Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Bel Cantos to give concert next week; Miss Freeman and Mr. Samson will assist with solo numbers Performance preview and program.
2 Changes in faculty positions Professor Walters retires; Paul Bender will take year of graduate study; photo.
3 College invites mothers to visit sons and daughters Will forego sneak day; will honor mothers instead.
4 Irving Society wins debate before retailers Irving defeats Ossoli.
5 Mae Lewis heads next year's annual Roster of other staff members.
6 Men singers will broadcast Sunday Minnesingers will sing on WHO.
7 Nine instructors granted leave of absence next year To pursue graduate study; outlines of their study plans.
8 Original paintings are exhibited here Work by Frederick Tellander on display.
9 Ruth Eells wins May queen election by big majority; will be crowned queen of the May at annual festival; primary department gives loyal support Profile of Ruth Eells.
10 Seniors plan prom, invite student body
11 Special Easter program planned for Sunday At CHIC.
12 Students arouse interest in May Day Extensive plans along the lines of Old English celebrations.
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# Article Article Summary
13 Boone debaters win in consolation match Finish second to Mason City.
14 Contralto delights audience Tues. eve
Schmidt--Elizabeth Burney (Music Faculty)
Review of performance by Cyrena Van Gordon.
15 Servant problem makes plot for high school play Will present "Fanny and the Servant Problem".
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# Article Article Summary
16 The Lambda Gamma Nu fraternity Will hold annual favor dance.
17 Y. W. C. A. Will host an Easter hike.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Above is the personnel The Bel Canto Glee Club; photo.
19 Music recitals Adeline Asher, Doris Young, and Helen Whittle will perform.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Brindley chosen to judge high school declamatory finals
21 The Editor's Column; why be childish? President Latham asks students to give up half-day holiday in order to celebrate Mother's Day.
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# Article Article Summary
22 Jvone Lowrie will give piano recital Performance program.
23 Seniors! Will meet.
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# Article Article Summary
24 "Shrimpy"
25 April showers hinder Little Tutors workouts Teachers Relays are tomorrow.
26 Freshmen perform well against varsity Freshmen lose baseball scrimmage, but feel good about their play.
27 Nine teams enter intramural B. B. league Baseball replaces kittenball in this year's intramurals.
28 Over fifty delegates attend convention Of Mayflower descendants.
29 Relay officials, attention! Officials should study rules pertaining to event.
30 Selina Terry will judge writers contest For Louisiana school at which Pearl Hogrefe teaches.
31 Teachers enter ten event at Des Moines Coach Dickinson will compete in ten events at the Drake Relays.
32 Thirty-eight teams enter teacher relays; four hundred six boys will compete in annual classic; twenty-one "B", seventeen "A" squads participate Annual Teachers College Relays will be held.
33 University of Iowa added to tennis card Director Mendenhall and Coach Haddox added two matches for the State Teachers tennis team.
34 Varsity nine prepare for season's opener at Iowa; four teams will be met on foreign playing field Baseball team is developing well.
35 W'loo Y. W. invites college members there For dinner.
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# Article Article Summary
36 Art League Roster of new faculty advisors and officers.
37 Commercial Club Program for recent meeting.
38 Homerian Will meet to plan spring banquet.
39 Irving Plans for next regular meeting.
40 Kappa Theta Psi initiates Mae Lewis was formally initiated.
41 L. S. A. Plans for Sunday activities.
42 Shakespearean Literary Society Held formal initiation for fourteen new members.
43 Society initiations Lambda Gamma Nu held formal initiation; Theta Gamma Nu enjoyed a formal dinner and initiation of new members.
44 Tau Sig tea Mrs. Lillehei hosted a tea at her home.
45 W. A. A. Plans for upcoming meeting; will sponsor Black Hawk County High School Playground.
46 Wesley Foundation Plans for upcoming Sunday morning.
47 Westminster Foundation Will have an Easter sunrise service and breakfast; Ella Hatch will speak Sunday evening.
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# Article Article Summary
48 Brass quartet plays over WMT tonight
49 Librarian accepts position in Paris Marjorie True will work at American Library in Paris.