Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 'Lelawala', Cadman's operetta, tells story of Indian legend A review on the story of Lelawala, produced by Training School.
2 "Lady Nicotine's" true self revealed Sunday Professor Eells will talk about smoking at CHIC vespers.
3 All-college circus planned by Y. W. Proceeds will go toward bringing speakers to campus.
4 College entertains Hi-Y Club Saturday Black Hawk County superintendents will bring their groups.
5 Committee designs flag for college Hope to have design completed by late this term.
6 Debate tomorrow will close season Will be last of thirty-one debates.
7 Education problems will be discussed at conference here Outline of speakers and topics for elementary education conference.
8 Filing cabinets help clerical depts. Part of President Latham's plans for modernization, organization, and efficiency.
9 Men singers leave on concert tour Minnesingers will give six concerts in five cities.
10 Sorority co-eds entertain men at dance tonight; over 250 persons are expected to attend annual social function Panhellenic Council sponsors dance.
11 Standardized rings selected for seniors Classes meet and agree to standard ring design; description of the rings, which will cost about $8; pin and guard will also be available.
12 Students elect board of control of publications; members are; Finn Eriksen, Emmett Cable, Ruth Latta and Richard Purdy Students elect four members, Student Council appoints one, and President Latham selects four.
13 Students produce six plays next week Schedule of plays and directors.
14 Teachers College may enter nat'l oratory contest Many college and universities have entered the contest.
15 Teachers must answer questions of parents Professor Cram outlines questions in meeting at Dunkerton.
16 Tennis movies will show stars in action Will feature slow motion.
17 Y. W. C. A. installs new officers Roster of officers.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Dorothy Humiston, Thelma Short and Doris White Will drive to the Midwest Physical Education Association convention in Milwaukee.
19 H. L. Eells Spoke at a P. T. A. meeting in Tama.
20 Miss Hazel Strayer Judged a contest of junior college one-act plays in Independence.
21 Playcraft Club elects officers for coming year Roster of candidates for membership.
22 Rachel Rosenberger Won first place for her violin solo at subdistrict contest; Leroy Vanderwiken won for his clarinet solo.
23 Students present dramatic recital Interpretive speech class will work under Professor Strayer.
24 The Editor's Column Seniors should get canes and swagger sticks if they haven't already; freshmen need to resolve to finish their degree curriculum before they start teaching.
25 The Purple Pen staff Plans for a final sales campaign.
26 The School of Religious Education Announcement of meeting.
27 The Student Council party for juniors Postponed; breakfast being planned.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Alpha Literary Society Program at recent meeting was a "cruise around the world."
29 Camp Fire Council Indian lore was the theme for recent meeting.
30 Commercial Club Roster of officers; program for recent meeting.
31 Delphians Roster of officers; members urged to attend next meeting and bring rushees.
32 Eulalian Literary Society Roster of officers.
33 Euterpeans and Troubadours Plans for upcoming joint meeting.
34 Irving News about recent events: informal initiation, regular meeting, and a debate.
35 L. S. A. Program for first meeting of the spring term.
36 Neo-Chresto Members entertained rushees at St. Patrick's Day program.
37 Ossoli Request that all members attend next meeting and bring rushees.
38 Primary Meeting Roster of officers.
39 Sunday Evening Club Mrs. Howland Hanson will speak at next meeting.
40 Wesley Foundation Dr. H. C. Travis will speak at upcoming luncheon.
41 Westminster Foundation Plans for upcoming Christian Endeavor, Westminster Men's club, and Chi Alpha Omega activities.
42 Y. W. C. A. New officers installed; friendship dinner held; roster of members planning to attend the Y. W. C. A. conference in Grinnell.
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# Article Article Summary
43 'Habby chosen on Register's first all state team; Fritzel and Daubert receive McGrane's honorable mention Lloyd Haberichter was the second leading scorer in Iowa Conference; photo.
44 All varsity and freshmen tennis candidates Tennis candidates should meet with Homer Haddox.
45 Baseball men continue Gymnasium workouts Hampered by snow.
46 Forty report for freshman track More freshmen may try out once baseball team makes final cuts.
47 Hi-Y basketball teams battle here tomorrow High school basketball tournament to be held here.
48 Varsity tracksters compete for places Coach Dickinson to pick men to compete at Iowa Conference meet in Des Moines.
49 Varsity, frosh tennis practice today Fundamentals to be practiced for next two weeks.
50 Xanhos win intramural swimming meet; Y. M. C. A. finishes second in annual swimming event Xanhos take third intramural title for 1930.
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# Article Article Summary
51 A statement was made Placement Bureau getting calls for home economics teachers.
52 Announcement Will meet to make plans for women's intramurals.
53 Chi Pi Theta Roster of pledges; news about members.
54 Faculty members to address meeting Of North Central Teachers Association.
55 Phi Sigma Phi Roster of officers; Mrs. Ross Raymond visited her daughter Ferne.
56 Pi Tau Phi's Held rushing luncheon; rushees entertained at Flora Bailey's home.
57 Pi Theta Pi Roster of officers; news about members.
58 The Line Campus gossip.
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# Article Article Summary
59 African jungle mysteries will be shown here Wed. Carl von Hoffman will speak and show movie.
60 Fullerton coaches pupils for choir Preparing rural school chorus.
61 Kindergarten tots show project work
62 Little Tutors start spring workouts
63 Spring opening includes prizes, costume parade Stores will be open in Cedar Falls this evening.