Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 "What Every Woman Knows" to be presented; comedy presented as annual med-winter event, January 14 and 15, portrays truth in inimitable Barrie manner Play preview; cast list.
2 All-college dance to be tonight in Women's Gym
3 Bartlett Hall is newly equipped with modern branch phone exchange New system should mean shorter waits for someone to be summoned to the phone.
4 Cedar Rapids pastor will give two addresses here The Reverend Blaine Hyten will address CHIC.
5 Co-eds unite in organization; Ruth Latta heads committee appointed to devise constitution All women students will be part of new group.
6 Employed college men acquire labor habit; outrank jobless students Results of survey of employment among ISTC men.
7 Former students here injured in motor crash Gwen Kern and Alvin Doerring recovering from injuries.
8 G. C. Robinson to receive Ph. D. degree at Harvard Dissertation topic was "Veto Power of the President".
9 Lecture course will bring London String Quartet here Jan. 21 Profile of the quartet.
10 Local quintet plays tonight at Carleton; strong opposing team holds conference title for past three seasons; Panthers meet Hamline tomorrow ISTC will travel to Northfield and St. Paul in Minnesota this weekend.
11 Local speakers will meet S. U. I. team For extemporaneous speaking contest.
12 Non-fraternity men attain higher scholastic average than "Greeks" GPA for non-fraternity men is 2.09; for fraternity men it is 1.98.
13 Press Prom to be next Friday; Old Gold exhibit and campus beauties will be special features Will feature the five Old Gold Beauties; photo.
14 Remodeling process in President's offices is soon to be completed Suite will include reception room and meeting room; Benjamin Boardman moves into addition to Old Administration Building..
15 Student Council will investigate cut system
16 Student sues City of Cedar Falls for $10,000 Velda Rinehart was injured when a swing in a city park broke.
17 Summer school to be at Creston; branch session will begin on June 1; Dr. Ritter will act as director
18 Tickler tryouts will occur January 18-20 Eighteen organizations indicate that they will try out.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Again the cut system Explores cut systems in other colleges.
20 Dr. N. O. Halvorson speaks in meeting at Madison, Wisconsin Speaks on Aelfric's work.
21 Ex-broadcaster now plays for dancers in Bartlett Hall West Profile of Evelyn Krueger.
22 Financial secretary changes quarters Will feature vault for safe storage of records.
23 Lambertson attends convention of speech association at Detroit
24 Science meet attracts local teachers; Dr. C. W. Lantz is state delegate Professors Lantz, Wester, and Watson attend AAAS meeting.
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# Article Article Summary
25 Chi Pi Theta house party is tonight
26 Lydia Stockdale and Russell Platz are married here on New Year's Eve
27 Numerous social events planned; Press Prom to take place January 15 Campus social calendar.
28 Phi Sigma Epsilon sends delegates to convention Alvin Stieger and Wayne Johnson will attend.
29 Untitled News from the Westminster group.
30 Untitled Coffee served in Bartlett Hall.
31 Untitled Eulalians meet.
32 Untitled Ellen Richards Club meets and hears about the "ideal girl".
33 Untitled Anne Thygesen will entertain.
34 Untitled Bartlett Hall West will be guest of Bartlett Hall East.
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# Article Article Summary
35 Fritzel cuts frosh squad to twenty in next to last slash; final reduction will leave fifteen men to fight for positions Men who made the second cut for the freshman team are listed.
36 Intensive program outlined for intramural competition in sports events this year Regulations for participation in each intramural sport are announced.
37 Matmen begin season with meet at Ames; Panthers will face strong octet tomorrow in first match ISTC will open season against Iowa State University.
38 Panther Tales Comments on Coach Bender's tumbling class, letter winner presentations; encourages lettermen to register with Coach Bender.
39 Recent W. A. A. awards include new honorary "I" emblem for women List of women receiving letters at sports banquet.
40 Teams begin drill for women's intramurals Basketball and volleyball practices have begun.