Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Bob Schneider will play at college dance tonight
2 Campus welcomes old grads; three thousand graduates expected for Homecoming parties and football game Preview of the Homecoming game.
3 D. S. Wright buried Sunday; David Sands Wright taught first class at opening of college in 1876 Professor Wright died October 30, 1931; lengthy obituary.
4 Local boys will debate Oxford; Huntoon and Fest, Teachers debaters, have lost one of fifteen contests Profiles of the ISTC debaters.
5 Orchestra to play Tuesday; college orchestra members now number eighty-one; plan difficult program Orchestra has worked hard to prepare a difficulty program.
6 Outstanding English cellist to play here Felix Salmond will perform.
7 Panthers battle Hilltoppers; backs work smoothly in long drills Panthers will face Western State Teachers College of Kalamazoo, Michigan as a part of Homecoming 1931 festivities.
8 Pep meeting tonight features vaudeville Rally will include three acts.
9 School will dismiss early on Armistice Day for assembly Stuart S. Ball will speak; description of ceremonies.
10 Souvenir Homecoming programs go on sale at pep meeting tonight Description of the program contents.
11 Throng is expected at Homecoming hop
12 Wisdom Tooth cast includes students from high school List of cast members for "The Wisdom Tooth".
13 Y. W. C. A. gains nearly four hundred members in two week campaign Also raise $451.
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14 Girl hurt in swing fall may return next term Velda Rinehart's arm and shoulder are mending.
15 Parent education course added to winter schedule New course required for kindergarten and primary students.
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# Article Article Summary
16 Instructor attends brother's funeral Anna Doffing has been in Texas for funeral.
17 Katherine Macon places in state radio audition Won third place in state finals.
18 New York woman will give demonstration of Noyes-Rhythm Monday Valecia Ladd will show method of adding grace to daily activities.
19 Physical Science group here will initiate five candidates November 18 List of new Lambda Delta Lambda members.
20 Teachers High presents two plays tonight in high school auditorium Will present "Flitter Mouse" and "The Dumb Cake".
21 Waterloo boy run down by Cedar Falls student released from hospital Boy recovering at home.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Boy friends dance at dorm tonight Women of Bartlett Hall will host dance for friends.
24 Junior assistants entertain at tea
25 Kappa Theta Psi sorority will have dance tonight
26 Organizations honor alumni this week; many dinners are planned for guests Campus social calendar.
27 Untitled Westminster will hold open house for alumni.
28 Untitled John McClelland pledges Chi Pi Theta.
29 Untitled Pi Tau Phi pledges entertain actives.
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# Article Article Summary
32 Cage squad drills
33 Iowa Conference dope Schedule and results for Iowa Conference football are posted.
34 Keith Kittrell leads as decathlon tourney progresses toward end
35 Letter winners sit in special section in stands tomorrow Alumni who received athletic honors while in attendance at ISTC will be honored at Homecoming game.
36 New style monogram to make debut today in place of old one Major letters are eight inch block letters of purple chenille; minor letters include the letters "w" (wrestling) or "t" (tennis) superimposed.
37 Panther Tales Comments on offices in Men's Gymnasium, freshmen cheerleaders, coaching courses, and drum major.
38 Panthers close season against strong outfits ISTC competes against Michigan State Normal and Coe College in the weeks following Homecoming.
39 Rummel comes in strong to win for Teachers harriers Panthers defeated Simpson, 28-27.
40 Simpson definitely eliminates football team from race; Richards leads Methodists in second period comeback to win Panthers defeated by Simpson College, 12-9.
41 Six victories registered on old grad days; only two Homecoming tilts lost in eleven years History of last eleven Homecoming football games.
42 Yearlings tangle with Gypsum City juniors tomorrow Freshmen will face Fort Dodge Junior College.
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# Article Article Summary
43 Co-eds make flying trip from Iowa City Jessie Parrott and Miriam Marston get plane ride home.
44 Fifty profs go to convention; distinguished educators will attend; twenty local teachers to speak Quick description of topics to be covered.
45 Professors hear Dr. Brown Spoke to AAUP on effectiveness of large classes.