Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Dakotah" picture will depict story at special assembly; third and fourth hour classes will be dismissed to attend program Movie depicting pioneer life written by alumna Genevieve Turnipseed.
2 "The Man Behind the Scenes" always in action Profile of Everett A. Ludley; photo.
3 Arguers prepare for busy week Debate schedule.
4 Brindley judges six debates this week In five Iowa towns.
5 Chris Trepp writes about life in Cuba in recent letter Working for fruit company there.
6 Cinder artists will trek long and hard paths this spring Track practice will begin.
7 Class party will provide fun for sophs.; Student Council sponsor fun in Gymnasium at 7:30 tonight Games and dancing.
8 Coach "Mun" Whitford speaks to Y. M. C. A. Theme was "Always be out to Win".
9 College Eye subscribers! Meeting to be held.
10 Debaters argue before Chamber of Commerce Will debate installment plan of buying.
11 Father J. E. Ross speaks Sunday At CHIC.
12 Forms of etiquette express personality Social Improvement group gives demonstrative play.
13 Freshman cagers work hard for Cornell battle
14 Hygiene classes study insanity cases at hospital Sixty students visit hospital at Independence.
15 Intramural teams show enthusiasm at tournament Scores leaned disproportionately in games this week.
16 Men marry for glamour says personality man According to David M. Trout.
17 Misspelled words bring ticket to first finders
18 Music Federation plans annual meeting here Iowa branch will meet in Cedar Falls.
19 Notice! Trying to implement system to keep posters from being stolen from bulletin boards.
20 Program committee plans for convention here this month Planning for elementary education conferences.
21 Redheaded coed chorus furnishes act for show Roster of chorus members.
22 Shield Club admits three new members to its honor roll Three join women's physical education honorary society.
23 Songs, dances and jokes will tickle Tutors; ten organizations selected from forty-three who tried out will appear; one hundred students perform Vaudeville show preview.
24 Stores of surprises await students at annual ball; recording orchestra of national fame to furnish music for dance Preview of the Washington Ball.
25 Tutor basketeers battle Luther tonight for conference head; Coach Peterson's Norsemen have won five loop games; squad weakened Three I. S. T. C. players are sick and will not play.
26 Tutor Tickler specials will be students' choice Restaurants will feature specials.
27 Varsity freshman grapplers clash The first varsity vs. freshmen meet will occur in February.
28 Y. W. will receive nominations Committee will take nominations for organizational offices.
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# Article Article Summary
29 "Thou shalt not steal." Stop stealing publicity posters.
30 A recital of piano music Alta Freeman' students gave concert.
31 C. A. Fullerton Professor Fullerton directed chorus at West Waterloo High School.
32 Compositions Work by music faculty to be performed.
33 Hand in your snaps! Get snapshots in to Old Gold.
34 Ivan Streed Ivan Streed will replace Miriam Little on music faculty.
35 Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Lynch Professors Lynch and Strayer will see George Pierce Balser in Iowa City.
36 Sparkin Irene Freeman will direct play.
37 The Western Union College orchestra Dorothea Speakman directed Western Union orchestra.
38 We owe it to him Showing of "Dakotah" will coincide with Lincoln's birthday.
39 Y. W. C. A. Will meet.
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# Article Article Summary
40 As I See It Basketball game previews.
41 Basketeers keep record clean; beat Penn 21-17 Penn put up good fight during game.
42 Little Tutors nose out Cedar Falls High School 21-19 In close basketball game.
43 Teachers outscore Parsons 27-18 Tutors get their sixth straight basketball victory.
44 Wrestlers take time out until March 3 Tutors meet University of Iowa at next match.
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# Article Article Summary
45 Alpha Literary Society Held formal initiation; roster of new members.
46 Alumni visitors Roster of recent visitors.
47 Biology Club Emma Andrae and Esther Nissen spoke at last meeting.
48 Brief items Mary Wiler entertained Pi Tau Phi at her home; roster of Kappa Phi pledges; Pi Omega Pi held an oyster stew; Pi Theta Pi thanks Professor Ruegnitz.
49 Delphian Literary Society Held regular meeting.
50 Lambda Gam winter dance Forty-four couples attended.
51 Pi Gamma Mu Roster of new members.
52 Primary Party "Get-acquainted" party to be held.
53 Second Year Primaries Will talk about children's magazines and the first day of school.
54 Sigma Tau Delta Professor S. A. Lynch will speak at the next meeting.
55 The King and Queen of Hearts First all-library party to be held.
56 The Line Campus gossip.
57 Valentine parties, dances, banquets form society vogue Pi Theta Pi will hold dance March 1; Pi Omega Pi will hold initiation February 15; library staff will hold Valentine party.
58 Wesley Foundation Jessie Hoshaw will lead next meeting.
59 Westminster Foundation Updates for upcoming activities.