Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Alumni Association of college holds annual reunion Roster of officers.
2 Berg Trophy for women athlete won by Grisier Catherine Grisier honored; roster of other outstanding women athletes.
3 Calm of convent delighted audience of "Cradle Song" Review of the play.
4 G. W. Walters honored on completion of years of service College holds program of toasts.
5 Graduation events most colorful in history of school Review of Commencement activities.
6 Local columnist gets ideas for articles from study of monkeys Humorous profile of Stan Wood; photo.
7 Local music lovers form Orchestra Club Under direction of Frank Hill.
8 Mike Klinoff Profile of Mike Klinoff; photo.
9 New Y. W. secretary begins duty Jo Wilder will be secretary for the summer.
10 People, here's your chance Seeking College Eye staff members.
11 Record-breaking enrollment predicted for summer term; over one third of present students expected to enroll May exceed record 1929 level of 2476.
12 Seniors-sophs elect next year's officers Roster of class officers.
13 Tutor athletes slated for post on coaching staff Profiles of Dave McCuskey and Melvin Fritzel.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Charm and dignity prevail in Dean of Women's office Description of the Dean of Women's office.
15 First defeat sets edge on teeth of new mat captain Finn Eriksen's first defeat and his reelection as captain of the squad, photo.
16 Million dollars for new music school at Northwestern University Professor Ruegnitz attends North Shore festival there.
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# Article Article Summary
17 "Meeting life's needs" theme of art exhibition Description of new exhibit.
18 Baccalaureate sermon urges "strength, beauty" Delivered by Thomas E. Green.
19 Campus journalists form Press Club Will foster interest in field of journalism.
20 Cut-raters denied college epistle Old Golds in short supply.
21 Head new staff Pictured are Harland Hanson and Evelyn Fish who head the College Eye staff for 1930-31.
22 New Eye staff starts work with this week's issue Brief profiles of College Eye staff; photo.
23 Rosa Lena Ruegnitz Professor Ruegnitz will study in New York City.
24 Swapper says News from other colleges.
25 Through Fervent Eyes YWCA will show movie.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Roger Ranney will head YMCA again
27 The Editors Column Farewell to the retiring College Eye staff, plans for rural education department; need College Eye reporters; a student enters a convent; students receive honors in a shorthand test, Play Day gets a new theme.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Training School seniors present class program
29 Tutors place fourth in Des Moines track meet Teachers compete in the first outdoor night track meet held by the Iowa Collegiate association; summary of scores.
30 Tutors sports leaders Two sports leaders who will be on the coaching staff in 1931: David McCuskey is shown in his football uniform, and Melvin Fritzel is pictured in his track outfit.
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# Article Article Summary
31 About two hundred fifty Graduates, alumni, and faculty attended the Commencement party; roster of members of the reception committee and refreshments committee.
32 Again the Y. W. C. A. Will hold a Registration tea.
33 Anne Stuart Duncan Visiting Chicago.
34 Martin Luther Foundation Will host a Play Day on the lawn.
35 Members of the June graduating class President and Mrs. O. R. Latham hosted a reception at their home for the graduates.
36 Presentation of Cory Trophy high spot in week's society The V. O. V. Sigma Phi sorority received the trophy; Delta Phi Delta received honorable mention; roster of other competing societies in order of their rank.
37 The sophomore class Training school students presented an operetta.
38 Wesley Foundation Kappa Phi will host a tea; Epworth league will hold meeting.
39 Westminster Foundation Encourages Presbyterian students to attend church school classes.
40 Ziegfeld's choice Pictured is Carmen Isaacs, who was chosen as most beautiful by Flo Ziegfeld.
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# Article Article Summary
41 Directs 'Cradle Song' Hazel Strayer, director of the Commencement play and professor of oral interpretation; photo.
42 Iz Krensky Iz Krensky wins fellowship at New York University.
43 The Line Campus gossip.
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# Article Article Summary
44 Desks and swivel chairs for commercial students Professor Condit describes the new equipment for the commercial students.
45 Junior high recital Performance program.
46 Summer schools show growth each year National trends.
47 They started in--and now start out--together Helen Curtis, Flora Bailey, and Lillian Enlow have gone through their entire education together.
48 Thirty-five members of faculty leave for summer term Faculty summer plans; many will pursue graduate study.