Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Burley elected head of Student Council for coming year Roster of officers.
2 Cecilians sing in Des Moines today Will make six appearances there.
3 Cunningham, Steinberg elected heads of Eye and Old Gold; staff organization is changed by Board of Control Roster of new staff members.
4 Eight nominations for prom queen made by Senior Prom Committee List of nominees.
5 Extended recreational dancing held at gymnasium tonight Recreational dances take the place of more formal dances this term; have been good money makers.
6 First intercollegiate play day is held here tomorrow; women physical training students of three state schools meet Women from University of Iowa and Iowa State University will play games and participate in track events.
7 Huntoon and Smith lead men scholars during winter term List of those who did well on grades last term.
8 Minnesingers Glee Club will give concert Tuesday; male quartet, bass solo, and piano solo will be featured on program Concert program.
9 Nominations for Queen of May started today
10 Sherwood Eddy speaks on war, birth control, and socialism, Apr. 23 Will speak on a variety of topics; speaker profile.
11 Sophomores nominate officers at Crossroads Wednesday List of nominees.
12 Teachers and pupils gather here tomorrow at first drama meet; talks by faculty here feature program; "Redemption" to close conference Several faculty will give presentations to students; will also present play.
13 Thirty-eight students and faculty members on Mother's Day committees; Student Council committee composed of Eileen Hardie, Bob Burley, and Ora Natvig Committee responsibilities set for the celebration.
15 Twenty-five students elected to membership in Kappa Delta Pi List of new members.
16 Untitled String Quartet performed in Nashua.
17 What a president does with leisure moments is revealed President Latham describes what he does during an average work day and what he likes to do for recreation; likes sports and long, solitary walks.
18 Women's locker room is being completely remodeled Will be converted into attractive restroom; YWCA bookstore also being remodeled.
# Article Article Summary
14 Tragedy abounds in Tolstoy's "Redemption" given last night; powerful acting makes play reach height of realism
Wheat--Mary Agnes Stroud (Class of 1931)
Mary Wheat offers opinions on individual performances in the play.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Minnesingers give concert Tuesday Minnesingers; photo.
20 Redemption will be given at a bargain price this weekend; large crowds expected to take advantage of the offer Editor prompts readers to attend Redemption play to support memorial theatre project.
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# Article Article Summary
21 Artistic singing of Cecilian Glee Club delights audience; club is lauded for poise, style, stage presence, and bearing
Waugh--Harvey (Music Faculty)
Harvey Waugh gives favorable review of recent Cecilian performance.
22 Juniors petition for new election of officers Some are unhappy with the methods used in the last election.
23 Parents learn about children from former pre-school head here; Dr. Julia Kirkwood leads classes in parenthood at Kansas City Teachers College Former Professor Kirkwood runs a parent education class at her new job.
24 Prospective teachers interviewed in new conference room New compartments in conference room lend themselves to interviews.
25 Scene-shifting crew works for efficiency in play "Redemption" Crew of twelve shifts scenes quickly.
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# Article Article Summary
26 Baseball team meets Iowa U. Wed.; diamond artists open season with Big Ten opponents Tutor baseball team begins season at home against Iowa.
27 Freshmen tracksters work industriously in preparation for tryouts Freshmen work hard to earn spot on track team.
28 Oklahoma A. and M. wrestlers startle R. I. Tutor wrestlers comment on strange appearances of other competitors at Rhode Island meet.
29 Professors go in for informality and sports Tuesdays, Thursdays Professors play volleyball in friendly rivalry.
30 Thirty-two frosh baseball players survive first cut Coach Whitford announces remainder of freshman squad after first cut.
31 Training School tennis team has hard schedule T. C. High tennis players prepare for upcoming season.
32 Training School track team preparing for Teachers College Relays T. C. High track team gets ready for upcoming home meet.
33 Tutor golf team to meet Iowa U. April 18 Tutor golf team travels to University of Iowa for golf meet.
34 Tutor skipper Wayne Heintz returns to baseball team as this year's captain; photo.
35 Two Tutor wrestlers try for further honors at national mat meet Orville Orr and Maynard Harman enter national A. A. U. wrestling meet.
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