Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 County groups get together Monday night; College Band to play from 6:50 until 7:20 o'clock; get acquainted hour will follow musical program Will organize and begin to plan stunts.
2 Eight people sent to Y. W. conference; organizations send eight delegates to student gathering at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, June 19-29 List of those attending; program highlights.
3 Extension Department will hold classes during fall term Will offer just about any class on evenings or Saturday if a minimum of fifteen students sign up.
4 First community sing held Tuesday evening Professor Fullerton led.
5 Irving Wolfe will present sacred campanile concert Will use hand lever console instead of electric keyboard.
6 News Bureau moves office; change groups journalists on second floor of Gilchrist Hall Brings Publicity Department, Old Gold, and College Eye offices close together.
7 Prof. W. A. Young speaks here today Former faculty member will discuss European travel.
8 Profs attend convention; state conference on child development was held at Iowa University Professors Hart, Forest, and Luse attend.
9 Profs picnic Faculty Men's Club goes to Island Park.
10 Six women per every man are registered for summer session 1925 women and 350 men register for summer 1931 term.
11 Students are asked to observe parking limit May park just forty-five minutes in campus drives.
12 Tapager Construction Company gets general heating plant contract with bid of $88,666 Will house power plant, garages, and physical plant facilities; parts to be complete by January 1932; other parts will be ready in fall 1932; designed by E. E. Cole.
13 Two hundred sixty are enrolled in Teachers College Training School Provides opportunity to make up work or finish school early.
14 W. L. Wallace is co-author of workbook in American history Completes workbook with W. W. West.
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# Article Article Summary
15 A correction Gordon Sutherland is an assistant professor at Grinnell.
16 Co-ed prexys report nearly 100% for first meeting; discussion on duties and talk by Dean Campbell feature initial gathering Nearly all rooming house presidents turned out for meeting with Dean Campbell.
17 From a librarian's viewpoint Problems with ID card discussed.
18 Students of natural science make observations of posture defects Highlights posture problems of Cedar Falls area.
19 Untitled Discussion of economics and how it relates to college students.
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# Article Article Summary
20 College Club meets Enjoyed meal, discussion, and singing.
21 College dramatics lead way to cinematic fame Background of actor William Post, starring in a film at the Regent Theatre.
22 Dr. Paul gets degree at Wisconsin University Study there found little difference in effectiveness of 55 vs. 30 minute class length.
23 How do senior college students spend their leisure moments? Three seniors build a sand castle.
24 Improved field will greet eleven in fall Improvements being made to college football field.
25 R. Harman takes 75 in "Trans" golf tourney Ralph Harman shoots 75 in first round of Trans-Mississippi golf tournament, but misses the cut after an 87 in the second.
26 Student directories go on sale Saturday Will cost $.25.
27 Teach success, not failure, urges noted social consultant
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# Article Article Summary
28 Maxwell Anderson's 'Saturday's Children' is of modern trend; author is member of "younger generation" of modern native playwrights Preview of the play.
29 The Line
Wood--Stanley G. (Class of 1931; Theater Faculty)
Campus gossip.
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# Article Article Summary
35 Dana Campbell earns M. A. in composition At Eastman School of Music.
36 Eva May Luse will attend conference at Los Angeles; will be delegate of the Iowa State Teachers College unit of the N. E. A. Several other faculty members are also involved with NEA service.
37 Fest, Cram attend Geneva conference Will act as ISTC representatives to YMCA camp.
38 Three students get bids to Sigma Tau Delta, English frat Roster of new members.
39 Untitled Professor Abbott's mother is very ill.
40 Untitled Professor Clark returned to work after being sick.