Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Baby under arm, and popcorn at hand, Haddox can't play checkers Professor Haddox has a hard time playing checkers with Dad Aldrich.
2 Boy Scouts from five districts are expected here next week; will observe annual Scout Day, stage parade, and attend Penn game Schedule of activities for about one thousand Boy Scouts.
3 Condemned to death, snake refuses food and broods in cell Professor Abbott keeps a milk snake.
4 Dean promises men shortened schedule of freshman lectures Will schedule three lectures during first week of school and then one per week until mid-term.
5 Five artists will give "Evening of Opera" Monday; program consists entirely of excerpts of opera given by metropolitan stars Marie Tiffany, Louise Bernhardt, Giuseppe Martino-Rossio, Enzo Aits, and Sanford Schlussel will be on campus.
6 Fullerton goes to Maine To speak to state teachers association there.
7 Interfrat council elects Armstrong as president; Charles and O'Neill will act with Reed as faculty sponsors List of Interfraternity Council representatives.
8 Lantz addresses conference of Iowa science teachers Will speak on high school science teaching.
9 Maybe Jonah told us a big fish story; if so, why so? Howland Hanson will speak on the Jonah story at CHIC.
10 Seven students earn semi-final oratory honors; cash prizes will be given to three who win in final contest Contest provides opportunity for students to develop oratorical skills.
11 Six women survive summer heat and earn highest grades List of students who made highest grades in summer term of 1930.
12 Students and profs talk campaign issues Wed. At Social Science Club meeting.
13 Su Chu Hsia comes from China to learn to teach the little folks Profile of Eugenia Hsia.
14 Three new courses will be offered here next year; men students will lean to rejuvenate collegiate flivvers Will offer courses in automobile mechanics, student advising, and scene construction.
15 Twenty-five thrillers are sold to one of the "big four"; Good Housekeeping and Saturday Evening Post also in list of good sellers Berg's Drugstore pharmacist talks about student reading habits.
16 Vern Remy is elected junior class president List of class officers.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Ebel and Ranney plan for strong defense against forensic foes Preparing for debate against British debaters on subject of military preparedness.
24 Mary Louise Hoyt shoots self with rifle by accident Shoots self while preparing for hunting trip; should recover quickly.
25 Prize winning novels displayed in Room Three Pulitzer and Nobel prize winners in display in Library.
26 The Line
Wood--Stanley G. (Class of 1931; Theater Faculty)
Campus gossip.
27 Women's physical education tea Entertained alumnae at Homecoming.
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# Article Article Summary
28 "P. T. examinations are not so bad," writes student Student talks about physical examinations of college women.
29 Bad weather delays professors at play Men's faculty golf tournament postponed due to inclement weather.
30 Cage leader Lloyd Haberichter will lead Tutors on the court, once his foot injury heals; photo.
31 Faculty golf tournament First round of women's faculty golf tournament ended last week.
32 Grid leader Injured Tutor football captain Charles Tompkins expected to be ready for Penn game October 25; photo.
33 Heavy Kohawks batter Tutors to win, 13-2; Cooper scores safety on blocked punt Tutors drop Homecoming game to Coe, 13-2.
34 Hefty tackle Arthur Gerber recorded as football team's heaviest player at 200 pounds; photo.
35 Initial basketball drill reveals prospects for veteran Tutor five Tutor basketball players reported for first drill of the season.
36 J. B. Lake leads field in decathlon contest; forty-four compete. Teachers College track men continue to compete in campus decathlon.
37 Little Tutors meet Eldora High today T. C. High football team takes on Eldora after loss to Waverly.
38 Ralph Harman enters Iowa City golf meet Ralph Harman represents Teachers College golf program at annual eastern Iowa golf tournament.
39 Women's intramurals Tennis and golf tournaments postponed due to inclement weather.
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# Article Article Summary
40 Back to earth after Homecoming, society begins with initiations Campus social calendar.
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# Article Article Summary
41 Alpha Theta Beta wins first prize in decoration contest; 604 West 22nd wins first for rooming houses Description of Homecoming decoration prize winners.
42 Gladys Evans speaks before debate group At conference in Iowa City.
43 Old Women's Gym is remodeled for production room Room in basement of Auditorium will be fitted for scene design shop.
44 Untitled Albert C. Fuller will address teachers association meeting.
45 Untitled Lelah Trowbridge arranges for extension work at her school.
46 Untitled Several faculty will give addresses at study centers.
47 Untitled List of Commercial Club officers.
48 Untitled Old Gold needs salesmen.
49 Untitled Professor Hart is doing ISTA work this week.
50 Untitled Professor Lambertson talks about trip to Alaska.
51 Untitled Student publications leaders will speak at assembly.