Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 Actors divulge "What Every Woman Knows"; Dorothy Hartleip and Howard Roberts achieve convincing portrayals of prominent figures in Barrie comedy
Ferris--Bertha E. (Classes of 1929 and 1932)
Review of the play; photo.
2 Alumnus magazine is published this week; 10,000 copies are sent Brief survey of contents.
3 Campus groups prepare skits; Tutor Ticklers will feature pedagogical parody as revue theme This year's theme is a burlesque on pedagogy; twenty groups will try out.
4 Committee action halts preparation for women's group Student Welfare Committee believes constitution needs work.
5 Committee to name eminent campus figures; annual staff announces forty nominees for "Well Known Tutors"; student-faculty group will select winners Will select "Twenty Well-Known Tutors".
6 Debate coach W. A. Brindley announces forensic schedule
7 Dr. Hanson to speak on "When Living is Right" AT CHIC service.
8 Dr. O. R. Latham attends N. C. A. committee meet On child health and protection.
9 Interfraternity hop is set for February sixth; Gogerty's band to play
10 Local delegates attend National Student Federation meet in Ohio; college representatives at convention approve honor system Delegates report to Student Council.
11 Miss Uttley continues graduate study abroad Will work in Puerto Rico while she studies for her doctoral degree.
12 New Old Gold contest will begin next week; prizes to be awarded Will begin sales contest.
13 Offices of Placement Bureau are subjected to renovating process Suite will include three rooms.
14 Organizations assist in plans for Press Prom; fraternities and sororities participate in decorating organization booths for Press Prom this evening Description of the dance.
15 Remodeling is finished in President's office Suite will expand former two room arrangement to four rooms.
16 S. A. Lynch will address English Club at dinner Will speak on NCTE convention.
17 State meet of W. A. A. is here; delegates from Iowa schools congregate for two-day conference Schedule for the convention.
18 String quartet will play here; renowned organization comes to Teachers College next Thursday London String Quartet will perform.
19 Waterloo mathematics teacher to speak here Mae Howell will speak.
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# Article Article Summary
20 Dr. Lambertson visits school for oral deaf; outlines pedagogy used; school instituted eight years ago; now has enrollment of fifty-three In Dayton, Ohio.
21 Freshman debate topic deals with industry; to be used in tournament Will debate centralized control of industry.
22 Iowa City magazine publishes historical tales by D. S. Wright The Palimpsest will feature four articles on institutional history written by Professor Wright.
23 Marilyn Miller here as star of mirthful "Her Majesty, Love"
24 Music students here present recital series
25 Reporter for College Eye, once high school editor, reverts to type Profile of College Eye staff writer Don Finlayson; photo.
26 The Line Campus gossip.
27 They will play here Thursday Features the London String Quartet; photo.
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# Article Article Summary
28 Epsilon Phi Epsilon is new social sorority List of pledges.
29 Kappa Phi pledges will be initiated next week List of pledges.
30 Lutheran students will attend national convention Rena Schoenbohm and Cordelia Schuchmann will be delegates.
31 Phi Omega Pi will have dinner dance
32 Press Prom heads list of social activities for this weekend Campus social calendar.
33 Untitled Dora Seger engaged to Leo Martin.
34 Untitled List of Tau Sigma Delta pledges.
35 Untitled Schedule for Greek dances.
36 Untitled
37 Untitled Maggie Stintson will speak on education for African-Americans in the South.
38 Untitled Professor Ritter will speak to Christian Endeavor group.
39 Untitled Sarah Beach talks about Chinese customs.
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# Article Article Summary
40 Five games carded for frosh cagers; opener on Jan. 30 Schedule for 1931-1932 freshman basketball season.
41 Intramural notices Dates for free throw tournament and game of 21 are posted.
42 Matmen invade Illinois; mentor takes nine wrestlers on two meets Panthers will face Northwestern University and University of Chicago.
43 Norsemen ask that game be postponed Luther basketball game may be postponed due to their semester examinations schedule.
44 Panther Tales Talks briefly about wrestling, Teachers College High School basketball, intramurals, and a possible ice skating rink west of Bartlett Hall.
45 Schneidermen meet Cedar Falls Tigers in first of series Teachers College High School has won eight consecutive victories.
46 Teachers win initial loop contest; Panthers beat Columbia five in circuit go ISTC defeated Columbia, 32-24, in Dubuque.
47 Team managers meet to talk over school tourney regulations Intramural managers will need to meet with Coach Bender to schedule practice sessions.