Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Evening of Opera" is first number of entertainments To be presented by National Music League; description of other presentation in the Lecture and Entertainment Course.
2 "Eye" staff takes eight new workers unto itself Roster of new staff members.
3 Band makes first trip with team Saturday May go to Luther game.
4 Bonfire rally will open Homecoming festivities Friday; alumni will be greeted by imposing T.C. letter Schedule of Homecoming activities.
5 College outsmarts bullish market on all-steel flag poles Will purchase two ninety foot poles to be installed at north and south ends of football field.
6 Dr. Seerley submits his list of names for Hall of Fame; honored names are chosen from tests prepared by 105 electors Former President Seerley submits fifteen names.
7 F. D. Cram appointed member of N.E.A. legislative group Group hopes to establish federal department of education.
8 Familiar faces seen in professor's rogue gallery Professor Getchell takes pictures of classes.
9 Fifty co-eds to form pep squad for Homecoming; "Tutor Belles" will make their first appearance in costume
10 Injuries still retard Tutors for Luther game tomorrow; conference title may depend on result of battle Injury-ridden Tutor squad gears up to take on Luther.
11 Le Roy Evans elected "Eye" associate editor
12 Living and learning Freshman women wear beanies and study the freshman rules; photo.
13 Main entrance to Bartlett Hall will have new label Will eliminate confusion for deliverymen.
14 Miniature Homecoming is first number of assembly series Series of programs will be warm-up for Homecoming.
15 O. R. Latham will address freshmen Will be fourth in series of lectures for men.
16 Professors go to Iowa City Will attend meeting on administration and supervision.
17 Psychology professors judge babies at cattle congress; Finkenbinder and Wilcox give mental tests to babies Will also give physical examinations and make recommendations.
18 Untitled Student directories available for fifteen cents.
19 Wallace completes new United States history work book Description of Professor Wallace's new book.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Chemistry bulletin posted by Getchell Professor Getchell posts news about chemistry students.
21 Church services Howland Hanson will preach at CHIC.
22 Column is cut to the bone by "process of elimination"; always too much news and no place to put it Too much news this week.
23 Fuller to explain Iowa county choir music plan At Wisconsin meeting.
24 Kelley leads yells for frosh pepsters Don Kelley elected freshman yell leader.
25 Notice Tryouts scheduled for Lutheran chorus.
26 Untitled Men's Forum will hold meetings and entertainment every two weeks.
27 Women's golf tournament Faculty women holding tournament.
28 Y. W. C. A. members get acquainted this week Will spend weekend at Riverview Park.
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# Article Article Summary
29 Eight eliminated in profs tourney Faculty golf tournament continues through second round.
30 Harrier team to run against Penn, Cornell, and Simpson this fall Schedule for cross country meets is posted.
31 Teachers down Columbia, 6-0 in grid opener; Cooper's punting features close game Tutors win, 6-0, based on Stewart Cooper's punting; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Ancient roofs downed by carpenters this week Roofs over Old Gilchrist Hall doorways torn down.
33 Fraternity pledges help make own laws Chi Pi Theta will elect pledge officers.
34 Garages for college busses are completed Build temporary for two new college buses.
35 Men students open golf tourney play Twenty men compete in college golf tournament.
36 The Line
Wood--Stanley G. (Class of 1931; Theater Faculty)
Campus gossip.
37 Thirty-eight frosh survive; only one more cut possible More freshmen cut from team; those remaining are listed.
38 Traer defeats Little Tutors Teachers College High falls to Traer, 9-0.
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# Article Article Summary
39 It is "silent week" for sororities but societies go "rushing" on Campus social calendar.
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# Article Article Summary
40 Forty women enter intramural competition Women meet to plan the season's intramural activities.
41 Three hundred sixty-eight people chosen by six glee clubs List of glee club members.
42 Untitled Several Phi Sigma Phi alumnae back for weekend.