Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Charles writes article for Journal of Education On appropriate advice to give students.
2 Classes combine to present Dr. Knock Friday, Feb. 27; classes working under supervision of Hazel Strayer and Charles Holden
Wood--Stanley G. (Class of 1931; Theater Faculty)
Play preview.
3 College movies make tiny dots talk, sing, boom in first show A look at the technology behind the first talking picture presentation at ISTC.
4 Debate Ames and Coe Shown are Teachers College debaters who will take on Iowa State--Roger Ranney and Thorrel Fest--as well as those taking on Coe--John McDowell and Murvle Hanawalt; photo.
5 Drinkwater play will be presented at vespers Sunday Will present "X-O: a Night of the Trojan War".
6 Eight men will present piano recital today Professor Freeman's students will perform
7 Give us more credit or give us more time Time between classes is discussed and pleas made to the students for opinions on the matter.
8 Lawrence and Ebel win first places in speech contests Wayne Lawrence wins oratory contest; Robert Ebel wins extemporaneous contest.
9 Leora Boetger will represent college at New York convention At Columbia Press Association meeting.
10 Nine women receive athletic honors as Shield Club initiates List of those initiated.
11 One hundred seven students will be graduated March 5; Dr. Thomas McCracken will be the speaker for the graduation exercises Description of the upcoming ceremony.
12 Robert B. Wylie of Iowa U. will speak here February 26 Will speak at Biology Club meeting.
13 Students dance tonight at ninth annual Washington Ball; limit attendance at junior dance for first time in history Preview and description of the dance.
14 Supervisor's violin and cello classes give program at assembly
15 Symphony Orchestra to present concert Tuesday evening; program includes masterpieces by Liszt, Weber, and Brahms Performance preview.
16 Tau Sigma Delta will Tutor Tickler first prize again
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# Article Article Summary
17 Alumna is awarded M. A. degree at Iowa Elizabeth Warttman gets degree.
18 Assembly may vote funds for branch school at Red Oak; summer sessions would open June 3, with E. L. Ritter as director Three branch summer schools in summer of 1930; Depression forces retrenchment to just one for summer of 1931.
19 Dean's report proves teachers co-eds are hard-working women Report shows 234 women have jobs
20 Keep faculty members out of jail so we won't have to suppress news; entertainment committee may have to go to jail for debt Discussion on why students should attend new moving picture show at college auditorium.
21 Men lift taboo from outside activities by high scholastic record Report shows that many men maintain high grade point averages despite participation in extracurricular activities.
22 Ontario state school requests book by Cram On silent reading.
23 Untitled Graduates should meet.
24 Untitled Press Club will meet.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Alpha Delta Alpha five meets Nighthawks today Alpha Delta Alpha fraternity and the Night Hawks to meet in the first game of the intramural basketball finals.
26 Cagers drop game to Luther, 27-17; defeat Simpson, 35-30 Although losing to the Luther Norsemen, 27-17, the Tutor basketball team won later in the week against Simpson, 35-30.
27 Chicago succumbs to wrestlers 27-5 Tutor wrestlers defeated the Chicago Maroons, 27-5, giving away only one fall.
28 Coach McCuskey starts eliminations in frosh mat squad for varsity The freshman wrestling squad prepares for the upcoming meet versus the varsity squad.
29 Declam meet held at Tutor high school Results of declamatory meet.
30 Eriksen's grapplers win T. C. High wrestlers won their meet at Grundy Center, 16-8.
31 Golfers will play matches in spring Golf has become the Teachers College's newest intercollegiate sport.
32 Grapplers wrest 29-3 victory from Cornell mat team Tutors defeat Cornell, 29-3, to close out intercollegiate season.
33 Intramural wrestlers vie for championship Intramural wrestling meet to be held to determine this year's champion.
34 Little Tutors meet Cedar Falls quintet at college tonight The T. C. High basketball squad prepares to play the rival Cedar Falls Tigers.
35 Teachers meet Parsons quint tonight; Fairfield tilt concludes games away for season Tutors gear up for last away game of the season against Parsons College at Fairfield.
36 Tracksters start drill to prepare for hard season; Drake, Kansas, and Dakota relays included in card Teachers College track team prepares for a difficult season.
37 Untitled Folk Dance Festival scheduled.
38 Yearlings nose out Grinnell freshmen
Pelton--DeWitt (Student--1930)
Tutor freshman basketball squad defeats Grinnell freshman squad, 26-22.
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# Article Article Summary
39 Fuller plans report on extension work for Michigan conference Will speak to association meeting.
40 Student Council works out aims of social program of college
41 The Line
Wood--Stanley G. (Class of 1931; Theater Faculty)
Campus gossip.
42 Untitled Clara Large died January 23, 1931.
43 Untitled Press Club will meet.
44 Untitled Bartlett Hall women will hold colonial party.
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# Article Article Summary
45 "Don't" is play given by Iowa Club Thursday List of cast members.
46 Soloist Elizabeth Burney Schmidt will perform a solo number with the college orchestra in concert; photo.
47 Untitled Earl Bell is teaching at the University of Nebraska.
48 Washington Ball, long looked for, takes place tonight at gymnasium Campus social calendar.
49 Y. W. C. A. held election of officers Wednesday Mary Schwyhart elected president.
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# Article Article Summary
50 "The King of Jazz" second talkie, will be here Saturday Paul Whiteman will perform.
51 "Victorious Defeat" is Dr. Hanson's theme for Sunday sermon
52 Delphians win finals in intramural tournament Delphians defeat Phi Omega Pi sorority in women's intramural basketball tournament finals, 28-16.
53 Four women receive appointment as new life-saving examiners List of new examiners.
54 German Club presents one-act play "Eigensinn"
55 It's hats and snaps that interest Katey these fine days Discussion of college fashions and shopping.
56 Phillips writes article comparing spelling tests Professor Phillips is now studying at the University of Iowa.
57 Prof. Nellie S. Aurner addresses English Club Spoke on literary associations of London.
58 Science Bulletin is enlarged this month Will charge five cents per copy.
59 Seventy-five attend the "Flying Dutchman" at Cedar Rapids Tues. Professor and Mrs. Richman accompany student group.
60 Untitled Audry Arnold gave recital.