Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Beggar" rivals movie in huge cast and sets; eighty students are included in cast and technical staff of production
Wheat--Mary Agnes Stroud (Class of 1931)
More than eighty students have taken part in this Theta Alpha Phi production, photo.
2 "D" letter scare causes spurt of library work Grades seem to spur students to study in Library.
3 Alumni to gather at Des Moines hotel for reunion dinner About four hundred will attend dinner at ISTA convention.
4 Campus life halts while students pay tribute to war dead Will gather for ceremony.
5 Cotton pickers, colored orchestra, booked for Press Prom music Prom preview.
6 Dads to be greeted as campus guests with full program; Dean Reed receives replies to invitations for second annual Day Hope that five hundred will attend.
7 Debate directors to hold state meet Professor Brindley will lead meeting.
8 Dr. Latham announces raising of educational standards of college; strives to meet all requirements for perfect rating Attempting to meet highest North Central Association standards; hired ten additional critic teachers and bought two buses for transportation of student teachers.
9 Dr. Steiner comes to give address at campus church; Grinnell professor, just returned from Europe, will discuss "Challenge of Faith" Edward Steiner will speak at CHIC.
10 Eye reporters! Will meet.
11 Fall term to end Wednesday noon Classes will be shortened that day.
12 Hall of Fame includes two named by Dr. Seerley President Seerley had supported James Monroe and Mathew Fontaine Maury.
13 King of orators will be selected Monday evening; two women and five men will compete in final contest Sponsored by Department of English; winners will receive cash prizes.
14 One o'clock classes not to meet Wed. Faculty Men's Club and College Club will give dinner; William Cooper will deliver address.
15 Phillips will teach new personality courses Professor Phillips is currently studying child welfare at the University of Iowa.
16 Untitled Professor Riebe will speak to Waterloo Women's Club.
17 Untitled Commencement announcements will be on sale.
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# Article Article Summary
18 Education professors pick on us, our "cuts", and our statistics; compare cuts to crime err three times in safety the fourth-- Education faculty rebukes claims that class absences should be excused.
19 Untitled Women from the physical education department participated in hockey play day in Iowa City.
20 Untitled Alta Wilmarth will visit several study centers.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Harriers rest until Cornell meet Nov. 15 Cross country men have week off as they prepare to take on Cornell.
22 Little Tutors face Cedar Falls High in Armistice Day epic T. C. High football team prepares for Cedar Falls game November 11.
23 Simpson takes important title from Teachers; 6-0 loss eliminates Tutors from conference race Teachers loses to Simpson, 6-0.
24 Teachers leave state for game; meet powerful Michigan team at Kalamazoo Tutor football team prepares to take on Western State Teachers College, photo.
25 Untitled George Mecklenburg's theory football team defeats Burl Berry's, 13-0.
26 Waterball teams play Advanced swimming class divides up to determine class German waterball champions in three game series.
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# Article Article Summary
27 The Line
Wood--Stanley G. (Class of 1931; Theater Faculty)
Campus gossip.
28 Untitled Library features display of mystery and detective stories.
29 Untitled WAA will offer table tennis.
30 Untitled Professor Eells will visit Chickasaw County rural schools.
31 Untitled Training School Happy Hikers will meet.
32 Untitled Kappa Delta Pi will hold formal initiation.
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# Article Article Summary
33 Dances and dinners lead to climax of fall social activity Campus social calendar.
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# Article Article Summary
34 Minnesingers make initial appearance At convention of buttermakers.
35 Mrs. M. Morgan, Y. W. guest, talks to more than 125 people here At series of meetings.
36 Music recital to be presented Thursday Professor Freeman's advanced students will perform.
37 Purple Pen sponsor promises variety of prose and poetry Preview of contents.
38 Sadie B. Campbell back from West Visited relatives in California and Colorado.