Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Band and orchestra plan for expansion Ordering new music for larger groups.
2 Do you take this paper for better or for worse, to cherish and support-- College Eye will have some changes this year.
3 Erbe-Denny gov't. tests commended by publishers; tests are based on Magruder's "American Government and Politics" Will put tests on market soon.
4 Freshmen women will wear purple and gold berets; Student Council believes wardrobe of every student should be topped of All freshmen should wear these items.
5 Green cotton rompers will be new gym uniform for students Will switch from old middy and bloomer suit to one piece green cotton rompers.
6 Guard your health, save your money, and resolve to master your work", is advice of President to freshmen
Latham--Orval Ray (President of ISTC)
Text of message to new students.
7 Men's Club rooms opened with big mix on Saturday; half hour radio program from the college station is feature of programs Will broadcast music and news.
8 Nearly four hundred graduated at end of summer term Description of the ceremony.
9 New "Eye" staff starts work with this week's issue; all on job for first time this term except editor and ass't. business manager Evelyn Fish and Hanson head staff; photo.
10 One hundred fifty big sisters will guide frosh girls; upper class women will help new girls make friends and find way about Upper class women will be assigned to give advice to freshman women.
11 Oratorical contest is planned for early this fall Open to all students; will provide opportunity "to develop their abilities in the interpretation of the literature of oratory".
12 Playcraft Club
White--Zora B. (Class of 1932)
Will meet.
13 Purple and gold busses will carry student teachers Will make daily trips to affiliated schools.
14 Wanted: College Eye reporters from each and every dept. Seeking new staff.
15 Warm greetings for freshmen; newcomers will "get acquainted' this first week Description of orientation activities.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Fifteen leaders will be chosen for big sisters
Campbell--Sadie B. Dean of Women)
Dean Campbell says that the leaders will have great responsibility.
17 Inferiority complexes bother bandmen Professor Russell says that underclassman turnout for orchestra and band is poor because new students believe themselves inferior.
18 The Line
Wood--Stanley G. (Class of 1931; Theater Faculty)
Campus gossip.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Campanile sitter gets cold feet Dwane Collins gives up his attempt to stay in the Campanile for ten days.
21 Carl Erbe completes "Text and Workbook in Iowa History"
22 Puppet troupe designed by Washington children Children from Washington bring show to campus.
23 Rural Education office moves down the hall Moves two doors up the hall in the Auditorium Building.
24 Where men are men there's a place for them Description of the newly-redecorated Dean of Men's office.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Freshmen will start fall social activity with reception tonight Campus social calendar.
26 You are invited
Hill--Frank W. (Music Faculty)
To join the Orchestra Club.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Intramural winners Tennis and golf crowns winners during summer term.
28 Leads Tutors Schedule for 1930 season; photo.
29 Leaves Head wrestling and football coach Paul Bender leaves to enroll at Columbia University in New York; photo.
30 Little Tutors gird for season's opener Begins practice today.
31 Men students find athletic plant improved during summer months Improvements include new ticket booth, new walkways, and upgraded athletic fields.
32 Record squad reports to Whitford; weighty team pushes on to fundamentals Thirty-two men reported for practice; returning lettermen listed.
33 Runners needed as cross-country men prepare for work Only one varsity member returning.
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# Article Article Summary
34 Band men attention! Asks men to report for rehearsal.
35 Campus journalists form Press Club Purpose is to foster interest in journalism.
36 Inky Worm crawls on the job again Stan Wood tells how he spent his summer.
37 Robinson will study at Harvard this year Will study the American Presidency.
38 Three bears go modern in playlet by Pieracci; playlet by primary major to be copyrighted Will be opportunity for Departments of Art and English to cooperate.