Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "Rhapsody in Blue" is big feature of music jamboree; lighting effects make concert pleasing to eye as well as ear Symphony Orchestra will perform for mothers.
2 Bell will be rung when "Old Golds" are put on sale First person to Old Gold office after the ringing of the bell will win a free yearbook.
3 Dotty Hill reigns as queen at Senior Prom tomorrow eve.; modern theme will be carried out in spring colors at dance tomorrow
4 Faculty quartet sings for Kiwanis Club Monday
5 First annual Gridiron Banquet is planned for Friday, twenty-second; oil can will be presented to one who has been of most service to paper this year Hope to establish new tradition.
6 Four bored wives seek rest haven in spring comedy; clever comedy has lost none of the rich humor in original novel
Wood--Stanley G. (Class of 1931; Theater Faculty)
Preview of "The Enchanted April".
7 Freshmen speakers clash with Simpson at Des Moines May 20 Robert Wick and Burdette Moeller will represent ISTC.
8 Harold Simmers is elected president of Pi Gamma Mu Roster of officers.
9 Importance of social studies emphasized by convention speaker Professor Erbe elected vice president of the group of social scientists.
10 Katherine Seay will study psychology at Columbia next year; Sara Beach of University of Minnesota will succeed her as Y. W. C. A. secretary Altha Curtis will be secretary this summer.
11 May Queen Alice Dowden is May Queen; photo.
12 Mothers are feted by Teachers College students this weekend; three days program of dances, dinners, and music planned Lengthy description of the program.
13 Robert Wick places third in annual Peace oratorical contest Fri.
14 Seniors, attention!!
Boetger--Leora M. (Class of 1931)
Should pay class dues.
15 Spring number of "Purple Pen" will be on sale today Quick survey of contents.
16 Student journalists attend conference at Cedar Rapids Friday; talks by Hal O'Flaherty and G. M. Hyde were features on the program Nine students attended Iowa college press meeting.
17 Twenty-five campus organizations take part in May fete tomorrow; program will take place either on south lawn or in Men's Gymnasium Description of the activities.
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18 Change made in location of Bancroft's Floral Shop Will change location of Main Street store, but greenhouse operation will remain on 12th Street.
19 Eight teams entered in intramural tennis Pairings announced for intramural tennis tournament.
20 Every day should be mother's in thought, if not in celebration; music, dinners, dances, movies, church are for mother Mothers arriving for Mother's Day celebration are welcomed.
21 Mothers will be guests at Berg's on Saturday Will receive treats there.
22 R. H. Barnes, summer school teacher, dies Died May 1, 1931.
23 Untitled Phi Chi Delta honors mothers.
24 Untitled Lambda Delta Lambda pledges going through training.
25 Untitled Kappa Phi held informal initiation.
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26 Baseball team away on three day trip at Michigan schools; to play three foes in three days Tutors prepare to take on Western State Teachers, Michigan State, and Michigan State Normal.
27 Freshmen defeat Mason City, 14 to 3 Freshman baseball squad wins game at Mason City Junior College, 14-3.
28 Mendenhall appoints committee to submit sportsmanship hints L. L. Mendenhall concerned about sportsmanship at ISTC.
29 Training School to be host to north east district meet; district tennis meet to be held in connection T. C. High hosts district track/tennis meet.
30 Tutor golf team goes to Indianola Tutor golf team gets ready for meet with Simpson College.
31 Tutors win places in Dakota Relays Results for Tutor team from the Dakota Relays.
32 Varsity and frosh to tangle with Coe and Cornell Sat.; to engage in triangular meet at Cedar Rapids Three team track meet to be held at Cedar Rapids.
33 Varsity wins dual track meet with freshmen, 97 to 61 Varsity defeats freshman track squad in track meet.
34 Wrestlers demonstrate before Waterloo Legion Tutor wrestling squad shows off some aspects of collegiate wrestling to members of the Legion.
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35 Mother and Dan Cupid rate high in college society this week Campus social calendar.
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36 "Cimarron" will be shown here Saturday College movie.
37 Bel Canto Glee Club will sing at vespers Sunday
38 Extension department broadcasts programs over KFNF this week Hope to raise interest in branch summer school at Red Oak.
39 Lees, state geologist, elected president of Academy of Science James Henry Lees will be president; three ISTC faculty elected to other positions.
40 National convention grants charter to local Phi Mu Alpha; officers receive telegram this week confirming chapter's petition Will initiate twenty students and five faculty.
41 Untitled Pi Beta Alpha met.