Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
11 At the Crossroads Commentary on the Crossroads as the hub of student activity and how to improve it.
12 Board of Education meets here Tuesday Roster of new members.
13 G. W. Samson will have new studio; will be ready by fall term New organ studio being set up in Administration Building.
14 Grace Tear writes for educational periodical On freshman clubs.
15 Poles lost, Teachers athlete still vaults strongly at Lincoln Gerald Baxter pole vaults 12 feet, 6 inches at the National A. A. U. track meet.
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# Article Article Summary
16 English Department to picnic At golf course.
17 Fifteen more women students make honor roll for spring term List of those omitted from earlier roster.
18 Former students at Iowa Teachers dine at Memorial Union; Leonard A. Steger and Ray R. Pryor are committee in charge of dinner Students get together at University of Iowa.
19 Group eleven breakfasts tomorrow
20 Irma Kauffman injured Hit by companion's golf club.
21 Netmen swing into first matches of tennis tournament College tennis tournament begins.
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# Article Article Summary
22 "There's no formula for getting good marks," say two who make them Olive Keeler and Clay Seaton describe their methods for obtaining good grades.
23 Delta Phi Deltas spend week at Twin Lakes
24 Kappa Delta Pi selects Will consider candidates for membership.
25 Nuptials of two former students are announced Marjorie Ruth married Ivan Leverton; Roberta Truesdell married Galston Gager.
26 Ruth Latta presents song recital Monday; Ingrid Madsen assists Performance program.
27 Three students win awards in contest of Chicago music schools Esther Bley, Lois Rousch, and Everett Schwank honored.
28 Untitled Margaret Heiland is engaged to be married to Claud Jacobson.
29 Y. W. C. A. cabinet completes plans for summer term; leadership training meetings, hobby days, house parties are on schedule Will include house party, hikes, and lectures.