Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 College heating and power plant will be completed within month; smoke stack, tunnel, steel construction are now completed Only a few remaining pieces of work remain to be done.
2 Court Hussey plays for college dance tonight
3 Current production of Tutor Ticklers goes into rehearsal; will be presented February 4-5 Preview of the acts now trying out.
4 Education Department begins program series Wednesday afternoon Schedule of programs.
5 Eminent divine will speak here; Syracuse pastor is scheduled for four appearances at State Teachers Waldemar W. Argow will speak.
6 Faculty men hear talks on science convention Professors Wester and Lantz speak.
7 Faculty pianist to play in South; Squires will be soloist with Minneapolis symphony in New Orleans
8 Former student here plays in college movie for tomorrow night Henry Iblings performs in "Way Back Home".
9 Frosh debate teams to meet Mason City speakers tomorrow Roster of participants.
10 I. H. Hart talks at station WOI; extension head here discusses problem of teacher certification Believes certification standards should be raised.
11 Kappa Delta Pi chapter here initiates fifteen students at banquet List of initiates.
12 Lambertson launches campaign for speech Will speak to Dunkerton PTA.
13 Large crowd attends second annual Press Prom Friday evening About 350 attend.
14 Music majors present initial performance in current recital series List of performers.
15 Nineteen gridders get award at halftime at Luther basketball game Letter winners received sweaters at basketball game; student athletes are listed.
16 Professor Skar will address meeting on financial analysis At AAUW meeting.
17 Teachers-Luther game will be here next Wednesday Luther College game was postponed.
18 Twenty "Well Known Tutors" are announced; six co-eds share honors with fourteen men; are to be special feature of section in 1932 issue of yearbook List of those selected.
19 Varsity debaters will enter three-way meet Will compete against Gustavus Adolphus and Luther Colleges.
20 Versatile co-ed turns rural bus driver to earn college expenses; Bessie Hamil delivers young passengers to Training School Daily A look at Bessie Hamil's job.
21 W. A. A. delegates from seven colleges attend state conference here Dean Campbell and Professor Wild speak on state of physical education for women in Iowa.
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# Article Article Summary
22 College entertainment Claims that few students attend lecture and entertainment opportunities on campus, to their own detriment.
23 How much are you worth?
Draheim--Melvene Margaret (Class of 1934)
A look at what it costs to go to class.
24 Reticent freshmen are quizzed on frosh tests; admit varied viewpoints Freshmen talk about the freshmen tests.
25 The Line Campus gossip.
26 Why profit? Believes that dance committees should be able to keep any profits in order to put them towards upcoming dances.
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# Article Article Summary
27 Phi Sigma Epsilon will initiate pledges List of pledges.
28 Two fraternities will entertain at dancing parties tomorrow evening Campus social calendar.
29 Westminster dinner is planned for tonight Several faculty will participate.
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# Article Article Summary
30 Fritzel schedules game with Cornell yearlings in lieu of Coe contest Freshmen will face Cornell on February 12.
31 Mat activities are slight until match with Wisconsin U Next meet for wrestlers will be on February 19.
32 McGreevey captures first in intramural free throw tourney Results are announced from free throw tournament; game of 21 has begun.
33 Panther Tales Comments on Kenneth Kimberlin's injuries, intramural bulletin board, men's basketball, Keith Stapley, and Maynard Harman.
34 Panthers beat Methodists in conference go; Harger and Lambert lead mates for scoring honors ISTC defeated Simpson College, 43-24; individual scoring posted.
35 Schneidermen tackle Eldora; T. C. H. S. wins first game of annual city series Teachers College High School defeated Cedar Falls, 27-23.
36 Women begin practices for intramural teams Twelve basketball teams and five volleyball teams begin practices.
37 Wrestlers win matches from Big Ten teams; matmen defeat Northwestern 21-11, and Chicago also, 29-3 Results are announced from competition with Northwestern and Chicago Universities.