Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Seeing Life Whole' will be discussed at Sunday service Professor Hanson will preach.
2 Chicago professor to address March graduating class Rollo L. Lyman will speak.
3 Coach Dickinson's men swamp Upper Iowa 42-21 Tutor basketball team made sixteen field goals.
4 College Orchestra practices long hours to prepare concert; symphony has membership roll of sixty-five Performance program.
5 Crowd forgets cares, while listening to 'Tutor Ticklers'; one hundred students act in final program Description of the acts; photo.
6 Future teachers receive warning not to play probation officer Charles Gates advises teachers to let courts and law enforcement officials do their jobs.
7 Getchell and Rigdon write about work in Wisconsin and Illinois Professor Getchell is studying at the University of Wisconsin; Professor Rigdon is teaching at Illinois State Normal University.
8 Iowa Club presents its annual play Will present "Between Two Lives".
9 Lutheran students attend conference At Rock Island.
10 Matinee dance will feature Valentine Day; Gymnasium will be scene of frolic for students this afternoon
11 Newspapers must change to grow Reacts to recent criticism of changes in College Eye.
12 Notice sophomores! Class will meet.
13 Notice! Seniors should pay class dues.
14 Notice! College Eye staff will meet for Old Gold picture.
15 Placement Bureau serves prospects E. W. Goetch talks about the positions most in demand.
16 Special pictures will be snapped at Washington Ball Des Moines Register photographer will be at dance.
17 Student teachers help coach play Roster of students who will assist with play production.
18 Teacher orators show interest in national contest Criteria for entering the competition.
19 Teachers College arguers hurl words in north and south Debate schedule.
20 Tutors tackle Simpson at Gym tomorrow night In basketball game.
21 Yearlings to meet varsity matmen Pairings announced.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Father J. Elliott Ross Address by Father J. Elliott Ross at CHIC was well-received.
23 George C. Robinson Professor Robinson will speak at Iowa American Legion meeting.
24 Intramural matmen will meet March 1; all entries are due Feb. 26
25 Mary E. Haight Mary Haight is visiting California.
26 Milo E. Bixler Milo Bixler will work as research chemist.
27 Miss Ruegnitz and Miss Barker Professors Ruegnitz and Barker visit Chicago.
28 Oratory contest Monday
29 The Editor's Column Urges students to support Tutor Ticklers because it supports the Student Loan Fund.
30 W. A. A. Basketball competition continues.
31 Y. W. C. A. election Will elect next year's officers.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Little Tutors win from La Porte City Little Tutor basketball team won, 26-23, over La Porte City. La Porte stayed close, but could not compete with the little Tutors.
33 Norsemen halt Teachers 28--20 in title drive For the Teachers it was the first conference basketball defeat of the season.
34 Notice! Potential baseball players should be working on conditioning.
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# Article Article Summary
35 Alumni news Updates on various alumni.
36 Brief notes Pi Theta Pi entertained rushees; Mabel Chew married Edward Griffin; Lambda Gamma Nu basketball went into three-way tie with Y. M. C. A. and Alpha Delta Alpha.
37 C. S. A. Tea held in honor of Father Ross.
38 Chi Pi Theta News about members.
39 Clio Literary Society Hugo Walpole was the subject of recent meeting.
40 College Club Held meeting and luncheon.
41 Delphian Literary Society Abraham Lincoln was the theme of recent meeting.
42 Echo Club Details from recent meeting.
43 L. S. A. Plans for the annual banquet.
44 Lorraine Jakway's recital Will be assisted by Virginia Gable, Alta Freeman, and Carol Prescott.
45 Miss Wild visits campus Then returned to University of Wisconsin.
46 Tau Sigma Delta Formal dance to be held.
47 V. O. V. formal Formal dinner dance held.
48 Wesley Foundation Epworth League announcement.
49 Westminster Foundation Updates about upcoming activities.
50 Women's Club house headquarters for gala week-end social events Campus social calendar.