's list shows variety in types of college organizations Dean Campbell compiles a roster of student organizations.
72 Mexicans and Indians greet taxidermist on arrival in South John Hodges goes on hunting expedition in New Mexico.
73 Musical program features assembly Recent chapel exercises are musical.
74 Oh! What a life! Allie has now been on campus for twenty-one years.
76 Women's Glee Clubs organize for work Roster of officers of the four women's clubs.
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# Article Article Summary
75 Westminster Foundation News and updates about events.