Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Bob Cunningham and Freda Steinberg attend national press meet Will attend meeting in Lexington, Kentucky.
2 Bob Schneider will play at college dance tonight
3 Cast repeats Wisdom Tooth this evening Review of the play.
4 Dr. Hanson plans service Sunday on timely topics Will emphasize Thanksgiving, graduation, and home.
5 Dr. Nelson to meet with intelligence test makers at Madison next week
6 Faculty Men's Club hears Dr. Bachman, Tennessee educator Frank Bachman spoke on teacher education.
7 Fall term closes at noon Wednesday; classes cut short Will break for Thanksgiving.
8 Free tickets await ten who know their movies
9 Kappa Delta Pi accepts eighteen students as initiation candidates List of candidates.
10 Lambda Delta Lambda adds five members List of new members.
11 Lambertson sets date for extemporaneous debate at December 14 Will determine contestants for state tournament.
12 Moeller, Stapley, and Kelley win oratorical declamatory contest Best of eight finalists; topics of speeches.
13 Monday banquet will open Commencement festivities for fifty-two graduates Description of the program.
14 Mrs. C. W. Walters, wife of education professor here, dies after stroke Florence Griffith Walters died November 19, 1931.
15 Oxford does not encourage women according to English debate team; Oxford students employ private Tutors who advance them according to ability
Stroebel--Alberta L. (Class of 1935)
Oxford debaters talk about the higher education system in England.
16 Panthers close season in game at Coe tonight Four Panthers will play their last game tonight.
17 Phi Tau Theta will meet here; local chapter will be host to national conclave over vacation period Description of the program.
18 Salmond recital is well received; cellist plays varied program; demonstrates infinite artistic skill
Campbell--Dana M. (Class of 1930)
Review of Felix Salmond's cello performance on campus.
19 Six from here get state office; other local teachers selected for office will be named later, says Mr. Fuller Roster of those who will hold ISTA posts.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Co-ed finds place to eat Turkey Day Should go to Tip-Top Tavern.
21 Criticism Claims that journalists for the College Eye reserve the right to print their opinions about performances, even if they are negative.
22 Grier wins decathlon by scoring 82 points Final results are announced from decathlon competition.
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# Article Article Summary
23 Phi Chi Delta observe national founders day List of pledges.
24 Social interests flourish despite exam week; dances are planned Meetings and activities planned; campus social calendar.
25 Successful box social leads to kid party plans Boxes filled with food auctioned.
26 Untitled Ellen Richards Club holds luncheon.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Delegates to Kentucky convention Robert Cunningham and Freda Steinberg are pictured individually; photo.
28 Dr. Latham is principal speaker at dedication of new Waterloo school Will speak at dedication of Lowell School.
29 Hurons subdue Panthers with strong attack; State Teachers lose fourth straight after hard bus trip ISTC lost to Michigan State Normal, 32-0.
30 McCuskey will direct grapplers in initial practice Monday night Intramural wrestling tournament will begin; varsity intercollegiate practices will begin.
31 Schneider selects 1927-1931 all-star football eleven