Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Annual election for May Queen will be April 17; entire student body eligible to vote for senior women Will be selected from among senior women.
2 Board of Control sends out call for journalists Only one written application has been made for position on the Old Gold staff.
3 Chicago editor will speak here Sunday Paul Hutchinson will speak at CHIC.
4 Committee plans Holy Week services Schedule of services and speakers.
5 Freshmen-sophomores complete dance plans
6 Honor society chooses members at high school Roster of TCHS National Honor Society members.
7 Love affair, marriage, suicide all make history for building Historical highlights about Central Hall.
8 Men professors plan surprise program for club women Faculty Men's Club will host College Club.
9 Nat'l president of honor society entertained here Stanley B. Houck visits Delta Sigma Rho.
10 Professor sponsors census contest Professor Thompson will offer prizes for best guesses at national, state, and city population figures.
11 Speech clinic is held today by Dr. West; Wisconsin University professor will talk; will demonstrate speech defects Will speak, demonstrate, and offer diagnoses for speech problems.
12 Student identification cards Will need identification cards for admission to dance.
13 Students still try for parts in play For parts in "The Cat's Cradle".
14 Will head 1930--31 "Eye" Staff Brief profiles of Evelyn Fish and Harland Hanson; photo.
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15 Alumni visits Roster of weekend visitors at Phi Omega Pi.
16 Clio Literary Society Program for formal banquet.
17 Creative Writing Club Students will read at upcoming meeting; program for last meeting.
18 Delphian Literary Society Intramural volleyball team defeated the Waterloo Y. W. C. A. team; roster of initiates.
19 English Club Plans for upcoming dinner and program.
20 Eulalian Literary Society Program for recent gathering and business meeting.
21 German Club Roster of officers.
22 Glee Clubs banquet Updates on the various glee clubs and their activities.
23 Kappa Delta Pi Roy Abbott will speak at opening meeting.
24 L. S. A. Program and topic for upcoming meeting.
25 M. G. Davis Visited campus to interview teachers.
26 Phi Gamma Mu Program from recent meeting.
27 Phi Omega Pi elects officers Roster of officers.
28 Pledges and initiations Roster of initiates from several organizations.
29 Shakespearean Literary Society Rushing season ended with a breakfast.
30 The condition of Clyde Leeds Recovering from an operation for appendicitis; other students in the hospital.
31 The Kappa Theta Psi Updates on several organizations.
32 Westminster notes News and updates about upcoming activities.
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33 Five year old composes own pieces Profile of Patricia Anne Samson; photo.
34 High school debaters meet here in concert
35 Sorority women become salesladies in contest Will work at Heller's.
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36 "Eliminate Unfit" says superintendent Believes teachers colleges should be more selective about those who are admitted to teacher education programs.
37 Swapper says. . . News from other colleges.
38 The Editor's Column Seniors need to get their canes and swagger sticks, students should get involved in May Day; spruce tree was taken from the college botanical garden.
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39 Music recitals Schedule and performance programs.
40 The Line Campus gossip.
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41 Baseball captain Verdine Barnum is captain for men's baseball.
42 Dickinson's frosh show promise Coach Dickinson's freshman track men are strong at field events.
43 H. S. relay teams meet here April 19th; this spring marks ninth year of invitation meet; lettermen and coaching majors will direct events 463 athletes representing forty-two schools participated in the meet last year.
44 Haddox drills squad on fundamentals The Teachers tennis team must work hard to uphold their place in the conference; will receive keen and strenuous competition from various colleges.
45 Little Tutors prepare for Teacher Relays Coach Schneider is speeding up the Little Tutors spring workouts. There will be a relay team and a medley team and also individual events.
46 Track pilot Gerald Baxter is a good asset to the Teachers College track team; his best event is pole vaulting; photo.
47 Whitford drills squad for season's opener; team personnel includes twenty-two players
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48 Class springs surprise in absence of teacher Students hold class even in professor's absence.
49 Iowa Club is host to 4-H Club members From Black Hawk County.
50 Research director visits jr. colleges Professor Nelson is inspecting teacher training work at those schools.
51 Third best typist in world visits campus Tuesday Barney Stapert visits.
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# Article Article Summary
52 Fullerton announces junior contest winners From contest at Iowa Federation of Music Clubs.
53 Get a date, seniors! The prom comes May 3
54 Happy life formula From Charles F. Thwing.
55 Minnesingers give successful concert
Starr--Minnie E. (Education Faculty)
Performance review.
56 News Bureau starts work in new office Will get new furniture and remodeled facilities.
57 Orchesis recital shows life, beauty
Barker--Olive L. (Music Faculty)
Review of fourth annual performance of Orchesis.